This tool has been coded for those who're planning to use DSA signatures in their own programs
but don't know how to generate keys which are safe to use. If you are no coder or/and are not
at least a little bit familiar with public-key cryptography, this tool is definately of no use for
you. Sorry. Next time I will probably better code some Tetris game. :-))
1. General stuff
In 1991 the Digital Signature Algorithm(DSA) has become the Digital Signature Standard(DSS).
DSA is a public-key signature scheme that uses a pair of transformations to generate and verify a
digital value called signature. DSA has been developed by the US National Security Agency(NSA)
and can -not- be used for encryption or key distribution. DSA is some variant of the ElGamal
signature algorithm and, as defined in the standard, uses the Secure Hash Algorithm(SHA/SHA-1) as one-way hash function.
1. 基本知识
2. Parameters
P = A prime number in range 512 to 1024 bits which must be a multiple of 64
Q = A 160 bit prime factor of P-1
G = H^((P-1)/Q) mod P. H is any number < P-1 such that H^((P-1)/Q) mod P > 1
X = A number < Q
Y = G^X mod P
Parameters P, Q, G and Y are public where Y is the public key. X is the private key and must be
kept secret! To obtain X from Y one needs to solve the Discrete Logarithm Problem which is virtually impossible for -properly- generated parameters of reasonable size.
2. 参数
P = 512位到1024位的素数,位数必须是64的整数倍
Q = P - 1的160位素因子
G = H^((P-1)/Q) mod P。其中H为任何小于P - 1,且满足H^((P-1)/Q) mod P > 1的整数
X = 一小于Q的整数
Y = G^X mod P
3. Signing a message (M)
To sign M, carry through the following steps:
- Generate a -random- number K < Q. NEVER use same K twice or more to sign other messages!
- Compute R = (G^K mod P)mod Q
- Compute S = (K^-1*(SHA(M) + X*R)) mod Q
The number pair (R,S) is the signature of M.
3. 对消息(M)进行签名
- 产生一小于Q的随机数K。永远不要把同一K使用两次或两次以上以对其它消息进行签名!
- 计算R = (G^K mod P) mod Q
- 计算S = (K^-1*(SHA(M) + X*R))mod Q
4. Verifying a signature (R,S) of M
- Compute W = S^-1 mod Q
- Compute U1 = (SHA(M) * W) mod Q
- Compute U2 = (R*W) mod Q
- Compute V = ((G^U1 * Y^U2) mod P) mod Q
If V == R the signature is verified.
4. 验证M的签名(R,S)
- 计算W = S^-1 mod Q
- 计算U1 = (SHA(M) * W) mod Q
- 计算 U2 = (R*W) mod Q
- 计算 V = ((G^U1 * Y^U2) mod P) mod Q
如果V == R,则签名有效。
5. Notes
- The bignumber library used in this program is MIRACL 4.45 (c) by Shamus Software Ltd.
It can be downloaded incl. Sources in C/CPP and manuals at:
Please note that the MIRACL lib is -not- free to use in commercial programs. Even worse,
the license fees are pretty high but you can, of course, use any other bignumber library.
A very good alternative is Freelip (current version 1.1)
- Base60 conversion table (as used by MIRACL):
- Base64 conversion table:
Please note that the Base64 format is not supported by MIRACL. I used own routines. Conversion starts at MSB and ends at LSB of the hex representation of each number. This may be incompatible with 3rd party base64 conversion routines.
Parameters R and S of the signatures generated in the Test Dialog are separated by a <space>.
- A small part of the DSA parameter generation uses some random data as seed value for a PRNG. This generator will NOT be re-initialized during runtime. I.e. you will get different DSA keys every time you press the Generate button. This is done on purpose, as it makes abusing this tool to recover a Keypair much more difficult. Generated random data will be saved to file 'dsaseed.rnd' and loaded automoatically on each start of the program.