[ZT]HexDataEdit v 1.21
发表于: 2007-1-28 00:59 1746

[ZT]HexDataEdit v 1.21

2007-1-28 00:59

Why You Need The HexDataEdit


For Software Developer

Easy to view or edit binary data you wrote

Share binary data with your friend

Avoid being annoyed in view or edit binary file in Hex

Change data or data structure


For other user

Find, view or edit any unknown file's structure quickly

Extract some data from a hex file

Strongly Available in finding, comparing and output

HexDataEdit is a tool to view and edit hex binary data file. You can view and edit binary data in any type such as Byte, Integer, Float, String etc.

It is strongly Available in binary data file. You can use it as data debug.

In this new version anomaly data was support. You can marked and Edit all data area.

Usually some program save data use hex file. This can save Bytes, integer, float, and other data in it. But outside of program, it is difficult to view or edit. HexDataEdit is tools to view and edit the hex data file. In this program, file data can divided into any segments. A segment can be defined several types. You can defined record's position, length, type's kind and memo. The data file can contain anomaly data or regulation data (like database), this program can show both clearly. You can define the file's structure easily and edit or view it.

With this program, you can:

Share your hex data file with your friend, view and edit data outside program. Quickly find, view or edit any unknown file's structure. Can avoid being annoyed by viewing or editing binary file in Hex. Can extract some data from a file for other program or the data out.

If you don't know more about hex, this program can help you a lot. This program has strongly Available in find or compare. This program designed for programmer, Data manage, or other advanced user.

If you are program developer, it will be free to view or edit your binary data outside your program. This program strong merit is Editing Hex data file but not Bin file.



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