( LV4,RANK:50 )
6 楼
(RANK:1060 )
8 楼
; forgot / iPB 2006
; 1. swap root entries, make GROUP ICON first
; 2. when Id=24/16/14, move 1st one
; 3. when Id=3, query GROUP ICON table, if being in, move it.
; 4. otherwise would be preserved
; 5. the subrountine makes a compressable rsrc section.
; it's not made for ResEditor, take care!
; 6. I just scan once, with a little optimized(size) code
restruc_rsrc proc C \
ibuf, \
rva, \
local permuted
local level
local rtype
local id
local gicon
local numoficons
local rmask
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
xor eax, eax
mov level, eax
mov gicon, eax
mov numoficons, eax
mov permuted, eax
mov rmask, 1000000010100000000001000b
; 1<<3 | 1<<14 | 1<<16 | 1<<24
mov ebx, ibuf
mov edi, obuf
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@recursive: movzx eax, word ptr [ebx+0Ch]
movzx ecx, word ptr [ebx+0Eh]
add eax, ecx
mov esi, ebx
lea ebx, [edi+10h] ; ebx -> copied entries
lea ecx, [eax+2] ; size = 10h + eax * 8
shl ecx, 3
call @@move
push eax ; # of entries
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@cycle: dec dword ptr [esp]
jl @@done
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
cmp permuted, 0
jne @@permuted
mov ecx, [esp]
inc permuted
mov edx, ebx ; edx -> 1st entry
@@permute_cycle: mov eax, [ebx]
cmp eax, 14
jne @@dont_swap
cmp ebx, edx
je @@dont_swap
xchg eax, [edx] ; [edx] <--> [ebx]
mov [ebx], eax
mov eax, [ebx+4]
xchg eax, [edx+4]
mov [ebx+4], eax
@@dont_swap: add ebx, 8
loop @@permute_cycle
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
mov esi, [ebx]
btr esi, 31
jnc @@id
mov eax, edi ; update name ofs
sub eax, obuf
bts eax, 31
mov [ebx], eax
add esi, ibuf
movzx ecx, word ptr [esi] ; unicode
lea ecx, [ecx+ecx+2]
call @@move
jmp @@x1
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@id: cmp level, 1
jg @@x1
mov id, esi ; <= 1
je @@x1
mov rtype, esi ; == 0
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
mov edx, [ebx+4]
add edx, ibuf
btr edx, 31
jnc @@rsrc
mov eax, edi ; next level directory
sub eax, obuf
bts eax, 31
push eax ; update l8r
inc level
push ebx
xchg ebx, edx
call @@recursive
pop ebx
dec level
jmp @@fixup
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@rsrc: mov eax, rtype
btr rmask, eax
jnc @@dont_move
cmp eax, 3
jne @@x3
mov esi, gicon
test esi, esi
je @@dont_move
bts rmask, eax
mov eax, id
mov ecx, numoficons
@@icon_cycle: cmp ax, [esi+0Ch]
je @@do_move
add esi, 0Eh
loop @@icon_cycle
jmp @@dont_move
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@x3: cmp eax, 14
jne @@do_move
push edx
mov eax, [edx+4]
sub eax, 6
mov ecx, 0Eh
div ecx
mov numoficons, eax
pop edx
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@do_move: mov esi, edi
sub esi, obuf
add esi, rva
xchg esi, [edx]
add esi, imgbase
mov ecx, [edx+4]
call @@move
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@dont_move: mov eax, edi
sub eax, obuf
push eax ; update l8r
xchg esi, edx
mov edx, edi
push 10h
pop ecx
call @@move
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
cmp numoficons, 0
je @@fixup
cmp gicon, 0
jne @@fixup
mov eax, [edx]
add eax, imgbase
add eax, 6
mov gicon, eax
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@fixup: pop eax
mov [ebx+4], eax
add ebx, 8
jmp @@cycle
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@move: cmp esi, edi
jne @@move_cycle
add edi, ecx
xor ecx, ecx
@@move_cycle: jecxz @@return
and byte ptr [esi-1], 0
dec ecx
jmp @@move_cycle
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@done: pop eax
cmp level, 0
jne @@return
@@return: retn
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
restruc_rsrc endp