【文章标题】: MP3 WMA Cutter.2.0破解分析
【文章作者】: xss517
【作者邮箱】: xss5172002@yahoo.com.cn
【作者QQ号】: 251496329
【软件名称】: MP3 WMA Cutter.2.0
【下载地址】: 自己搜索下载
【保护方式】: 无壳
【编写语言】: Borland Delphi 6.0 - 7.0
【作者声明】: 只是感兴趣,没有其他目的。失误之处敬请诸位大侠赐教!
查壳发现是Borland Delphi 6.0 - 7.0
DEDE 3.5分析,找到过程里面发现有reg单元模块名
004AE234 55 push ebp
004AE235 8BEC mov ebp , esp
004AE237 33C9 xor ecx , ecx
004AE239 51 push ecx
004AE23A 51 push ecx
004AE23B 51 push ecx
004AE23C 51 push ecx
004AE23D 51 push ecx
004AE23E 51 push ecx
004AE23F 51 push ecx
004AE240 53 push ebx
004AE241 56 push esi
004AE242 57 push edi
004AE243 8945FC mov [ebp -$04], eax
004AE246 33C0 xor eax , eax
004AE248 55 push ebp
* Possible String Reference to: '?W?胨_^[嬪]?
004AE249 685DE44A00 push $004AE45D
***** TRY
004AE24E 64FF30 push dword ptr fs :[eax ]
004AE251 648920 mov fs :[eax ], esp
004AE254 B301 mov bl , $01
004AE256 FF0538EE4C00 inc dword ptr [$004CEE38]
004AE25C 833D38EE4C0003 cmp dword ptr [$004CEE38], +$03 连续输入3次错误的注册码后会出错
004AE263 7E1D jle 004AE282
004AE265 6A00 push $00
004AE267 668B0D6CE44A00 mov cx , word ptr [$004AE46C]
004AE26E B202 mov dl , $02
* Possible String Reference to: 'Invalid register code! Please retry
| !'
004AE270 B878E44A00 mov eax , $004AE478
004AE275 E8727DF8FF call 00435FEC
004AE27A 8B45FC mov eax , [ebp -$04]
* Reference to: Forms.TCustomForm.Close(TCustomForm);
004AE27D E8F26EFDFF call 00485174
004AE282 8D55F0 lea edx , [ebp -$10]
004AE285 8B45FC mov eax , [ebp -$04]
* Reference to control Tfm_register.edt_name : TEdit
004AE288 8B8010030000 mov eax , [eax +$0310]
* Reference to: Controls.TControl.GetText(TControl):TCaption; 内部字符串的操作
004AE28E E811A7FBFF call 004689A4
004AE293 8B45F0 mov eax , [ebp -$10]
004AE296 8D55F8 lea edx , [ebp -$08]
* Reference to: SysUtils.TrimLeft(AnsiString):AnsiString;overload;
004AE299 E856A6F5FF call 004088F4
004AE29E 8D55EC lea edx , [ebp -$14]
004AE2A1 8B45F8 mov eax , [ebp -$08]
* Reference to: SysUtils.TrimRight(AnsiString):AnsiString;overload;
004AE2A4 E87FA6F5FF call 00408928
004AE2A9 8B55EC mov edx , [ebp -$14]
004AE2AC 8D45F8 lea eax , [ebp -$08]
* Reference to: System.@LStrLAsg(void;void;void;void);
004AE2AF E82C60F5FF call 004042E0
004AE2B4 BF15000000 mov edi , $00000015 内建注册名是十四位,形如 前面七位-后面六位
004AE2B9 BED8CB4C00 mov esi , $004CCBD8 这个软件是让你注册只能用固定的注册名,
004AE2BE 8B45F8 mov eax , [ebp -$08]
004AE2C1 8B16 mov edx , [esi ]
* Reference to: System.@LStrCmp;
004AE2C3 E88C63F5FF call 00404654
004AE2C8 7504 jnz 004AE2CE
004AE2CA 33DB xor ebx , ebx
004AE2CC EB06 jmp 004AE2D4
004AE2CE 83C604 add esi , +$04
004AE2D1 4F dec edi
004AE2D2 75EA jnz 004AE2BE
004AE2D4 84DB test bl , bl
004AE2D6 741A jz 004AE2F2 这里我jmp 掉,可以任意注册名注册
004AE2D8 6A00 push $00
004AE2DA 668B0D6CE44A00 mov cx , word ptr [$004AE46C]
004AE2E1 B202 mov dl , $02
* Possible String Reference to: 'Invalid register code! Please retry
| !'
004AE2E3 B878E44A00 mov eax , $004AE478
004AE2E8 E8FF7CF8FF call 00435FEC
004AE2ED E930010000 jmp 004AE422
004AE2F2 8D55E8 lea edx , [ebp -$18]
004AE2F5 8B45FC mov eax , [ebp -$04]
* Reference to control Tfm_register.edt_code : TEdit
004AE2F8 8B8014030000 mov eax , [eax +$0314]
* Reference to: Controls.TControl.GetText(TControl):TCaption;
004AE2FE E8A1A6FBFF call 004689A4
004AE303 8B45E8 mov eax , [ebp -$18]
004AE306 8D55F4 lea edx , [ebp -$0C]
* Reference to: SysUtils.TrimLeft(AnsiString):AnsiString;overload;
004AE309 E8E6A5F5FF call 004088F4
004AE30E 8D55E4 lea edx , [ebp -$1C]
004AE311 8B45F4 mov eax , [ebp -$0C]
* Reference to: SysUtils.TrimRight(AnsiString):AnsiString;overload;
004AE314 E80FA6F5FF call 00408928
004AE319 8B55E4 mov edx , [ebp -$1C]
004AE31C 8D45F4 lea eax , [ebp -$0C]
* Reference to: System.@LStrLAsg(void;void;void;void);
004AE31F E8BC5FF5FF call 004042E0
004AE324 837DF800 cmp dword ptr [ebp -$08], +$00 检查用户名为空否
004AE328 0F84F4000000 jz 004AE422
004AE32E 837DF400 cmp dword ptr [ebp -$0C], +$00 检查注册码是否为空
004AE332 0F84EA000000 jz 004AE422
004AE338 8B45F4 mov eax , [ebp -$0C]
* Reference to: System.@LStrLen(String):Integer;
004AE33B E8C861F5FF call 00404508
004AE340 85C0 test eax , eax
004AE342 7E35 jle 004AE379 小于或等于转移
004AE344 BA01000000 mov edx , $00000001
004AE349 8B4DF4 mov ecx , [ebp -$0C]
004AE34C 0FB64C11FF movzx ecx , byte ptr [ecx +edx -$01]
004AE351 83F930 cmp ecx , +$30 检查注册码是否为数字,0-9之间,不是就完蛋
004AE354 7C05 jl 004AE35B
004AE356 83F939 cmp ecx , +$39
004AE359 7E1A jle 004AE375
004AE35B 6A00 push $00
004AE35D 668B0D6CE44A00 mov cx , word ptr [$004AE46C]
004AE364 B202 mov dl , $02
* Possible String Reference to: 'Invalid register code! Please retry
| !'
004AE366 B878E44A00 mov eax , $004AE478
004AE36B E87C7CF8FF call 00435FEC
004AE370 E9AD000000 jmp 004AE422
004AE375 42 inc edx
004AE376 48 dec eax
004AE377 75D0 jnz 004AE349
004AE379 33DB xor ebx , ebx
004AE37B 8B45F8 mov eax , [ebp -$08]
* Reference to: System.@LStrLen(String):Integer;
004AE37E E88561F5FF call 00404508
004AE383 85C0 test eax , eax
004AE385 7E13 jle 004AE39A
004AE387 BF01000000 mov edi , $00000001
004AE38C 8B55F8 mov edx , [ebp -$08] 用户名asc值逐个累加,结果放到ebx 里面
004AE38F 0FB6543AFF movzx edx , byte ptr [edx +edi -$01]
004AE394 03DA add ebx , edx
004AE396 47 inc edi
004AE397 48 dec eax
004AE398 75F2 jnz 004AE38C
004AE39A 69C326C11B00 imul eax , ebx , $001BC126 eax =eax +ebx *1BC126
004AE3A0 0553220000 add eax , +$00002253 eax =eax +2253
004AE3A5 D1F8 sar eax , 1 eax =eax /2
004AE3A7 7903 jns 004AE3AC 符号位为 "0" 时转移
004AE3A9 83D000 adc eax , +$00 ADC 带进位加法.
004AE3AC 8BD8 mov ebx , eax 结果放到ebx 里面
004AE3AE 8B45F4 mov eax , [ebp -$0C]
* Reference to: SysUtils.StrToInt(AnsiString):Integer; StrToInt该函数用于将“字符型”转换成“整数型”。
004AE3B1 E8FAA8F5FF call 00408CB0
004AE3B6 3BD8 cmp ebx , eax 比较相同否,决定注册关键
004AE3B8 7553 jnz 004AE40D
004AE3BA 6A00 push $00
004AE3BC 668B0D6CE44A00 mov cx , word ptr [$004AE46C]
004AE3C3 B202 mov dl , $02
* Possible String Reference to: 'Congratuation! You have successfull
| y registered!'
004AE3C5 B8A8E44A00 mov eax , $004AE4A8
004AE3CA E81D7CF8FF call 00435FEC
004AE3CF A148D24C00 mov eax , dword ptr [$004CD248]
004AE3D4 C60001 mov byte ptr [eax ], $01
004AE3D7 A15CD34C00 mov eax , dword ptr [$004CD35C]
004AE3DC 8B00 mov eax , [eax ]
004AE3DE 33C9 xor ecx , ecx
004AE3E0 BA04000000 mov edx , $00000004
004AE3E5 8B18 mov ebx , [eax ]
004AE3E7 FF5314 call dword ptr [ebx +$14]
004AE3EA 8B1548D24C00 mov edx , [$004CD248]
004AE3F0 A15CD34C00 mov eax , dword ptr [$004CD35C]
004AE3F5 8B00 mov eax , [eax ]
004AE3F7 B901000000 mov ecx , $00000001
* Reference to: Classes.TStream.WriteBuffer(TStream;void;void;Longint);
004AE3FC E86B0AF7FF call 0041EE6C
004AE401 A134EE4C00 mov eax , dword ptr [$004CEE34]
* Reference to: Forms.TCustomForm.Close(TCustomForm);
004AE406 E8696DFDFF call 00485174
004AE40B EB15 jmp 004AE422
004AE40D 6A00 push $00
004AE40F 668B0D6CE44A00 mov cx , word ptr [$004AE46C]
004AE416 B202 mov dl , $02
* Possible String Reference to: 'Invalid register code! Please retry
| !'
004AE418 B878E44A00 mov eax , $004AE478
004AE41D E8CA7BF8FF call 00435FEC
004AE422 33C0 xor eax , eax
004AE424 5A pop edx
004AE425 59 pop ecx
004AE426 59 pop ecx
004AE427 648910 mov fs :[eax ], edx
****** FINALLY
* Possible String Reference to: '_^[嬪]?
004AE42A 6864E44A00 push $004AE464
004AE42F 8D45E4 lea eax , [ebp -$1C]
* Reference to: System.@LStrClr(void;void);
004AE432 E8115EF5FF call 00404248
004AE437 8D45E8 lea eax , [ebp -$18]
* Reference to: System.@LStrClr(void;void);
004AE43A E8095EF5FF call 00404248
004AE43F 8D45EC lea eax , [ebp -$14]
* Reference to: System.@LStrClr(void;void);
004AE442 E8015EF5FF call 00404248
004AE447 8D45F0 lea eax , [ebp -$10]
* Reference to: System.@LStrClr(void;void);
004AE44A E8F95DF5FF call 00404248
004AE44F 8D45F4 lea eax , [ebp -$0C]
004AE452 BA02000000 mov edx , $00000002
* Reference to: System.@LStrArrayClr(void;void;Integer);
004AE457 E8105EF5FF call 0040426C
004AE45C C3 ret
* Reference to: System.@HandleFinally;
004AE45D E92A57F5FF jmp 00403B8C
004AE462 EBCB jmp 004AE42F
****** END
004AE464 5F pop edi
004AE465 5E pop esi
004AE466 5B pop ebx
004AE467 8BE5 mov esp , ebp
004AE469 5D pop ebp
004AE46A C3 ret
结论:先对 004AE2D6 jz 004AE2F2 该为jmp ,使得任意注册名可以注册
Option Explicit
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim id As String
Dim i, ebx , eax As Long
ebx = 0
eax = 0
i = 1
id = Text1.Text
For i = 1 To Len(id)
ebx = ebx + Asc(Mid(id, i, 1))
eax = (8787 + ebx * 1818918) / 2
Text2.Text = str (eax )
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()
End Sub
【版权声明】: 本文纯属技术交流, 转载请注明作者并保持文章的完整, 谢谢!
2007年08月13日 PM 06:56:24