发表于: 2024-11-28 10:37 2048
为保护未成年人的上网环境,预防未成年人沉迷网络,帮助未成年人培养积极健康的用网习惯,HarmonyOS SDK 提供未成年人模式功能,在华为设备上加强对面向未成年人的产品和服务的管理。
1 2 3 4 | import { minorsProtection } from '@kit.AccountKit' ; import { hilog } from '@kit.PerformanceAnalysisKit' ; import { BusinessError, commonEventManager } from '@kit.BasicServicesKit' ; / / 以上引入的模块为当前场景的全量模块,请按照具体实现按需引入 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 | / / 订阅者信息。 let subscribeInfo: commonEventManager.CommonEventSubscribeInfo = { events: [commonEventManager.Support.COMMON_EVENT_MINORSMODE_ON,commonEventManager.Support.COMMON_EVENT_MINORSMODE_OFF] }; let subscriber: commonEventManager.CommonEventSubscriber; / / 创建订阅者。 commonEventManager.createSubscriber(subscribeInfo) .then((commonEventSubscriber: commonEventManager.CommonEventSubscriber) = > { subscriber = commonEventSubscriber; / / 订阅公共事件。 commonEventManager.subscribe(subscriber, (error: BusinessError, data: commonEventManager.CommonEventData) = > { if (error) { this.dealCommonEventAllError(error); } else { if (data.event = = = commonEventManager.Support.COMMON_EVENT_MINORSMODE_ON) { / / 订阅到开启事件,可以调用查询年龄段接口 } if (data.event = = = commonEventManager.Support.COMMON_EVENT_MINORSMODE_OFF) { / / 订阅到关闭事件,关闭当前应用的未成年人模式,刷新应用内容展示,取消年龄限制 } } }); }) .catch((error: BusinessError) = > { this.dealCommonEventAllError(error); }); dealCommonEventAllError(error: BusinessError): void { hilog.error( 0x0000 , 'testTag' , `Failed to subscribe. Code: ${error.code}, message: ${error.message}`); } |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 | if (canIUse( 'SystemCapability.AuthenticationServices.HuaweiID.MinorsProtection' )) { const minorsProtectionInfo: minorsProtection.MinorsProtectionInfo = minorsProtection.getMinorsProtectionInfoSync(); / / 获取未成年人模式开启状态 const minorsProtectionMode: boolean = minorsProtectionInfo.minorsProtectionMode; hilog.info( 0x0000 , 'testTag' , 'Succeeded in getting minorsProtectionMode is: %{public}s' , minorsProtectionMode.valueOf()); / / 未成年人模式已开启,获取年龄段信息 if (minorsProtectionMode) { const ageGroup: minorsProtection.AgeGroup | undefined = minorsProtectionInfo.ageGroup; if (ageGroup) { hilog.info( 0x0000 , 'testTag' , 'Succeeded in getting lowerAge is: %{public}s' , ageGroup.lowerAge.toString()); hilog.info( 0x0000 , 'testTag' , 'Succeeded in getting upperAge is: %{public}s' , ageGroup.upperAge.toString()); } } else { / / 未成年人模式未开启,建议应用跟随系统未成年人模式,展示正常内容 } } else { hilog.info( 0x0000 , 'testTag' , 'The current device does not support the invoking of the getMinorsProtectionInfoSync interface.' ); } |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 | if (canIUse( 'SystemCapability.AuthenticationServices.HuaweiID.MinorsProtection' )) { minorsProtection.getMinorsProtectionInfo() .then((minorsProtectionInfo: minorsProtection.MinorsProtectionInfo) = > { / / 获取未成年人模式开启状态 const minorsProtectionMode: boolean = minorsProtectionInfo.minorsProtectionMode; hilog.info( 0x0000 , 'testTag' , 'Succeeded in getting minorsProtectionMode is: %{public}s' , minorsProtectionMode.valueOf()); / / 未成年人模式已开启,获取年龄段信息 if (minorsProtectionMode) { const ageGroup: minorsProtection.AgeGroup | undefined = minorsProtectionInfo.ageGroup; if (ageGroup) { hilog.info( 0x0000 , 'testTag' , 'Succeeded in getting lowerAge is: %{public}s' , ageGroup.lowerAge.toString()); hilog.info( 0x0000 , 'testTag' , 'Succeeded in getting upperAge is: %{public}s' , ageGroup.upperAge.toString()); } } else { / / 未成年人模式未开启,建议应用跟随系统未成年人模式,展示正常内容 } }) .catch((error: BusinessError< object >) = > { this.dealGetMinorsInfoAllError(error); }); } else { hilog.info( 0x0000 , 'testTag' , 'The current device does not support the invoking of the getMinorsProtectionInfo interface.' ); } dealGetMinorsInfoAllError(error: BusinessError< object >): void { hilog.error( 0x0000 , 'testTag' , `Failed to getMinorsProtectionInfo. Code: ${error.code}, message: ${error.message}`); } |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 | if (canIUse( 'SystemCapability.AuthenticationServices.HuaweiID.MinorsProtection' )) { minorsProtection.verifyMinorsProtectionCredential(getContext(this)) .then((result: boolean) = > { hilog.info( 0x0000 , 'testTag' , 'Succeeded in getting verify result is: %{public}s' , result.valueOf()); / / 使用结果判断验密是否通过,执行后续流程 }) .catch((error: BusinessError< object >) = > { this.dealVerifyAllError(error); }); } else { hilog.info( 0x0000 , 'testTag' , 'The current device does not support the invoking of the verifyMinorsProtectionCredential interface.' ); } dealVerifyAllError(error: BusinessError< object >): void { hilog.error( 0x0000 , 'testTag' , `Failed to verify. Code: ${error.code}, message: ${error.message}`); } |