[原创]Netatalk CVE-2018-1160 复现及漏洞利用思路
发表于: 2023-4-6 18:00 19001

[原创]Netatalk CVE-2018-1160 复现及漏洞利用思路

2023-4-6 18:00

introduction:Netatalk 是一个 Apple Filing Protocol (AFP) 的开源实现。 它为 Unix 风格系统提供了与 Macintosh 文件共享的功能。AFP的数据流量包格式为DSI(Data Stream Interface),DSI 在客户端和 AFP 服务器之间使用。

首先需要搭建netatalk的运行环境,这里使用docker搭建Ubuntu18.04,可以在docker Ubuntu18.04中进行环境复现。这里有两种方法,一是在docker中下载源码、安装依赖环境编译,二是在本机中下载源码、依赖编译。我这里选择了比较稳妥的的第一中。

运行Ubuntu 18.04的镜像,没有会自动从官方docker仓库中pull。





注1:Netatalk的大部分功能性函数命名风格采用 模块命名空间_函数描述 的格式,如afp_exit、afp_over_dsi、dsi_opensession等。
注2: DSI流量包格式可以参考这篇wiki,Data_Stream_Interface


afp_start在main中被调用,通过阅读下面代码可以得知。第一个关键代码处调用了init_listening_sockets其目的是watch atp, dsi sockets and ipc parent/child file descriptor,也就是从这里开始监听APF请求了。继续往下看,我们发现了(child = dsi_start(&obj, (DSI *)(asev->data[i].private), server_children))这行代码,返货了进程描述符,这意味着从这里开始已经真正开始接收和处理请求了。

我们再来看afp_start函数。首先调用了dsi_getsession,并且forked后进入afp_over_dsi处理本次请求。我们先看dsi_getsession,我们可以看到在第一个数据包中只允许我们利用DSI中的command字段访问两个Command命令或者说函数,分别是DSIGetStatusDSIOpenSession。我们查阅一下,DSIOpenSession命令的分支即dsi_opensession函数。我们看到switch语句在解析DSI session options时,DSIOPT_ATTNQUANT分支中出现了一个memcpy(&dsi->attn_quantum, dsi->commands + i + 1, dsi->commands[i]);语句,这里存在一个越界写漏洞。在进入到dsi_opensession函数之前,会隐式的调用dsi_stream_receive函数,将我们发送的DSI数据包中的Payload字段 copy to dsi->commands中。而Payload字段是可控的,用户发包时自由指定,只要服务可以解析即可。因此,我们发现payload在这里实际上解析的格式是payload[0]:code, payload[1]:size, payload[2:size -1]:data,而memcpy拷贝至的dsi->attn_quantum变量却是一个uint32类型,也就说,只要我们合理设置size和data就可以触发越界写,覆盖&dsi->attn_quantum后面的字段。我们可以往后覆盖多少个字节呢?dsi->commands是一个uint8类型的指针,也就是解析格式中size最大值为255,我们可以往后覆盖255个字节。

DSI结构体如下,从attn_quantum字段往后溢出,我们最多可以溢出至data数组的部分空间(data数组非常大)。比较关键的是我们可以覆盖指针dsi->commands。在后面的漏洞分析小节,我们会纤细的讨论覆盖commands指针所导致的严重后果,这将使得我们可以RCE。afp_start->dsi_getsession->dsi_opensession这条路径我们分析至此。大意的作用从两个关键函数名也可以看出来,核心就是open session,配置一些东西并开启正式的连接会话,你可以理解为TCP建立连接前的三次握手,但是在配置过程中产生了越界写漏洞。

我们再继续从afp_start->afp_over_dsi开始看。afp_over_dsi处理正式连接的请求核心再这个while循环。首先第一行重要代码cmd = dsi_stream_receive(dsi);Blocking read on the network socket,即阻塞地从socket连接中读取dsi steam,即会解析dsi流量填充dsi结构体,也就是反序列化dsi流量。我们进入快速阅读一下dsi_stream_receive函数,注意我们关注的是该函数如何从socket中读取数据填充dsi结构体。我们可以明显的发现block变量即是DSI Header,将block copy to dsi.header中。而其中关键的数据包的body也即payload或者说dsi data是同过一行if (dsi_stream_read(dsi, dsi->commands, dsi->cmdlen) != dsi->cmdlen)从dsi结构体的buffer中读取到dsi->commands指针指向的内存中,最后其返回值返回block[1],也就是我们下图1中给出的DSI Header结构中的Command字段。至此我们了解该函数是如何把DSI流量数据填充进 dsi structure。

注3:这里我们就发现了任意地址写漏洞。我们最开始的越界写,第一次发包可以覆盖commands,而后续发包可以往commands中写入我们希望的数据,指针劫持并可控的写指针指向内存,并且我们发现我们可以写多少是由图1的total data length这个字段决定的,而这个字段是4字节大小且根据payload的长度计算值,因此我们可以写非常长的payload。

我们继续回到afp_over_dsi的while循环中。再dsi_stream_receive函数返回时,其返回值同时也是本次请求的Command字段,该返回值进入Switch语句执行对应的command命令,而我们着重关注最核心的case DSIFUNC_CMD分支。这个分支的作用简而言之,就是根据我们DSI数据流中的Payload字段的数据,执行AFP回调函数。我们可以发现核心的afp_switch变量,通过全局搜索afp_switch =可以发现两处赋值(如图2所示)。通过变量名和两张回调函数表的内容,可以猜测,一个是未登入或未授权时走preauth_switch,一个是登入成功或授权时走postauth_switch





我们可以在第一次发送DSI数据包时,触发越界写,劫持commands指针,那么我们如何得以让commands指针写入我们希望的地址呢?在未开启ASLR时,这并不难,但现在我们开启了ASLR,我们没办法确定任意一个模块的base adress。这时我们不妨先,先看一看内存布局。尽管程序开启了ASLR,但是我们每次处理我们连接的是fork出来的子进程,而子进程的虚拟进程空间的内存布局与父进程是一致的,也就是说每次fork出来的子进程其地址在父进程生命周期内都是固定的。

sudo gdb -q -p `pgrep -n afp` --ex "set follow-fork-mode child"

如图3,通过观察,我们可以得知ASLR的Randomization主要是 0x00 00 7f ?? ?? ?? ?0 00,这样的随机化规律。那么,我们可以通过不断的写commands指针的地址试,逐个试探??,观察子进程是否crash。若commands指针地址不可写,那么后续读commands指针数据的操作将触发非法内存访问导致进程crash,无法响应我们的请求。也就是说,如果我们发的包修改的commands指针地址合法,我们会收到响应的数据包,如果没有那么就意味着我们写的commands指针地址非法。首先,commands指针原始的地址肯定是合法的、可写的。我们可以选择从0x00 00 7f ?? ?? ?? ?0 00的高字节逐字节往低试探(即上诉格式的从左往右消除问号),每当我们收到响应包时,我们便确定了一个??,转之继续往下一个??试探,直至确定一个合法的可写地址。当我们确定一个合法的地址时,有什么用呢?ELF模块之间的相对位置通常是固定的,例如afpd永远是第一个加载的模块。由此当我们在内存中确定一个可写内存的位置时,其相对于其他模块、地址的偏移也是相对固定的,差也不会差太多。我们可以这样来爆破,我们从高地址开始逐渐向低地址爆破,然后每一个字节爆破的值从255->0开始,那么我们拿到的地址,几乎可以肯定的说落在地址最高的ELF模块中。同理,从低字节开始往高字节写,从0->255开始,把7f也当作??试探,几乎可以肯定你会得到一个落在afpd模块中的可读可写地址。由于后面我给出的Exploit是通过泄露libc,劫持__free_hook指针进行内存布局并RCE的。所以我的泄露地址思路是尽量泄露一个离libc近的地址,因为图5中libc地址足够高,因此我也选择泄露一个高地址。代码如下:该代码泄露出来的地址,落在最高的模块中。并且出于简单考虑,在这个形式中的泄露格式0x00 00 7f ?? ?? ?? ?0 00,我把最后两个字节默认抹除为0了,也即只需要泄露三个字节,并且我们泄露出来的地址是0x1000对齐的。


好了,现在我们解决了任意地址写的问题,那么我们来考虑如何进行RCE。泄露了libc以及可以任意地址写,那么常规的思路就是劫持函数指针获得控制流。注意下面的讲解一开始你可能有点困惑,但请看到这以小节的最后你再读一遍就会明白了。由三个gadgets可以完成这个思路。具体的,先看这一段gadgets,setcontext + 53(图4,红框)。我们可以看见只要我们能够控制rdi寄存器,那么我们就能控制几乎所有的寄存器,包括rsp和rip,也就是说我们就达成了劫持控制流、控制了几乎所有寄存器。这一段gadgets其实就是在进行SROP中 signal frame的构建,此时rdi相对于指向就是signal frame的顶部。因此,我们可以通过pwntools中的SigreturnFrame方便的控制这段代码对寄存器的赋值,只要我们可以控制rdi。
![image.png] 图片描述
为了控制rdi,我们需要另外两个gadgets。一个是__libc_dlopen_mode + 56,一个是fgetpos64+207,分别如图5、图6所示。






aa9K9s2c8@1M7s2y4Q4x3@1q4Q4x3V1k6Q4x3V1k6Y4N6s2u0T1L8%4W2Q4x3X3g2Y4K9i4c8Z5N6h3u0Q4x3X3g2A6L8#2)9J5c8Y4m8G2M7%4c8K6i4K6u0r3L8X3g2@1j5i4c8S2L8r3E0Q4x3V1k6Q4x3U0x3H3P5o6l9@1i4K6u0V1i4K6t1#2c8e0g2Q4x3U0f1^5z5q4)9J5y4f1p5&6i4K6t1#2c8e0N6Q4x3U0f1&6y4q4)9J5y4f1p5^5<br />140K9s2c8@1M7s2y4Q4x3@1q4Q4x3V1k6Q4x3V1k6^5N6h3q4F1P5s2g2S2L8X3u0D9K9h3&6Y4j5X3I4A6L8X3N6Q4x3X3g2Y4K9i4c8Z5N6h3u0Q4x3X3g2A6L8#2)9J5c8X3y4@1k6W2)9J5c8Y4m8%4L8W2)9J5c8U0t1H3x3U0q4Q4x3V1j5I4x3g2)9J5c8U0l9$3i4K6u0r3L8X3g2@1j5i4c8S2L8r3E0Q4x3V1j5`.<br />3f1K9s2c8@1M7s2y4Q4x3@1q4Q4x3V1k6Q4x3V1k6E0k6h3c8A6N6h3#2Q4x3X3g2U0L8$3#2Q4x3V1k6@1k6h3&6S2j5X3I4W2i4K6u0V1N6r3g2U0K9r3u0D9L8$3N6Q4x3V1k6W2P5s2m8D9L8$3W2@1K9h3&6Y4i4K6u0V1j5h3&6Q4x3X3b7I4z5q4)9J5k6s2W2W2j5i4u0Q4x3X3c8G2L8r3c8Q4x3X3c8T1N6h3N6Q4x3X3c8T1y4o6N6S2k6X3f1#2y4o6p5%4x3R3`.`.<br />53bK9s2c8@1M7s2y4Q4x3@1q4Q4x3V1k6Q4x3V1k6W2L8W2)9J5k6i4N6A6K9$3W2H3k6h3c8A6j5g2)9J5k6h3!0J5k6#2)9J5c8Y4N6A6K9$3W2Q4x3V1k6p5j5i4c8S2i4K6g2X3f1%4c8J5k6h3q4E0i4K6g2X3d9h3&6@1k6i4u0X3j5h3y4W2i4K6t1K6j5$3W2@1k6g2)9#2k6X3&6G2N6r3g2Q4x3X3b7J5<br />994K9s2c8@1M7s2y4Q4x3@1q4Q4x3V1k6Q4x3V1k6^5P5W2)9J5k6h3q4D9K9i4W2#2L8W2)9J5k6h3y4G2L8g2)9J5c8Y4c8Q4x3V1j5K6y4K6p5H3

sudo docker run -it ubuntu:18.04 /bin/bash
sudo docker run -it ubuntu:18.04 /bin/bash
sudo docker run -p 548:548 -it --privileged=true temp-image:latest /sbin/init
sudo docker run -p 548:548 -it --privileged=true temp-image:latest /sbin/init
int main(int ac, char **av) {
    /* watch atp, dsi sockets and ipc parent/child file descriptor. */
    if (!(init_listening_sockets(&obj))) {
        LOG(log_error, logtype_afpd, "main: couldn't initialize socket handler");
    while (1) {
        pthread_sigmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &sigs, NULL);
        ret = poll(asev->fdset, asev->used, -1);
        pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, &sigs, NULL);
        saveerrno = errno;
        if (gotsigchld) {
            gotsigchld = 0;
        if (reloadconfig) {
            if (!(reset_listening_sockets(&obj))) {
                LOG(log_error, logtype_afpd, "main: reset socket handlers");
            LOG(log_info, logtype_afpd, "re-reading configuration file");
            configfree(&obj, NULL);
            if (afp_config_parse(&obj, "afpd") != 0)
            if (configinit(&obj) != 0) {
                LOG(log_error, logtype_afpd, "config re-read: no servers configured");
            if (!(init_listening_sockets(&obj))) {
                LOG(log_error, logtype_afpd, "main: couldn't initialize socket handler");
            nologin = 0;
            reloadconfig = 0;
            errno = saveerrno;
            if (server_children) {
                server_child_kill(server_children, SIGHUP);
        if (ret == 0)
        if (ret < 0) {
            if (errno == EINTR)
            LOG(log_error, logtype_afpd, "main: can't wait for input: %s", strerror(errno));
        for (int i = 0; i < asev->used; i++) {
            if (asev->fdset[i].revents & (POLLIN | POLLERR | POLLHUP | POLLNVAL)) {
                switch (asev->data[i].fdtype) {
                    case LISTEN_FD:
                        // here
                        if ((child = dsi_start(&obj, (DSI *)(asev->data[i].private), server_children))) {
                            if (!(asev_add_fd(asev, child->afpch_ipc_fd, IPC_FD, child))) {
                                LOG(log_error, logtype_afpd, "out of asev slots");
* Close IPC fd here and mark it as unused
                                child->afpch_ipc_fd = -1;
* Being unfriendly here, but we really
* want to get rid of it. The 'child'
* handle gets cleaned up in the SIGCLD
* handler.
                                kill(child->afpch_pid, SIGKILL);
                            case IPC_FD:
                            child = (afp_child_t *)(asev->data[i].private);
                            LOG(log_debug, logtype_afpd, "main: IPC request from child[%u]", child->afpch_pid);
                            if (ipc_server_read(server_children, child->afpch_ipc_fd) != 0) {
                            if (!(asev_del_fd(asev, child->afpch_ipc_fd))) {
                            LOG(log_error, logtype_afpd, "child[%u]: no IPC fd");
                            child->afpch_ipc_fd = -1;
                            LOG(log_debug, logtype_afpd, "main: IPC request for unknown type");
                        } /* switch */
                        /* if */
                        } /* for (i)*/
                        } /* while (1) */
int main(int ac, char **av) {
    /* watch atp, dsi sockets and ipc parent/child file descriptor. */
    if (!(init_listening_sockets(&obj))) {
        LOG(log_error, logtype_afpd, "main: couldn't initialize socket handler");
    while (1) {
        pthread_sigmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &sigs, NULL);
        ret = poll(asev->fdset, asev->used, -1);
        pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, &sigs, NULL);
        saveerrno = errno;
        if (gotsigchld) {
            gotsigchld = 0;
        if (reloadconfig) {
            if (!(reset_listening_sockets(&obj))) {
                LOG(log_error, logtype_afpd, "main: reset socket handlers");
            LOG(log_info, logtype_afpd, "re-reading configuration file");
            configfree(&obj, NULL);
            if (afp_config_parse(&obj, "afpd") != 0)
            if (configinit(&obj) != 0) {
                LOG(log_error, logtype_afpd, "config re-read: no servers configured");
            if (!(init_listening_sockets(&obj))) {
                LOG(log_error, logtype_afpd, "main: couldn't initialize socket handler");
            nologin = 0;
            reloadconfig = 0;
            errno = saveerrno;
            if (server_children) {
                server_child_kill(server_children, SIGHUP);
        if (ret == 0)
        if (ret < 0) {
            if (errno == EINTR)
            LOG(log_error, logtype_afpd, "main: can't wait for input: %s", strerror(errno));
        for (int i = 0; i < asev->used; i++) {
            if (asev->fdset[i].revents & (POLLIN | POLLERR | POLLHUP | POLLNVAL)) {
                switch (asev->data[i].fdtype) {
                    case LISTEN_FD:
                        // here
                        if ((child = dsi_start(&obj, (DSI *)(asev->data[i].private), server_children))) {
                            if (!(asev_add_fd(asev, child->afpch_ipc_fd, IPC_FD, child))) {
                                LOG(log_error, logtype_afpd, "out of asev slots");
* Close IPC fd here and mark it as unused
                                child->afpch_ipc_fd = -1;
* Being unfriendly here, but we really
* want to get rid of it. The 'child'
* handle gets cleaned up in the SIGCLD
* handler.
                                kill(child->afpch_pid, SIGKILL);
                            case IPC_FD:
                            child = (afp_child_t *)(asev->data[i].private);
                            LOG(log_debug, logtype_afpd, "main: IPC request from child[%u]", child->afpch_pid);
                            if (ipc_server_read(server_children, child->afpch_ipc_fd) != 0) {
                            if (!(asev_del_fd(asev, child->afpch_ipc_fd))) {
                            LOG(log_error, logtype_afpd, "child[%u]: no IPC fd");
                            child->afpch_ipc_fd = -1;
                            LOG(log_debug, logtype_afpd, "main: IPC request for unknown type");
                        } /* switch */
                        /* if */
                        } /* for (i)*/
                        } /* while (1) */
static afp_child_t *dsi_start(AFPObj *obj, DSI *dsi, server_child_t *server_children)
    afp_child_t *child = NULL;
    if (dsi_getsession(dsi, server_children, obj->options.tickleval, &child) != 0) {
        LOG(log_error, logtype_afpd, "dsi_start: session error: %s", strerror(errno));
        return NULL;
    // we've forked.
    if (child == NULL) {
        configfree(obj, dsi);
        afp_over_dsi(obj); /* start a session */
        exit (0);
    return child;
* Start a DSI session, fork an afpd process
* @param childp    (w) after fork: parent return pointer to child, child returns NULL
* @returns             0 on sucess, any other value denotes failure
/* DSI Commands */
#define DSIFUNC_CLOSE   1       /* DSICloseSession */
#define DSIFUNC_CMD     2       /* DSICommand */
#define DSIFUNC_STAT    3       /* DSIGetStatus */
#define DSIFUNC_OPEN    4       /* DSIOpenSession */
#define DSIFUNC_TICKLE  5       /* DSITickle */
#define DSIFUNC_WRITE   6       /* DSIWrite */
#define DSIFUNC_ATTN    8       /* DSIAttention */
#define DSIFUNC_MAX     8       /* largest command */
int dsi_getsession(DSI *dsi, server_child_t *serv_children, int tickleval, afp_child_t **childp)
    switch (dsi->header.dsi_command) {
        case DSIFUNC_STAT: /* send off status and return */
                /* OpenTransport 1.1.2 bug workaround:
* OT code doesn't currently handle close sockets well. urk.
* the workaround: wait for the client to close its
* side. timeouts prevent indefinite resource use.
                static struct timeval timeout = {120, 0};
                fd_set readfds;
                FD_SET(dsi->socket, &readfds);
                select(FD_SETSIZE, &readfds, NULL, NULL, &timeout);   
        case DSIFUNC_OPEN: /* setup session */
            /* set up the tickle timer */
            dsi->timer.it_interval.tv_sec = dsi->timer.it_value.tv_sec = tickleval;
            dsi->timer.it_interval.tv_usec = dsi->timer.it_value.tv_usec = 0;
            *childp = NULL;
            return 0;
        default: /* just close */
            LOG(log_info, logtype_dsi, "DSIUnknown %d", dsi->header.dsi_command);
/* DSI session options */
#define DSIOPT_SERVQUANT 0x00   /* server request quantum */
#define DSIOPT_ATTNQUANT 0x01   /* attention quantum */
#define DSIOPT_REPLCSIZE 0x02   /* AFP replaycache size supported by the server (that's us) */
/* OpenSession. set up the connection */
void dsi_opensession(DSI *dsi)
  uint32_t i = 0; /* this serves double duty. it must be 4-bytes long */
  int offs;
  if (setnonblock(dsi->socket, 1) < 0) {
      LOG(log_error, logtype_dsi, "dsi_opensession: setnonblock: %s", strerror(errno));
      AFP_PANIC("setnonblock error");
  /* parse options */
  while (i < dsi->cmdlen) {
    switch (dsi->commands[i++]){
    case DSIOPT_ATTNQUANT: // dsi_header.dsi_data[0]:code, dsi_header.dsi_data[1]:size, dsi_header.dsi_data[2:size -1]:data
      memcpy(&dsi->attn_quantum, dsi->commands + i + 1, dsi->commands[i]);  // 越界写,上层函数会执行 memcpy(dsi->commands, dsi_header->dsi_data) dsi_header是我们发包的内容
      dsi->attn_quantum = ntohl(dsi->attn_quantum);
    case DSIOPT_SERVQUANT: /* just ignore these */
      i += dsi->commands[i] + 1; /* forward past length tag + length */
// ...
static afp_child_t *dsi_start(AFPObj *obj, DSI *dsi, server_child_t *server_children)
    afp_child_t *child = NULL;
    if (dsi_getsession(dsi, server_children, obj->options.tickleval, &child) != 0) {
        LOG(log_error, logtype_afpd, "dsi_start: session error: %s", strerror(errno));
        return NULL;
    // we've forked.
    if (child == NULL) {
        configfree(obj, dsi);
        afp_over_dsi(obj); /* start a session */
        exit (0);
    return child;
* Start a DSI session, fork an afpd process
* @param childp    (w) after fork: parent return pointer to child, child returns NULL
* @returns             0 on sucess, any other value denotes failure
/* DSI Commands */
#define DSIFUNC_CLOSE   1       /* DSICloseSession */
#define DSIFUNC_CMD     2       /* DSICommand */
#define DSIFUNC_STAT    3       /* DSIGetStatus */
#define DSIFUNC_OPEN    4       /* DSIOpenSession */
#define DSIFUNC_TICKLE  5       /* DSITickle */
#define DSIFUNC_WRITE   6       /* DSIWrite */
#define DSIFUNC_ATTN    8       /* DSIAttention */
#define DSIFUNC_MAX     8       /* largest command */
int dsi_getsession(DSI *dsi, server_child_t *serv_children, int tickleval, afp_child_t **childp)
    switch (dsi->header.dsi_command) {
        case DSIFUNC_STAT: /* send off status and return */
                /* OpenTransport 1.1.2 bug workaround:
* OT code doesn't currently handle close sockets well. urk.
* the workaround: wait for the client to close its
* side. timeouts prevent indefinite resource use.
                static struct timeval timeout = {120, 0};
                fd_set readfds;
                FD_SET(dsi->socket, &readfds);
                select(FD_SETSIZE, &readfds, NULL, NULL, &timeout);   
        case DSIFUNC_OPEN: /* setup session */
            /* set up the tickle timer */
            dsi->timer.it_interval.tv_sec = dsi->timer.it_value.tv_sec = tickleval;
            dsi->timer.it_interval.tv_usec = dsi->timer.it_value.tv_usec = 0;
            *childp = NULL;
            return 0;
        default: /* just close */
            LOG(log_info, logtype_dsi, "DSIUnknown %d", dsi->header.dsi_command);
/* DSI session options */
#define DSIOPT_SERVQUANT 0x00   /* server request quantum */
#define DSIOPT_ATTNQUANT 0x01   /* attention quantum */
#define DSIOPT_REPLCSIZE 0x02   /* AFP replaycache size supported by the server (that's us) */
/* OpenSession. set up the connection */
void dsi_opensession(DSI *dsi)
  uint32_t i = 0; /* this serves double duty. it must be 4-bytes long */
  int offs;
  if (setnonblock(dsi->socket, 1) < 0) {
      LOG(log_error, logtype_dsi, "dsi_opensession: setnonblock: %s", strerror(errno));
      AFP_PANIC("setnonblock error");
  /* parse options */
  while (i < dsi->cmdlen) {
    switch (dsi->commands[i++]){
    case DSIOPT_ATTNQUANT: // dsi_header.dsi_data[0]:code, dsi_header.dsi_data[1]:size, dsi_header.dsi_data[2:size -1]:data
      memcpy(&dsi->attn_quantum, dsi->commands + i + 1, dsi->commands[i]);  // 越界写,上层函数会执行 memcpy(dsi->commands, dsi_header->dsi_data) dsi_header是我们发包的内容
      dsi->attn_quantum = ntohl(dsi->attn_quantum);
    case DSIOPT_SERVQUANT: /* just ignore these */
      i += dsi->commands[i] + 1; /* forward past length tag + length */
// ...
typedef struct DSI {
    struct DSI *next;             /* multiple listening addresses */
    AFPObj   *AFPobj;
    int      statuslen;
    char     status[1400];
    char     *signature;
    struct dsi_block        header;
    struct sockaddr_storage server, client;
    struct itimerval        timer;
    int      tickle;            /* tickle count */
    int      in_write;          /* in the middle of writing multiple packets,
                                   signal handlers can't write to the socket */
    int      msg_request;       /* pending message to the client */
    int      down_request;      /* pending SIGUSR1 down in 5 mn */
    uint32_t attn_quantum, datasize, server_quantum;
    uint16_t serverID, clientID;
    uint8_t  *commands; /* DSI recieve buffer */ //
    uint8_t  data[DSI_DATASIZ];    /* DSI reply buffer */
    size_t   datalen, cmdlen;
    off_t    read_count, write_count;
    uint32_t flags;             /* DSI flags like DSI_SLEEPING, DSI_DISCONNECTED */
    int      socket;            /* AFP session socket */
    int      serversock;        /* listening socket */
    /* DSI readahead buffer used for buffered reads in dsi_peek */
    size_t   dsireadbuf;        /* size of the DSI readahead buffer used in dsi_peek() */
    char     *buffer;           /* buffer start */
    char     *start;            /* current buffer head */
    char     *eof;              /* end of currently used buffer */
    char     *end;
    char *bonjourname;      /* server name as UTF8 maxlen MAXINSTANCENAMELEN */
    int zeroconf_registered;
    /* protocol specific open/close, send/receive
     * send/receive fill in the header and use dsi->commands.
     * write/read just write/read data */
    pid_t  (*proto_open)(struct DSI *);
    void   (*proto_close)(struct DSI *);
} DSI;
typedef struct DSI {
    struct DSI *next;             /* multiple listening addresses */
    AFPObj   *AFPobj;
    int      statuslen;
    char     status[1400];
    char     *signature;
    struct dsi_block        header;
    struct sockaddr_storage server, client;
    struct itimerval        timer;
    int      tickle;            /* tickle count */
    int      in_write;          /* in the middle of writing multiple packets,
                                   signal handlers can't write to the socket */
    int      msg_request;       /* pending message to the client */
    int      down_request;      /* pending SIGUSR1 down in 5 mn */
    uint32_t attn_quantum, datasize, server_quantum;
    uint16_t serverID, clientID;
    uint8_t  *commands; /* DSI recieve buffer */ //
    uint8_t  data[DSI_DATASIZ];    /* DSI reply buffer */
    size_t   datalen, cmdlen;
    off_t    read_count, write_count;
    uint32_t flags;             /* DSI flags like DSI_SLEEPING, DSI_DISCONNECTED */
    int      socket;            /* AFP session socket */
    int      serversock;        /* listening socket */
    /* DSI readahead buffer used for buffered reads in dsi_peek */
    size_t   dsireadbuf;        /* size of the DSI readahead buffer used in dsi_peek() */
    char     *buffer;           /* buffer start */
    char     *start;            /* current buffer head */
    char     *eof;              /* end of currently used buffer */
    char     *end;
    char *bonjourname;      /* server name as UTF8 maxlen MAXINSTANCENAMELEN */
    int zeroconf_registered;
    /* protocol specific open/close, send/receive
     * send/receive fill in the header and use dsi->commands.
     * write/read just write/read data */
    pid_t  (*proto_open)(struct DSI *);
    void   (*proto_close)(struct DSI *);
} DSI;
void afp_over_dsi(AFPObj *obj)
    DSI *dsi = (DSI *) obj->dsi;
    // ...
     while (1) {
        if (sigsetjmp(recon_jmp, 1) != 0)
            /* returning from SIGALARM handler for a primary reconnect */
        /* Blocking read on the network socket */
        cmd = dsi_stream_receive(dsi);
        if (cmd == 0) {
            /* cmd == 0 is the error condition */
            if (dsi->flags & DSI_RECONSOCKET) {
                /* we just got a reconnect so we immediately try again to receive on the new fd */
                dsi->flags &= ~DSI_RECONSOCKET;
            /* the client sometimes logs out (afp_logout) but doesn't close the DSI session */
            if (dsi->flags & DSI_AFP_LOGGED_OUT) {
                LOG(log_note, logtype_afpd, "afp_over_dsi: client logged out, terminating DSI session");
            if (dsi->flags & DSI_RECONINPROG) {
                LOG(log_note, logtype_afpd, "afp_over_dsi: failed reconnect");
            /* Some error on the client connection, enter disconnected state */
            if (dsi_disconnect(dsi) != 0)
            ipc_child_state(obj, DSI_DISCONNECTED);
            while (dsi->flags & DSI_DISCONNECTED)
                pause(); /* gets interrupted by SIGALARM or SIGURG tickle */
            ipc_child_state(obj, DSI_RUNNING);
            continue; /* continue receiving until disconnect timer expires
                       * or a primary reconnect succeeds  */
        if (!(dsi->flags & DSI_EXTSLEEP) && (dsi->flags & DSI_SLEEPING)) {
            LOG(log_debug, logtype_afpd, "afp_over_dsi: got data, ending normal sleep");
            dsi->flags &= ~DSI_SLEEPING;
            dsi->tickle = 0;
            ipc_child_state(obj, DSI_RUNNING);
        if (reload_request) {
            reload_request = 0;
            load_volumes(AFPobj, LV_FORCE);
        /* The first SIGINT enables debugging, the next restores the config */
        if (debug_request) {
            static int debugging = 0;
            debug_request = 0;
            if (debugging) {
                if (obj->options.logconfig)
                    setuplog(obj->options.logconfig, obj->options.logfile);
                    setuplog("default:note", NULL);
                debugging = 0;
            } else {
                char logstr[50];
                debugging = 1;
                sprintf(logstr, "/tmp/afpd.%u.XXXXXX", getpid());
                setuplog("default:maxdebug", logstr);
        dsi->flags |= DSI_DATA;
        dsi->tickle = 0;
        switch(cmd) {
        case DSIFUNC_CLOSE:
            LOG(log_debug, logtype_afpd, "DSI: close session request");
            LOG(log_note, logtype_afpd, "done");
        case DSIFUNC_TICKLE:
            dsi->flags &= ~DSI_DATA; /* thats no data in the sense we use it in alarm_handler */
            LOG(log_debug, logtype_afpd, "DSI: client tickle");
            /* timer is not every 30 seconds anymore, so we don't get killed on the client side. */
            if ((dsi->flags & DSI_DIE))
        case DSIFUNC_CMD:
#ifdef AFS
            if ( writtenfork ) {
                if ( flushfork( writtenfork ) < 0 ) {
                    LOG(log_error, logtype_afpd, "main flushfork: %s", strerror(errno) );
                writtenfork = NULL;
#endif /* AFS */
            function = (u_char) dsi->commands[0];
            /* AFP replay cache */
            rc_idx = dsi->clientID % REPLAYCACHE_SIZE;
            LOG(log_debug, logtype_dsi, "DSI request ID: %u", dsi->clientID);
            if (replaycache[rc_idx].DSIreqID == dsi->clientID
                && replaycache[rc_idx].AFPcommand == function) {
                LOG(log_note, logtype_afpd, "AFP Replay Cache match: id: %u / cmd: %s",
                    dsi->clientID, AfpNum2name(function));
                err = replaycache[rc_idx].result;
            /* AFP replay cache end */
            } else {
                /* send off an afp command. in a couple cases, we take advantage
                 * of the fact that we're a stream-based protocol. */
                if (afp_switch[function]) {
                    dsi->datalen = DSI_DATASIZ;
                    dsi->flags |= DSI_RUNNING;
                    LOG(log_debug, logtype_afpd, "<== Start AFP command: %s", AfpNum2name(function));
                    AFP_AFPFUNC_START(function, (char *)AfpNum2name(function));
                    err = (*afp_switch[function])(obj,
                                                  (char *)dsi->commands, dsi->cmdlen,
                                                  (char *)&dsi->data, &dsi->datalen);
                    AFP_AFPFUNC_DONE(function, (char *)AfpNum2name(function));
                    LOG(log_debug, logtype_afpd, "==> Finished AFP command: %s -> %s",
                        AfpNum2name(function), AfpErr2name(err));
                    dsi->flags &= ~DSI_RUNNING;
                    /* Add result to the AFP replay cache */
                    replaycache[rc_idx].DSIreqID = dsi->clientID;
                    replaycache[rc_idx].AFPcommand = function;
                    replaycache[rc_idx].result = err;
                } else {
                    LOG(log_maxdebug, logtype_afpd, "bad function %X", function);
                    dsi->datalen = 0;
                    err = AFPERR_NOOP;
            /* single shot toggle that gets set by dsi_readinit. */
            if (dsi->flags & DSI_NOREPLY) {
                dsi->flags &= ~DSI_NOREPLY;
            } else if (!dsi_cmdreply(dsi, err)) {
                LOG(log_error, logtype_afpd, "dsi_cmdreply(%d): %s", dsi->socket, strerror(errno) );
                if (dsi_disconnect(dsi) != 0)
        case DSIFUNC_WRITE: /* FPWrite and FPAddIcon */
            function = (u_char) dsi->commands[0];
            if ( afp_switch[ function ] != NULL ) {
                dsi->datalen = DSI_DATASIZ;
                dsi->flags |= DSI_RUNNING;
                LOG(log_debug, logtype_afpd, "<== Start AFP command: %s", AfpNum2name(function));
                AFP_AFPFUNC_START(function, (char *)AfpNum2name(function));
                err = (*afp_switch[function])(obj,
                                              (char *)dsi->commands, dsi->cmdlen,
                                              (char *)&dsi->data, &dsi->datalen);
                AFP_AFPFUNC_DONE(function, (char *)AfpNum2name(function));
                LOG(log_debug, logtype_afpd, "==> Finished AFP command: %s -> %s",
                    AfpNum2name(function), AfpErr2name(err));
                dsi->flags &= ~DSI_RUNNING;
            } else {
                LOG(log_error, logtype_afpd, "(write) bad function %x", function);
                dsi->datalen = 0;
                err = AFPERR_NOOP;
            if (!dsi_wrtreply(dsi, err)) {
                LOG(log_error, logtype_afpd, "dsi_wrtreply: %s", strerror(errno) );
                if (dsi_disconnect(dsi) != 0)
        case DSIFUNC_ATTN: /* attention replies */
            /* error. this usually implies a mismatch of some kind
             * between server and client. if things are correct,
             * we need to flush the rest of the packet if necessary. */
            LOG(log_info, logtype_afpd,"afp_dsi: spurious command %d", cmd);
            dsi_writeinit(dsi, dsi->data, DSI_DATASIZ);
 * Read DSI command and data
 * @param  dsi   (rw) DSI handle
 * @return    DSI function on success, 0 on failure
int dsi_stream_receive(DSI *dsi)
  char block[DSI_BLOCKSIZ];
  LOG(log_maxdebug, logtype_dsi, "dsi_stream_receive: START");
  if (dsi->flags & DSI_DISCONNECTED)
      return 0;
  /* read in the header */
  if (dsi_buffered_stream_read(dsi, (uint8_t *)block, sizeof(block)) != sizeof(block))
    return 0;
  dsi->header.dsi_flags = block[0];
  dsi->header.dsi_command = block[1];
  if (dsi->header.dsi_command == 0)
      return 0;
  memcpy(&dsi->header.dsi_requestID, block + 2, sizeof(dsi->header.dsi_requestID));
  memcpy(&dsi->header.dsi_data.dsi_doff, block + 4, sizeof(dsi->header.dsi_data.dsi_doff));
  dsi->header.dsi_data.dsi_doff = htonl(dsi->header.dsi_data.dsi_doff);
  memcpy(&dsi->header.dsi_len, block + 8, sizeof(dsi->header.dsi_len));
  memcpy(&dsi->header.dsi_reserved, block + 12, sizeof(dsi->header.dsi_reserved));
  dsi->clientID = ntohs(dsi->header.dsi_requestID);
  /* make sure we don't over-write our buffers. */
  dsi->cmdlen = MIN(ntohl(dsi->header.dsi_len), dsi->server_quantum);
  /* Receiving DSIWrite data is done in AFP function, not here */
  if (dsi->header.dsi_data.dsi_doff) {
      LOG(log_maxdebug, logtype_dsi, "dsi_stream_receive: write request");
      dsi->cmdlen = dsi->header.dsi_data.dsi_doff;
  // TCP fork dsi
  if (dsi_stream_read(dsi, dsi->commands, dsi->cmdlen) != dsi->cmdlen)
    return 0;
  LOG(log_debug, logtype_dsi, "dsi_stream_receive: DSI cmdlen: %zd", dsi->cmdlen);
  return block[1];
void afp_over_dsi(AFPObj *obj)
    DSI *dsi = (DSI *) obj->dsi;
    // ...
     while (1) {
        if (sigsetjmp(recon_jmp, 1) != 0)
            /* returning from SIGALARM handler for a primary reconnect */
        /* Blocking read on the network socket */
        cmd = dsi_stream_receive(dsi);
        if (cmd == 0) {
            /* cmd == 0 is the error condition */
            if (dsi->flags & DSI_RECONSOCKET) {
                /* we just got a reconnect so we immediately try again to receive on the new fd */
                dsi->flags &= ~DSI_RECONSOCKET;
            /* the client sometimes logs out (afp_logout) but doesn't close the DSI session */
            if (dsi->flags & DSI_AFP_LOGGED_OUT) {
                LOG(log_note, logtype_afpd, "afp_over_dsi: client logged out, terminating DSI session");
            if (dsi->flags & DSI_RECONINPROG) {
                LOG(log_note, logtype_afpd, "afp_over_dsi: failed reconnect");
            /* Some error on the client connection, enter disconnected state */
            if (dsi_disconnect(dsi) != 0)
            ipc_child_state(obj, DSI_DISCONNECTED);
            while (dsi->flags & DSI_DISCONNECTED)
                pause(); /* gets interrupted by SIGALARM or SIGURG tickle */
            ipc_child_state(obj, DSI_RUNNING);
            continue; /* continue receiving until disconnect timer expires
                       * or a primary reconnect succeeds  */
        if (!(dsi->flags & DSI_EXTSLEEP) && (dsi->flags & DSI_SLEEPING)) {
            LOG(log_debug, logtype_afpd, "afp_over_dsi: got data, ending normal sleep");
            dsi->flags &= ~DSI_SLEEPING;
            dsi->tickle = 0;
            ipc_child_state(obj, DSI_RUNNING);
        if (reload_request) {
            reload_request = 0;
            load_volumes(AFPobj, LV_FORCE);
        /* The first SIGINT enables debugging, the next restores the config */
        if (debug_request) {
            static int debugging = 0;
            debug_request = 0;
            if (debugging) {
                if (obj->options.logconfig)
                    setuplog(obj->options.logconfig, obj->options.logfile);
                    setuplog("default:note", NULL);
                debugging = 0;
            } else {
                char logstr[50];
                debugging = 1;
                sprintf(logstr, "/tmp/afpd.%u.XXXXXX", getpid());
                setuplog("default:maxdebug", logstr);
        dsi->flags |= DSI_DATA;
        dsi->tickle = 0;
        switch(cmd) {
        case DSIFUNC_CLOSE:
            LOG(log_debug, logtype_afpd, "DSI: close session request");
            LOG(log_note, logtype_afpd, "done");
        case DSIFUNC_TICKLE:
            dsi->flags &= ~DSI_DATA; /* thats no data in the sense we use it in alarm_handler */
            LOG(log_debug, logtype_afpd, "DSI: client tickle");
            /* timer is not every 30 seconds anymore, so we don't get killed on the client side. */
            if ((dsi->flags & DSI_DIE))
        case DSIFUNC_CMD:
#ifdef AFS
            if ( writtenfork ) {
                if ( flushfork( writtenfork ) < 0 ) {
                    LOG(log_error, logtype_afpd, "main flushfork: %s", strerror(errno) );
                writtenfork = NULL;
#endif /* AFS */
            function = (u_char) dsi->commands[0];
            /* AFP replay cache */
            rc_idx = dsi->clientID % REPLAYCACHE_SIZE;
            LOG(log_debug, logtype_dsi, "DSI request ID: %u", dsi->clientID);
            if (replaycache[rc_idx].DSIreqID == dsi->clientID
                && replaycache[rc_idx].AFPcommand == function) {
                LOG(log_note, logtype_afpd, "AFP Replay Cache match: id: %u / cmd: %s",
                    dsi->clientID, AfpNum2name(function));
                err = replaycache[rc_idx].result;
            /* AFP replay cache end */
            } else {
                /* send off an afp command. in a couple cases, we take advantage
                 * of the fact that we're a stream-based protocol. */
                if (afp_switch[function]) {
                    dsi->datalen = DSI_DATASIZ;
                    dsi->flags |= DSI_RUNNING;
                    LOG(log_debug, logtype_afpd, "<== Start AFP command: %s", AfpNum2name(function));
                    AFP_AFPFUNC_START(function, (char *)AfpNum2name(function));
                    err = (*afp_switch[function])(obj,
                                                  (char *)dsi->commands, dsi->cmdlen,
                                                  (char *)&dsi->data, &dsi->datalen);
                    AFP_AFPFUNC_DONE(function, (char *)AfpNum2name(function));
                    LOG(log_debug, logtype_afpd, "==> Finished AFP command: %s -> %s",
                        AfpNum2name(function), AfpErr2name(err));
                    dsi->flags &= ~DSI_RUNNING;
                    /* Add result to the AFP replay cache */
                    replaycache[rc_idx].DSIreqID = dsi->clientID;
                    replaycache[rc_idx].AFPcommand = function;
                    replaycache[rc_idx].result = err;
                } else {
                    LOG(log_maxdebug, logtype_afpd, "bad function %X", function);
                    dsi->datalen = 0;
                    err = AFPERR_NOOP;


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