发表于: 2023-9-19 09:23 3747
只需要关注 .1337的行
越看越不顺眼,于是问题来: 能不能再加一个注释列?
#include "PatchDialog.h" #include "ui_PatchDialog.h" #include <QMessageBox> #include <QIcon> #include <QFileDialog> #include <QTextStream> #include "MiscUtil.h" #include "StringUtil.h" #include "Configuration.h" #include <QClipboard> PatchDialog::PatchDialog(QWidget* parent) : QDialog(parent), ui(new Ui::PatchDialog) { ui->setupUi(this); setWindowFlags(windowFlags() & ~Qt::WindowContextHelpButtonHint); setModal(false); //non-modal window connect(Bridge::getBridge(), SIGNAL(updatePatches()), this, SLOT(updatePatches())); connect(Bridge::getBridge(), SIGNAL(dbgStateChanged(DBGSTATE)), this, SLOT(dbgStateChanged(DBGSTATE))); mGroupSelector = new PatchDialogGroupSelector(parent); mGroupSelector->setGroup(0); connect(mGroupSelector, SIGNAL(rejected()), this, SLOT(showNormal())); connect(mGroupSelector, SIGNAL(rejected()), this, SLOT(setFocus())); connect(mGroupSelector, SIGNAL(groupToggle()), this, SLOT(groupToggle())); connect(mGroupSelector, SIGNAL(groupPrevious()), this, SLOT(groupPrevious())); connect(mGroupSelector, SIGNAL(groupNext()), this, SLOT(groupNext())); mIsWorking = false; } PatchDialog::~PatchDialog() { delete ui; } bool PatchDialog::isPartOfPreviousGroup(const PatchInfoList & patchList, int index) { if(!index) return true; uint addr = patchList.at(index).patch.addr; uint prevAddr = patchList.at(index - 1).patch.addr; for(int i = 1; i < 10; i++) //10 bytes in between groups if(addr - i == prevAddr) return true; return false; } bool PatchDialog::isGroupEnabled(const PatchInfoList & patchList, int group) { for(int i = 0; i < patchList.size(); i++) if(patchList.at(i).status.group == group && !patchList.at(i).status.checked) return false; return true; } bool PatchDialog::hasPreviousGroup(const PatchInfoList & patchList, int group) { for(int i = 0; i < patchList.size(); i++) if(patchList.at(i).status.group < group) return true; return false; } bool PatchDialog::hasNextGroup(const PatchInfoList & patchList, int group) { for(int i = 0; i < patchList.size(); i++) if(patchList.at(i).status.group > group) return true; return false; } dsint PatchDialog::getGroupAddress(const PatchInfoList & patchList, int group) { for(int i = 0; i < patchList.size(); i++) if(patchList.at(i).status.group == group) return patchList.at(i).patch.addr; return -1; } void PatchDialog::dbgStateChanged(DBGSTATE state) { if(state == stopped) { mGroupSelector->hide(); reject(); } } void PatchDialog::updatePatches() { if(this->isVisible()) mGroupSelector->reject(); mIsWorking = true; //clear GUI ui->listModules->clear(); ui->listPatches->clear(); mPatches.clear(); //get patches from DBG size_t cbsize; if(!DbgFunctions()->PatchEnum || !DbgFunctions()->PatchEnum(0, &cbsize)) return; int numPatches = (int)cbsize / sizeof(DBGPATCHINFO); if(!numPatches) return; DBGPATCHINFO* patches = new DBGPATCHINFO[numPatches]; memset(patches, 0, numPatches * sizeof(DBGPATCHINFO)); if(!DbgFunctions()->PatchEnum(patches, 0)) { delete [] patches; mIsWorking = false; return; } //fill the patch list STATUSINFO defaultStatus; defaultStatus.group = 0; defaultStatus.checked = true; for(int i = 0; i < numPatches; i++) { if(!patches[i].addr) continue; if(!*patches[i].mod) continue; QString mod = patches[i].mod; PatchMap::iterator found = mPatches.find(mod); if(found != mPatches.end()) //found mPatches[mod].append(PatchPair(patches[i], defaultStatus)); else //not found { PatchInfoList patchList; patchList.append(PatchPair(patches[i], defaultStatus)); mPatches.insert(mod, patchList); } } delete [] patches; //sort the patches by address for(PatchMap::iterator i = mPatches.begin(); i != mPatches.end(); ++i) { qSort(i.value().begin(), i.value().end(), PatchInfoLess); PatchInfoList & curPatchList = i.value(); //group the patched bytes for(int j = 0, group = 0; j < curPatchList.size(); j++) { if(!isPartOfPreviousGroup(curPatchList, j)) group++; curPatchList[j].status.group = group; unsigned char byte; if(DbgMemRead(curPatchList[j].patch.addr, &byte, sizeof(byte))) curPatchList[j].status.checked = byte == curPatchList[j].patch.newbyte; } ui->listModules->addItem(i.key()); } if(mPatches.size()) ui->listModules->item(0)->setSelected(true); //select first module mIsWorking = false; } void PatchDialog::groupToggle() { int group = mGroupSelector->group(); if(mIsWorking || !ui->listModules->selectedItems().size()) return; QString mod = ui->listModules->selectedItems().at(0)->text(); PatchMap::iterator found = mPatches.find(mod); if(found == mPatches.end()) //not found return; PatchInfoList & curPatchList = found.value(); bool enabled = !isGroupEnabled(curPatchList, group); Qt::CheckState checkState = enabled ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked; mIsWorking = true; for(int i = 0; i < curPatchList.size(); i++) { if(curPatchList.at(i).status.group != group) continue; ui->listPatches->item(i)->setCheckState(checkState); curPatchList[i].status.checked = enabled; //change the byte to reflect the change for the user (cypherpunk reported this) unsigned char writebyte = curPatchList[i].status.checked ? curPatchList[i].patch.newbyte : curPatchList[i].patch.oldbyte; DbgMemWrite(curPatchList[i].patch.addr, &writebyte, sizeof(writebyte)); } mIsWorking = false; dsint groupStart = getGroupAddress(curPatchList, group); GuiUpdateAllViews(); if(!groupStart) return; QString color = enabled ? "#00DD00" : "red"; QString addrText = ToPtrString(groupStart); QString title = "<font color='" + color + "'><b>" + QString().sprintf("%d:", group) + addrText + "</b></font>"; mGroupSelector->setGroupTitle(title); } void PatchDialog::groupPrevious() { int group = mGroupSelector->group(); if(!ui->listModules->selectedItems().size()) return; QString mod = ui->listModules->selectedItems().at(0)->text(); PatchMap::iterator found = mPatches.find(mod); if(found == mPatches.end()) //not found return; PatchInfoList & curPatchList = found.value(); if(!hasPreviousGroup(curPatchList, group)) return; group--; QString color = isGroupEnabled(curPatchList, group) ? "#00DD00" : "red"; QString addrText = ToPtrString(getGroupAddress(curPatchList, group)); QString title = "<font color='" + color + "'><b>" + QString().sprintf("%d:", group) + addrText + "</b></font>"; mGroupSelector->setGroupTitle(title); mGroupSelector->setGroup(group); mGroupSelector->setPreviousEnabled(hasPreviousGroup(curPatchList, group)); mGroupSelector->setNextEnabled(hasNextGroup(curPatchList, group)); mGroupSelector->showNormal(); DbgCmdExecDirect(QString("disasm " + addrText)); DbgCmdExecDirect(QString("dump " + addrText)); } void PatchDialog::groupNext() { int group = mGroupSelector->group(); if(!ui->listModules->selectedItems().size()) return; QString mod = ui->listModules->selectedItems().at(0)->text(); PatchMap::iterator found = mPatches.find(mod); if(found == mPatches.end()) //not found return; PatchInfoList & curPatchList = found.value(); if(!hasNextGroup(curPatchList, group)) return; group++; QString color = isGroupEnabled(curPatchList, group) ? "#00DD00" : "red"; QString addrText = ToPtrString(getGroupAddress(curPatchList, group)); QString title = "<font color='" + color + "'><b>" + QString().sprintf("%d:", group) + addrText + "</b></font>"; mGroupSelector->setGroupTitle(title); mGroupSelector->setGroup(group); mGroupSelector->setPreviousEnabled(hasPreviousGroup(curPatchList, group)); mGroupSelector->setNextEnabled(hasNextGroup(curPatchList, group)); mGroupSelector->showNormal(); DbgCmdExecDirect(QString("disasm " + addrText)); DbgCmdExecDirect(QString("dump " + addrText)); } void PatchDialog::on_listModules_itemSelectionChanged() { if(!ui->listModules->selectedItems().size()) return; QString mod(ui->listModules->selectedItems().at(0)->text()); PatchMap::iterator found = mPatches.find(mod); if(found == mPatches.end()) //not found return; mIsWorking = true; PatchInfoList & patchList = found.value(); ui->listPatches->clear(); for(int i = 0; i < patchList.size(); i++) { const DBGPATCHINFO curPatch = patchList.at(i).patch; QString addrText = ToPtrString(curPatch.addr); QListWidgetItem* item = new QListWidgetItem(QString().sprintf("%d", patchList.at(i).status.group).rightJustified(4, ' ', true) + "|" + addrText + QString().sprintf(":%.2X->%.2X", curPatch.oldbyte, curPatch.newbyte), ui->listPatches); item->setFlags(item->flags() | Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable); Qt::CheckState state = patchList.at(i).status.checked ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked; item->setCheckState(state); if(DbgFunctions()->ModRelocationAtAddr(patchList.at(i).patch.addr, nullptr)) { item->setTextColor(ConfigColor("PatchRelocatedByteHighlightColor")); item->setToolTip(tr("Byte is located in relocation region")); } } mIsWorking = false; } void PatchDialog::on_listPatches_itemChanged(QListWidgetItem* item) //checkbox changed { if(mIsWorking || !ui->listModules->selectedItems().size()) return; QString mod = ui->listModules->selectedItems().at(0)->text(); PatchMap::iterator found = mPatches.find(mod); if(found == mPatches.end()) //not found return; bool checked = item->checkState() == Qt::Checked; PatchInfoList & curPatchList = found.value(); PatchPair & patch = curPatchList[ui->listPatches->row(item)]; if(patch.status.checked == checked) //check state did not change return; patch.status.checked = checked; //change the byte to reflect the change for the user (cypherpunk reported this) unsigned char writebyte = patch.status.checked ? patch.patch.newbyte : patch.patch.oldbyte; DbgMemWrite(patch.patch.addr, &writebyte, sizeof(writebyte)); //check state changed if((QApplication::keyboardModifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) != Qt::ControlModifier) { mIsWorking = true; //check/uncheck the complete group for(int i = 0; i < curPatchList.size(); i++) if(curPatchList.at(i).status.group == patch.status.group) { //change the patch state curPatchList[i].status.checked = checked; ui->listPatches->item(i)->setCheckState(item->checkState()); //change the byte to reflect the change for the user (cypherpunk reported this) unsigned char writebyte = curPatchList[i].status.checked ? curPatchList[i].patch.newbyte : curPatchList[i].patch.oldbyte; DbgMemWrite(curPatchList[i].patch.addr, &writebyte, sizeof(writebyte)); } mIsWorking = false; } int group = mGroupSelector->group(); QString color = isGroupEnabled(curPatchList, group) ? "#00DD00" : "red"; QString addrText = ToPtrString(getGroupAddress(curPatchList, group)); QString title = "<font color='" + color + "'><b>" + QString().sprintf("%d:", group) + addrText + "</b></font>"; mGroupSelector->setGroupTitle(title); mGroupSelector->setPreviousEnabled(hasPreviousGroup(curPatchList, group)); mGroupSelector->setNextEnabled(hasNextGroup(curPatchList, group)); GuiUpdateAllViews(); } void PatchDialog::on_btnSelectAll_clicked() { if(!ui->listModules->selectedItems().size()) return; QString mod = ui->listModules->selectedItems().at(0)->text(); PatchMap::iterator found = mPatches.find(mod); if(found == mPatches.end()) //not found return; mIsWorking = true; PatchInfoList & curPatchList = found.value(); for(int i = 0; i < curPatchList.size(); i++) { ui->listPatches->item(i)->setCheckState(Qt::Checked); curPatchList[i].status.checked = true; //change the byte to reflect the change for the user (cypherpunk reported this) DbgMemWrite(curPatchList[i].patch.addr, &curPatchList[i].patch.newbyte, sizeof(unsigned char)); } GuiUpdateAllViews(); mIsWorking = false; } void PatchDialog::on_btnDeselectAll_clicked() { if(!ui->listModules->selectedItems().size()) return; QString mod = ui->listModules->selectedItems().at(0)->text(); PatchMap::iterator found = mPatches.find(mod); if(found == mPatches.end()) //not found return; mIsWorking = true; PatchInfoList & curPatchList = found.value(); for(int i = 0; i < curPatchList.size(); i++) { ui->listPatches->item(i)->setCheckState(Qt::Unchecked); curPatchList[i].status.checked = false; //change the byte to reflect the change for the user (cypherpunk reported this) DbgMemWrite(curPatchList[i].patch.addr, &curPatchList[i].patch.oldbyte, sizeof(unsigned char)); } GuiUpdateAllViews(); mIsWorking = false; } void PatchDialog::on_btnRestoreSelected_clicked() { if(!ui->listModules->selectedItems().size()) return; int selModIdx = ui->listModules->row(ui->listModules->selectedItems().at(0)); QString mod = ui->listModules->selectedItems().at(0)->text(); PatchMap::iterator found = mPatches.find(mod); if(found == mPatches.end()) //not found return; mIsWorking = true; PatchInfoList & curPatchList = found.value(); int removed = 0; int total = curPatchList.size(); for(int i = 0; i < total; i++) { if(curPatchList.at(i).status.checked) { DbgFunctions()->PatchRestore(curPatchList.at(i).patch.addr); removed++; } } mIsWorking = false; updatePatches(); if(removed != total) ui->listModules->setCurrentRow(selModIdx); GuiUpdateAllViews(); } void PatchDialog::on_listPatches_itemSelectionChanged() { if(!ui->listModules->selectedItems().size() || !ui->listPatches->selectedItems().size()) return; QString mod = ui->listModules->selectedItems().at(0)->text(); PatchMap::iterator found = mPatches.find(mod); if(found == mPatches.end()) //not found return; PatchInfoList & curPatchList = found.value(); PatchPair & patch = curPatchList[ui->listPatches->row(ui->listPatches->selectedItems().at(0))]; //selected item dsint groupStart = getGroupAddress(curPatchList, patch.status.group); if(!groupStart) return; QString addrText = ToPtrString(groupStart); DbgCmdExecDirect(QString("disasm " + addrText)); DbgCmdExecDirect(QString("dump " + addrText)); } void PatchDialog::on_btnPickGroups_clicked() { if(!ui->listModules->selectedItems().size()) return; QString mod = ui->listModules->selectedItems().at(0)->text(); PatchMap::iterator found = mPatches.find(mod); if(found == mPatches.end()) //not found return; PatchInfoList & curPatchList = found.value(); if(!curPatchList.size()) return; this->showMinimized(); int group = mGroupSelector->group(); QString color = isGroupEnabled(curPatchList, group) ? "#00DD00" : "red"; QString addrText = ToPtrString(getGroupAddress(curPatchList, group)); QString title = "<font color='" + color + "'><b>" + QString().sprintf("%d:", group) + addrText + "</b></font>"; mGroupSelector->setGroupTitle(title); mGroupSelector->setPreviousEnabled(hasPreviousGroup(curPatchList, group)); mGroupSelector->setNextEnabled(hasNextGroup(curPatchList, group)); mGroupSelector->show(); DbgCmdExecDirect(QString("disasm " + addrText)); DbgCmdExecDirect(QString("dump " + addrText)); } void PatchDialog::on_btnPatchFile_clicked() { //get current module if(!ui->listModules->selectedItems().size()) return; QString mod = ui->listModules->selectedItems().at(0)->text(); PatchMap::iterator found = mPatches.find(mod); if(found == mPatches.end()) //not found return; PatchInfoList & curPatchList = found.value(); //get patches to save QList<DBGPATCHINFO> patchList; for(int i = 0; i < curPatchList.size(); i++) if(curPatchList.at(i).status.checked) patchList.push_back(curPatchList.at(i).patch); if(!curPatchList.size() || !patchList.size()) { SimpleInfoBox(this, tr("Information"), tr("Nothing to patch!")); return; } if(containsRelocatedBytes(curPatchList) && !showRelocatedBytesWarning()) return; char szModName[MAX_PATH] = ""; if(!DbgFunctions()->ModPathFromAddr(DbgFunctions()->ModBaseFromName(mod.toUtf8().constData()), szModName, MAX_PATH)) { SimpleErrorBox(this, tr("Error!"), tr("Failed to get module filename...")); return; } //open the save file dialog int len = (int)strlen(szModName); while(szModName[len] != '\\') len--; QApplication::clipboard()->setText(szModName); //这样就把内容自动复制到剪切板了 //QApplication::clipboard()->text(); //这是从剪切板获取内容 //char szDirName[MAX_PATH] = ""; //strcpy_s(szDirName, szModName); //szDirName[len] = '\0'; QFileInfo fileInfo = QFileInfo(szModName); QString FileName = fileInfo.fileName(); QString FilePath = fileInfo.absolutePath(); FileName = "Patch_"+FileName; FilePath = FilePath+'/'+FileName; QString filename = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, tr("Save file"), FilePath, tr("All files (*.*)")); if(!filename.length()) return; filename = QDir::toNativeSeparators(filename); //转换为本机路径格式(带反斜杠) //call patchSave function DBGPATCHINFO* dbgPatchList = new DBGPATCHINFO[patchList.size()]; for(int i = 0; i < patchList.size(); i++) dbgPatchList[i] = patchList.at(i); char error[MAX_ERROR_SIZE] = ""; int patched = DbgFunctions()->PatchFile(dbgPatchList, patchList.size(), filename.toUtf8().constData(), error); delete [] dbgPatchList; if(patched == -1) { SimpleErrorBox(this, tr("Error!"), tr("Failed to save patched file (%1)").arg(error)); return; } SimpleInfoBox(this, tr("Information"), tr("%1/%2 patch(es) applied!").arg(patched).arg(patchList.size())); } void PatchDialog::on_btnImport_clicked() { QStringList filenamelist = QFileDialog::getOpenFileNames(this, tr("Open patch"), "", tr("Patch files (*.1337)")); int patched = 0; bool bBadOriginal = false; bool bAlreadyDone = false; typedef struct _IMPORTSTATUS { bool badoriginal; bool alreadypatched; } IMPORTSTATUS; QList<QPair<DBGPATCHINFO, IMPORTSTATUS>> patchList; DBGPATCHINFO curPatch; for(const auto & filename1 : filenamelist) { if(!filename1.length()) continue; QString filename = QDir::toNativeSeparators(filename1); //convert to native path format (with backlashes) QFile file(filename); file.open(QFile::ReadOnly | QFile::Text); QTextStream in(&file); QString patch = in.readAll(); file.close(); patch = patch.replace("\r\n", "\n"); QStringList lines = patch.split("\n", QString::SkipEmptyParts); if(!lines.size()) { SimpleErrorBox(this, tr("Error!"), tr("The patch file is empty...")); continue; } dsint modbase = 0; for(int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { ULONGLONG rva; unsigned int oldbyte; unsigned int newbyte; QString curLine = lines.at(i); if(curLine.startsWith(">")) //module { strcpy_s(curPatch.mod, curLine.toUtf8().constData() + 1); modbase = DbgFunctions()->ModBaseFromName(curPatch.mod); continue; } if(!modbase) continue; curLine = curLine.replace(" ", ""); if(sscanf_s(curLine.toUtf8().constData(), "%llX:%X->%X", &rva, &oldbyte, &newbyte) != 3) { //File format is error. Don't continue processing this file SimpleErrorBox(this, tr("Error!"), tr("Patch file format is incorrect...")); break; } oldbyte &= 0xFF; newbyte &= 0xFF; curPatch.addr = rva + modbase; if(!DbgMemIsValidReadPtr(curPatch.addr)) continue; unsigned char checkbyte = 0; DbgMemRead(curPatch.addr, &checkbyte, sizeof(checkbyte)); IMPORTSTATUS status; status.alreadypatched = (checkbyte == newbyte); status.badoriginal = (checkbyte != oldbyte); if(status.alreadypatched) bAlreadyDone = true; else if(status.badoriginal) bBadOriginal = true; curPatch.oldbyte = oldbyte; curPatch.newbyte = newbyte; patchList.push_back(QPair<DBGPATCHINFO, IMPORTSTATUS>(curPatch, status)); } } //Check if any patch exists if(!patchList.size()) { SimpleInfoBox(this, tr("Information"), tr("No patches to apply in the current process.")); return; } //Warn if some are already patched bool bUndoPatched = false; if(bAlreadyDone) { QMessageBox msg(QMessageBox::Question, tr("Question"), tr("Some patches are already applied.\n\nDo you want to remove these patches?"), QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No); msg.setWindowIcon(DIcon("question.png")); msg.setParent(this, Qt::Dialog); msg.setWindowFlags(msg.windowFlags() & (~Qt::WindowContextHelpButtonHint)); if(msg.exec() == QMessageBox::Yes) bUndoPatched = true; } bool bPatchBadOriginals = false; if(bBadOriginal) { QMessageBox msg(QMessageBox::Question, tr("Question"), tr("Some bytes do not match the original in the patch file.\n\nDo you want to apply these patches anyway?"), QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No); msg.setWindowIcon(DIcon("question.png")); msg.setParent(this, Qt::Dialog); msg.setWindowFlags(msg.windowFlags() & (~Qt::WindowContextHelpButtonHint)); if(msg.exec() == QMessageBox::Yes) bPatchBadOriginals = true; } //Apply all of the patches for(int i = 0; i < patchList.size(); i++) { if(!bPatchBadOriginals && patchList.at(i).second.badoriginal) continue; curPatch = patchList.at(i).first; if(bUndoPatched && patchList.at(i).second.alreadypatched) { if(DbgFunctions()->MemPatch(curPatch.addr, &curPatch.oldbyte, 1)) patched++; } else { if(DbgFunctions()->MemPatch(curPatch.addr, &curPatch.newbyte, 1)) patched++; } } updatePatches(); GuiUpdateAllViews(); SimpleInfoBox(this, tr("Information"), tr("%1/%2 patch(es) applied!").arg(patched).arg(patchList.size())); } void PatchDialog::on_btnExport_clicked() { if(!mPatches.size()) return; if(containsRelocatedBytes() && !showRelocatedBytesWarning()) return; QString filename = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, tr("Save patch"), "", tr("Patch files (*.1337)")); if(!filename.length()) return; filename = QDir::toNativeSeparators(filename); //convert to native path format (with backlashes) if(filename.endsWith(QString(".1337"))) saveAs1337(filename); // TODO: C program source } void PatchDialog::saveAs1337(const QString & filename) { QStringList lines; int patches = 0; for(PatchMap::iterator i = mPatches.begin(); i != mPatches.end(); ++i) { const PatchInfoList & curPatchList = i.value(); bool bModPlaced = false; dsint modbase = DbgFunctions()->ModBaseFromName(i.key().toUtf8().constData()); if(!modbase) continue; for(int j = 0; j < curPatchList.size(); j++) { if(!curPatchList.at(j).status.checked) //skip unchecked patches continue; if(!bModPlaced) { lines.push_back(">" + i.key()); bModPlaced = true; } QString addrText = ToPtrString(curPatchList.at(j).patch.addr - modbase); lines.push_back(addrText + QString().sprintf(":%.2X->%.2X", curPatchList.at(j).patch.oldbyte, curPatchList.at(j).patch.newbyte)); patches++; } } if(!lines.size()) { SimpleInfoBox(this, tr("Information"), tr("No patches to export.")); return; } QFile file(filename); file.open(QFile::WriteOnly | QFile::Text); QString text = lines.join("\n"); QByteArray textUtf8 = text.toUtf8(); file.write(textUtf8.constData(), textUtf8.length()); file.close(); SimpleInfoBox(this, tr("Information"), tr("%1 patch(es) exported!").arg(patches)); } bool PatchDialog::containsRelocatedBytes() { for(PatchMap::iterator i = mPatches.begin(); i != mPatches.end(); ++i) { const PatchInfoList & curPatchList = i.value(); if(containsRelocatedBytes(curPatchList)) return true; } return false; } bool PatchDialog::containsRelocatedBytes(const PatchInfoList & patchList) { for(int i = 0; i < patchList.size(); i++) { if(patchList.at(i).status.checked && DbgFunctions()->ModRelocationAtAddr(patchList.at(i).patch.addr, nullptr)) return true; } return false; } bool PatchDialog::showRelocatedBytesWarning() { auto result = QMessageBox::question(this, tr("Patches overlap with relocation regions"), tr("Your patches overlap with relocation regions. This can cause your code to become corrupted when you load the patched executable. Do you want to continue?")); return result == QMessageBox::Yes; } void PatchDialog::on_listModules_itemDoubleClicked(QListWidgetItem *item) { QString str = ui->listModules->currentItem()->text(); //这个编译成功啦~~ Bridge::CopyToClipboard("Patch_" + str); //得到的列表项内容 }