This program is able to factor the numbers up to 120 digits.
However the program has not been tested for over 100 digits.
It takes many hours to factor the numbers of over 80 digits.
这个数十进制是116 digits,先跑上24个小时,但愿机子能顶住,CPU没风扇呀。
最初由 koala 发布 刚试了个128bit的大数,瞬间出结果,384bit的就要三月呀,怕怕 This program is able to factor the numbers up to 120 digits. However the program has not been tested for over 100 digits. It takes many hours to factor the numbers of over 80 digits. 这个数十进制是116 digits,先跑上24个小时,但愿机子能顶住,CPU没风扇呀。
最初由 koala 发布 刚试了个128bit的大数,瞬间出结果,384bit的就要三月呀,怕怕 This program is able to factor the numbers up to 120 digits. However the program has not been tested for over 100 digits. It takes many hours to factor the numbers of over 80 digits. 这个数十进制是116 digits,先跑上24个小时,但愿机子能顶住,CPU没风扇呀。