[ZT]New: Highlights of the future version 2.0, part 2
发表于: 2007-2-24 19:01 2011

[ZT]New: Highlights of the future version 2.0, part 2

2007-2-24 19:01

February 24, 2007 - Progress.

The development of version 2.0 goes steadily forward. In the last three monthes I have written more than 350 K of debugged code. Backup, search, jumps, history, conditional expressions, watches, Assembler - all the stuff necessary for productive work. And - for the first time, 2.0 has paused on the breakpoint!

Yes, this is a big step. This means that the infrastructure is ... well, not yet completed, but is already so stable that it can support complex high-level functions. When I browse through the sources, I'm full of pride that the code is so well-structured, logical and clear. Unfortunately, this was not the case with 1.10. Initial design had several flaws - in 2000, I had no experience and was unable to foresee the requirements of the final version. Every small modification required significant efforts and lengthy testing. So finally I've decided to close the project and rewrite it almost from the scratch.

The first steps of any redesign are very hard psychologically. Maybe you've experienced similar problems - you write loads, heaps, piles of code, but your project is almost dead. All it can is some primitive stuff, like it was in my case - disassembling of several hardcoded binary sequences, dumps of memory blocks at fixed addresses, provisorical code and debugging outputs everywhere, and next to this garbage there is your old version, five years of successfull development, maybe also full of trash inside but at least functional and with shiny storefront...

Anyway, I'm past this stage. OllyDbg 2.0 lives, and it makes plenty of fun again to develop. You've waited for so long - so be patient, please, and sooner or later I'll introduce you my promising younger son :)



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