[转帖]Formbook Malware Analysis
发表于: 2024-5-7 01:17 1482
Formbook Malware Analysis
May 6th, 2024
Hi, welcome to my first public analysis for malware. I spent most of the weekend analyzing the Formbook malware. From reading other malware analysis of Formbook it seems that it’s been in the wild for a little over 5 years and is mainly spread through phishing campaigns. It is also a well known commercial malware that is being sold as a service. My analysis is broken into 2 parts, static and dynamic analysis. If you find any errors or just want to get into contact, my email is in the about section any recommendations or suggestions are always welcome! Anyways without further ado, here is the analysis.
Download: https://bazaar.abuse.ch/download/7ef5e8ef52c30fec9a47bad942c0a757eb47fd67a46fcef29a78e4892a0a0e94/