[注意]Bambalam PHP EXE Compiler/Embedder 1.21
发表于: 2006-12-2 18:47 2812

[注意]Bambalam PHP EXE Compiler/Embedder 1.21

2006-12-2 18:47
Bambalam PHP EXE Compiler/Embedder 1.21

Created by Anders Hammar (c) 2006 Bambalam - www.bambalam.se/bamcompile
bug reports / feedback email: bamcompile@bambalam.se

bamcompile [-options] infile.php [outfile.exe]
bamcompile [-options] project_directory mainfile.php [outfile.exe]
bamcompile projectfile.bcp

-w  Hide console window for windowed applications
-c  Compress output exe (using UPX)
-d  Do not encode PHP files
-e:extension.dll Embed and use PHP extension
-i:icon.ico Add icon to exe

Revision history:
1.21 2006-08-28: Fixed an issue with apps using extensions crashing if php4ts.dll was in the system path
1.2 2006-08-24:  Added an extension loader - extension dll's can now be embedded
                 Added a project file feature
                 Added support for exe icons
                 UPX is now embedded, it's no longer needed in the system path
                 Upgraded to PHP 4.4.4
                 Fixed some compatibility issues when running on a system with PHP installed
                 lots of minor bugfixes

1.1 2006-06-09:  Added the php_sockets extension to the static build
                 + minor bugfixes

- What is it?

Bambalam PHP EXE Compiler/Embedder is a free command line tool to convert PHP
applications to standalone .exe applications. The exe files produced are totally
standalone, no need for php dlls etc. The php code is encoded using the
Turck MMCache Encode library (http://turck-mmcache.sourceforge.net) so it's a
perfect solution if you want to distribute your application while protecting your
source code. The converter is also suitable for producing .exe files for windowed
PHP applications (created using for example the WinBinder library, www.winbinder.com).

It's NOT really a compiler in the sense that it doesn't produce native machine code
from PHP sources, but it works!

- How does it work?

The converter embeds encoded PHP source files as resources in a generic statically
compiled PHP launcher executable. It also has an option to compress the final exe using
the UPX executable compressor (http://upx.sourceforge.net). Simple console applications
end up with an executable at a size of 500-600kb.

- Does "compiled" PHP applications run faster?

Theoritically it should. Having libraries linked statically and by encoding files
(Turck MMCache encodes PHP sources as PHP bytecode, I think) should contribute to
faster applications. But I haven't done any decent tests on it.

- What about PHP applications with more than one source file?

No problem, the converter is able to embed a whole project directory. Or, if you want,
you can create a bamcompile project file (.bcp) and embed files from all over the place.

- What about accessing the embedded files from php?

You can access the embedded files just as you're used to. The PHP runtime used has been
modified so that when you're accessing a file it first tries to access it the usual way
(by looking in the path outside the .exe) and if the files aren't found there it looks
for it in the embedded filelist.

- So the INCLUDE statement works just as it should?

Yes, as long as you include stuff using relative paths.

- What PHP version is supported?

Currently, the converter uses a PHP runtime based on PHP 4.4.4

- What about PHP 5 support?

I haven't got around to it, but I probably will! But PHP 4.4.4 works in most cases, and
the PHP 4 runtimes produces alot smaller standalone exe files than PHP 5 would do. PHP 5 is
a bitch to build on windows (well, it's easy to build the standard builds, but other than
that..) But as I said, just wait for it.

- What libraries / extensions are included?

As of version 1.2, php libraries (or extensions) now can be embedded as needed. So, for example,
if you're making an application that uses the gd extension, use the -e:php_gd2.dll option and
you'll be fine. You can also use the EXTENSION command when working with bamcompile project
files. You still have to have access to the php extension dll files when embedding of course,
they are shipped together with the PHP distribution. But once you have compiled your exe,
that's the only file you have to distribute!

Note however that some extensions use other system dlls which needs to be shipped together with
your compiled exe to make it work. Some examples:

php_curl.dll needs libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll
php_mssql.dll needs ntwdblib.dll
php_fribidi.dll needs fribidi.dll
php_fdf.dll needs FDFTK.dll
php_ifx.dll needs isqlt09a.dll
php_mhash.dll needs libmhash.dll
php_msql.dll needs mSQL.dll

But most of them, such as GD, Sockets, Winbinder and Sqlite don't need any system dlls and
they embed just fine.

The following libraries are included statically:
Turck MMCache

- Can I add a custom Icon to my exe?

Yes, use the -i:icon.ico command line option or the ICON project file command.

- What about PHP.INI? Can I embed that as well?

Yes, just include the php.ini in the root of your project. However, if you want to use extensions,
use the internal extension loader instead. Older versions of Bamcompile used the embedded php.ini
to load extensions but it was messy and honestly didn't work that well. You can still embed
php.ini to set ini specific settings.

- What is the format of Bamcompile Project files?

A project file has the extension .bcp and is built up using simple commands, one on each line:

MAINFILE mainfile.php
Sets the mainfile to whatever mainfile you want to use.

OUTFILE outfile.exe
Sets the output file exe name. Optional.

ICON icon.ico
Sets an icon for the output exe file. Optional.

Compresses final exe file with UPX

Do not encode php files

Windowed application, removes the "dos box" otherwise shown

EMBED directory/file.php
EMBED whole_directory
EMBED directory/*.png
Used to embed files. You can embed single files, directories or files using a filters.
Directories are embedded recursivly

DESTINATION destination_path/
Sets the destination path in the embedded filesystem. Use the destination command
before an embed command to change where the embedded files end up. The default destination
path is, of course, the root /.

EXTENSION path_to/extension.dll
Adds a PHP extension to the internal extension loader. The extension will be embedded
and loaded from memory.

- What about license? Just how free is this utility?

Well, I guess that the tool is released as open source under the PHP License. Sources are
available on the website. I don't really know much about licensing :), let's just say that
it's free, and I don't want to get sued. Ok?


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