发表于: 2022-7-21 16:36 86269
现在大厂的设备指纹层出不穷,但是想要确保稳定性和唯一性高精准其实也挺难的一件事,有的是通过设备信息比重进行的设备ID唯一值确认。比如A设备信息占比10%,B设备信息占比20%,当比重超过60%以上,设备指纹才会发生变化。这样的好处就是当你只修改某一个字段的时候,设备指纹不发生变化。还有的干脆找一个隐蔽的并且唯一的设备信息,作为缓存,每次读取缓存的方式去判断,设备信息是唯一,比如常见的有Native获取DRM,popen cat /sys/devices/soc0/serial_number ,svc读取bootid并且保存到文件,netlinker获取网卡。都是很常见并且隐蔽的的设备指纹。这篇文章主要介绍了各种指纹的获取情况,如何修改,站在上帝视角去俯看,攻击者和被攻击者遇到的问题 。
Android IPC代理是什么?
Android本身是CS架构,客户端(client)服务端(server),我们常用的通过context上下文调用的API都是直接调用代理人的方式去调用的,而真正的服务端是ActivityManagerServer 简称,AMS, 他有很多代理,比如PackageManager,ActivityManager 等,这些都是AMS的代理人。而AMS就是被代理人。代理模式是一种设计模式,代理人可以提供被代理人的部分或者全部功能,实现代码封装,做鉴权,代码安全的角度,代理模式很常用的设计模式。
AMS和代理们通过Binder进行通讯,Binder是什么,有什么好处这里就不详细展开了,安卓面试八股文,可以理解成进程间通讯的东西,底层实现是通过共享内存,数据传输,读取速度更快。当我们调用代理人的API得时候,本质上是通过Binder去发送一些数据包,和AMS通讯,当AMS收到消息以后把结果在传输给对应的代理人。然后返回给调用方。在每个Manager里面都有一个代理人 。
之前很久之前有一种动态代理的技术,原理就是替换了里面的代理人,因为代理是一个接口,然后我们自己通过Proxy这个类创建一个代理,然后反射set回去,就可以实现常用的API拦截和Hook。类似VA的沙盒,对多开的App提供一份自己实现的代理,然后控制这些代理的返回值,以此实现沙盒相关操作。还有一种比较好的过APK签名的方法就是直接Hook"水管" 也就是hook binder的通讯的方法,当接收到指定事件以后,直接修改具体的结果,以此对Java层进行全量Hook(binder的通讯方法被Hook以后,调用者和代理人只能拿到被修改以后的结果,以此实现Java层的全量Hook,后面再讲签名验证的时候我在详细说。)
因为在获取或者分析的时候,需要绕过反射9.0限制,这里采用的是Lsp作者的AndroidHiddenApiBypass进行隐藏API的调用 ,
Get(如何获取,站在开发者角度) Mock (如何进行修改测试,站在攻击者角度)
在setting里面大家经常遇到的可能就是android id的获取的
1 | Settings.Secure.getString(context.getContentResolver(),Settings.Secure.ANDROID_ID) |
但是其实Setting里面还有很多别的功能东西,常见的就是Settings.Secure 和 Settings.Global
在Settings.Global 里面其实还有一些别的字段,具体API如下。这些都是一些比较隐蔽的设备指纹。
1 2 3 4 5 | Settings.Global.getString(context.getContentResolver(), "mi_health_id" ) Settings.Global.getString(context.getContentResolver(), "mi_health_id" ) Settings.Global.getString(context.getContentResolver(), "gcbooster_uuid" ) Settings.Global.getString(context.getContentResolver(), "key_mqs_uuid" ) Settings.Global.getString(context.getContentResolver(), "ad_aaid" ) |
Global和Secure 都是实现的NameValueTable接口。
1 2 3 | public static String getString(ContentResolver resolver, String name) { return getStringForUser(resolver, name, resolver.getUserId()); } |
底层调用的是getStringForUser(resolver, name, resolver.getUserId()) 三个参数,如果Hook的话可以对这个方法进行入手。
Settings.Secure->getStringForUser & Settings.Global ->getStringForUser
很多开发者会采用内存反射的方式去获取变量,所以仅仅是通过mock方法的方式不够,如果进行Mock需要将Settings.Secure 和 Settings.Global 里面的内存变量进行修复,Settings.Global是放了一些全局变量,Settings.Secure放一些安全相关,
Settings.Secure->getStringForUser Settings.Global ->getStringForUser 和 具体方法如下。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 | private static final HashSet<string> MOVED_TO_GLOBAL; private static final NameValueCache sNameValueCache = new NameValueCache( CONTENT_URI, CALL_METHOD_GET_SYSTEM, CALL_METHOD_PUT_SYSTEM, sProviderHolder, System. class ); public static String getStringForUser(ContentResolver resolver, String name, int userHandle) { if (MOVED_TO_GLOBAL.contains(name)) { Log.w(TAG, "Setting " + name + " has moved from android.provider.Settings.Secure" + " to android.provider.Settings.Global." ); return Global.getStringForUser(resolver, name, userHandle); } ... return sNameValueCache.getStringForUser(resolver, name, userHandle); } @UnsupportedAppUsage public static String getStringForUser(ContentResolver resolver, String name, int userHandle) { if (MOVED_TO_SECURE.contains(name)) { Log.w(TAG, "Setting " + name + " has moved from android.provider.Settings.System" + " to android.provider.Settings.Secure, returning read-only value." ); return Secure.getStringForUser(resolver, name, userHandle); } if (MOVED_TO_GLOBAL.contains(name) || MOVED_TO_SECURE_THEN_GLOBAL.contains(name)) { Log.w(TAG, "Setting " + name + " has moved from android.provider.Settings.System" + " to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value." ); return Global.getStringForUser(resolver, name, userHandle); } }</string> |
可以看到,整体的cache都是放在sNameValueCache变量和MOVED_TO_GLOBAL变量内部进行存储 。
我们可以直接反射MOVED_TO_GLOBAL这个HashSet或者去sNameValueCache 这个变量然后去获取这个值的话,也是很容易可以拿到最真实的值的。所以光mock是不够的。
sNameValueCache在高版本是一个对象,低版本安卓他是一个ArrayMap 这块需要注意。
sNameValueCache修改的话可以调用API putStringForUser 往里面强制赋值 。这么一来下次对方在通过API去调用的时候就会拿到你已经进行过Mock的值。所以你修改的时候需要进行判断,当前获取的值是否是你已经Mock过的。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | public String getAddress() { try { return mManagerService.getAddress(mAttributionSource); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(TAG, "" , e); } return null ; } |
可以看到这个方法主要是通过IPC的代理类方式去获取的。所以Hook的话尽可能先Hook代理的IPC类。先尝试反射 android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy然后Hook IPC里面的getAddress 而不是直接HookBluetoothAdapter->getAddress
小技巧:这个变量是一个静态变量,所以我们只需要拿到XposedHelpers这个class即可。想要拿到class必须先拿到这个类的classloader,正常的Xposed是通过系统的classloader作为父类classloader,但是edxp这种,是一个方法内部的成员变量,没有任何地方引用这个classloader,所以想拿到这个classloader需要用到内存漫游。把内存全部的classloader都从内存抠出来,然后挨个去反射获取XposedHelpers 即可。代码可参考如下:
XposedHelpers->methodCache 不建议使用,如果攻击者使用了XposedBridge->HookAllmethod 的话,可能会导致Hook方法上报的遗漏。
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6222 6223 6224 6225 6226 6227 6228 6229 6230 6231 6232 6233 6234 6235 6236 6237 6238 6239 6240 6241 6242 6243 6244 6245 6246 6247 6248 6249 6250 6251 6252 6253 6254 6255 6256 6257 6258 6259 6260 6261 6262 6263 6264 6265 6266 6267 6268 6269 6270 6271 6272 6273 6274 6275 6276 6277 6278 6279 6280 6281 6282 6283 6284 6285 6286 6287 6288 6289 6290 6291 6292 6293 6294 6295 6296 6297 6298 6299 6300 6301 6302 6303 6304 6305 6306 6307 6308 6309 6310 6311 6312 6313 6314 6315 6316 6317 6318 6319 6320 6321 6322 6323 6324 6325 6326 6327 6328 6329 6330 6331 6332 6333 6334 6335 6336 6337 6338 6339 6340 6341 6342 6343 6344 6345 6346 6347 6348 6349 6350 6351 6352 6353 6354 6355 6356 6357 6358 6359 6360 6361 6362 6363 6364 6365 6366 6367 6368 6369 6370 6371 6372 6373 6374 6375 6376 6377 6378 6379 6380 6381 6382 6383 6384 6385 6386 6387 6388 6389 6390 6391 6392 6393 6394 6395 6396 6397 6398 6399 6400 6401 6402 6403 6404 6405 6406 6407 6408 6409 6410 6411 6412 6413 6414 6415 6416 6417 6418 6419 6420 6421 6422 6423 6424 6425 6426 6427 6428 6429 6430 6431 6432 6433 6434 6435 6436 6437 6438 6439 6440 6441 6442 6443 6444 6445 6446 6447 6448 6449 6450 6451 6452 6453 6454 6455 6456 6457 6458 6459 6460 6461 6462 6463 6464 6465 6466 6467 6468 6469 6470 6471 6472 6473 6474 6475 6476 6477 6478 6479 6480 6481 6482 6483 6484 6485 6486 6487 6488 6489 6490 6491 6492 6493 6494 6495 6496 6497 6498 6499 6500 6501 6502 6503 6504 6505 6506 6507 6508 6509 6510 6511 6512 6513 6514 6515 6516 6517 6518 6519 6520 6521 6522 6523 6524 6525 6526 6527 6528 6529 6530 6531 6532 6533 6534 6535 6536 6537 6538 6539 6540 6541 6542 6543 6544 6545 6546 6547 6548 6549 6550 6551 6552 6553 6554 6555 6556 6557 6558 6559 6560 6561 6562 6563 6564 6565 6566 6567 6568 6569 6570 6571 6572 6573 6574 6575 6576 6577 6578 6579 6580 6581 6582 6583 6584 6585 6586 6587 6588 6589 6590 6591 6592 6593 6594 6595 6596 6597 6598 6599 6600 6601 6602 6603 6604 6605 6606 6607 6608 6609 6610 6611 6612 6613 6614 6615 6616 6617 6618 6619 6620 6621 6622 6623 6624 6625 6626 6627 6628 6629 6630 6631 6632 6633 6634 6635 6636 6637 6638 6639 6640 6641 6642 6643 6644 6645 6646 6647 6648 6649 6650 6651 6652 6653 6654 6655 6656 6657 6658 6659 6660 6661 6662 6663 6664 6665 6666 6667 6668 6669 6670 6671 6672 6673 6674 6675 6676 6677 6678 6679 6680 6681 6682 6683 6684 6685 6686 6687 6688 6689 6690 6691 6692 6693 6694 6695 6696 6697 6698 6699 6700 6701 6702 6703 6704 6705 6706 6707 6708 6709 6710 6711 6712 6713 6714 6715 6716 6717 6718 6719 6720 6721 6722 6723 6724 6725 6726 6727 6728 6729 6730 6731 6732 6733 6734 6735 6736 6737 6738 6739 6740 6741 6742 6743 6744 6745 6746 6747 6748 6749 6750 6751 6752 6753 6754 6755 6756 6757 6758 6759 6760 6761 6762 6763 6764 6765 6766 6767 6768 6769 6770 6771 6772 6773 6774 6775 6776 6777 6778 6779 6780 6781 6782 6783 6784 6785 6786 6787 6788 6789 6790 6791 6792 6793 6794 6795 6796 6797 6798 6799 6800 6801 6802 6803 6804 6805 6806 6807 6808 6809 6810 6811 6812 6813 6814 6815 6816 6817 6818 6819 6820 6821 6822 6823 6824 6825 6826 6827 6828 6829 6830 6831 6832 6833 6834 6835 6836 6837 6838 6839 6840 6841 6842 6843 6844 6845 6846 6847 6848 6849 6850 6851 6852 6853 6854 6855 6856 6857 6858 6859 6860 6861 6862 6863 6864 6865 6866 6867 6868 6869 6870 6871 6872 6873 6874 6875 6876 6877 6878 6879 6880 6881 6882 6883 6884 6885 6886 6887 6888 6889 6890 6891 6892 6893 6894 6895 6896 6897 6898 6899 6900 6901 6902 6903 6904 6905 6906 6907 6908 6909 6910 6911 6912 6913 6914 6915 6916 6917 6918 6919 6920 6921 6922 6923 6924 6925 6926 6927 6928 6929 6930 6931 6932 6933 6934 6935 6936 6937 6938 6939 6940 6941 6942 6943 6944 6945 6946 6947 6948 6949 6950 6951 6952 6953 6954 6955 6956 6957 6958 6959 6960 6961 6962 6963 6964 6965 6966 6967 6968 6969 6970 6971 6972 6973 6974 6975 6976 6977 6978 6979 6980 6981 6982 6983 6984 6985 6986 6987 6988 6989 6990 6991 6992 6993 6994 6995 6996 6997 6998 6999 7000 7001 7002 7003 7004 7005 7006 7007 7008 7009 7010 7011 7012 7013 7014 7015 7016 7017 7018 7019 7020 7021 7022 7023 7024 7025 7026 7027 7028 7029 7030 7031 7032 7033 7034 7035 7036 7037 7038 7039 7040 7041 7042 7043 7044 7045 7046 7047 7048 7049 7050 7051 7052 7053 7054 7055 7056 7057 7058 7059 7060 7061 7062 7063 7064 7065 7066 7067 7068 7069 7070 7071 7072 7073 7074 7075 7076 7077 7078 7079 7080 7081 7082 7083 7084 7085 7086 7087 7088 7089 7090 7091 7092 7093 7094 7095 7096 7097 7098 7099 7100 7101 7102 7103 7104 7105 7106 7107 7108 7109 7110 7111 7112 7113 7114 7115 7116 7117 7118 7119 7120 7121 7122 7123 7124 7125 7126 7127 7128 7129 7130 7131 7132 7133 7134 7135 7136 7137 7138 7139 7140 7141 7142 7143 7144 7145 7146 7147 7148 7149 7150 7151 7152 7153 7154 7155 7156 7157 7158 7159 7160 7161 7162 7163 7164 7165 7166 7167 7168 7169 7170 7171 7172 7173 7174 7175 7176 7177 7178 7179 7180 7181 7182 7183 7184 7185 7186 7187 7188 7189 7190 7191 7192 7193 7194 7195 7196 7197 7198 7199 7200 7201 7202 7203 7204 7205 7206 7207 7208 7209 7210 7211 7212 7213 7214 7215 7216 7217 7218 7219 7220 7221 7222 7223 7224 7225 7226 7227 7228 7229 7230 7231 7232 7233 7234 7235 7236 7237 7238 7239 7240 7241 7242 7243 7244 7245 7246 7247 7248 7249 7250 7251 7252 7253 7254 7255 7256 7257 7258 7259 7260 7261 7262 7263 7264 7265 7266 7267 7268 7269 7270 7271 7272 7273 7274 7275 7276 7277 7278 7279 7280 7281 7282 7283 7284 7285 7286 7287 7288 7289 7290 7291 7292 7293 7294 7295 7296 7297 7298 7299 7300 7301 7302 7303 7304 7305 7306 7307 7308 7309 7310 7311 7312 7313 7314 7315 7316 7317 7318 7319 7320 7321 7322 7323 7324 7325 7326 7327 7328 7329 7330 7331 7332 7333 7334 7335 7336 7337 7338 7339 7340 7341 7342 7343 7344 7345 7346 7347 7348 7349 7350 7351 7352 7353 7354 7355 7356 7357 7358 7359 7360 7361 7362 7363 7364 7365 7366 7367 7368 7369 7370 7371 7372 7373 7374 7375 7376 7377 7378 7379 7380 7381 7382 7383 7384 7385 7386 7387 7388 7389 7390 7391 7392 7393 7394 7395 7396 7397 7398 7399 7400 7401 7402 7403 7404 7405 7406 7407 7408 7409 7410 7411 7412 7413 7414 7415 7416 7417 7418 7419 7420 7421 7422 7423 7424 7425 7426 7427 7428 7429 7430 7431 7432 7433 7434 7435 7436 7437 7438 7439 7440 7441 7442 7443 7444 7445 7446 7447 7448 7449 7450 7451 7452 7453 7454 7455 7456 7457 7458 7459 7460 7461 7462 7463 7464 7465 7466 7467 7468 7469 7470 7471 7472 7473 7474 7475 7476 7477 7478 7479 7480 7481 7482 7483 7484 7485 7486 7487 7488 7489 7490 7491 7492 7493 7494 7495 7496 7497 7498 7499 7500 7501 7502 7503 7504 7505 7506 7507 7508 7509 7510 7511 7512 7513 7514 7515 7516 7517 7518 7519 7520 7521 7522 7523 7524 7525 7526 7527 7528 7529 7530 7531 7532 7533 7534 7535 7536 7537 7538 7539 7540 7541 7542 7543 7544 7545 7546 7547 7548 7549 7550 7551 7552 7553 7554 7555 7556 7557 7558 7559 7560 7561 7562 7563 7564 7565 7566 7567 7568 7569 7570 7571 7572 7573 7574 7575 7576 7577 7578 7579 7580 7581 7582 7583 7584 7585 7586 7587 7588 7589 7590 7591 7592 7593 7594 7595 7596 7597 7598 7599 7600 7601 7602 7603 7604 7605 7606 7607 7608 7609 7610 7611 7612 7613 7614 7615 7616 7617 7618 7619 7620 7621 7622 7623 7624 7625 7626 7627 7628 7629 7630 7631 7632 7633 7634 7635 7636 7637 7638 7639 7640 7641 7642 7643 7644 7645 7646 7647 7648 7649 7650 7651 7652 7653 7654 7655 7656 7657 7658 7659 7660 7661 7662 7663 7664 7665 7666 7667 7668 7669 7670 7671 7672 7673 7674 7675 7676 7677 7678 7679 7680 7681 7682 7683 7684 7685 7686 7687 7688 7689 7690 7691 7692 7693 7694 7695 7696 7697 7698 7699 7700 7701 7702 7703 7704 7705 7706 7707 7708 7709 7710 7711 7712 7713 7714 7715 7716 7717 7718 7719 7720 7721 7722 7723 7724 7725 7726 7727 7728 7729 7730 7731 7732 7733 7734 7735 7736 7737 7738 7739 7740 7741 7742 7743 7744 7745 7746 7747 7748 7749 7750 7751 7752 7753 7754 7755 7756 7757 7758 7759 7760 7761 7762 7763 7764 7765 7766 7767 7768 7769 7770 7771 7772 7773 7774 7775 7776 7777 7778 7779 7780 7781 7782 7783 7784 7785 7786 7787 7788 7789 7790 7791 7792 7793 7794 7795 7796 7797 7798 7799 7800 7801 7802 7803 7804 7805 7806 7807 7808 7809 7810 7811 7812 7813 7814 7815 7816 7817 7818 7819 7820 7821 7822 7823 7824 7825 7826 7827 7828 7829 7830 7831 7832 7833 7834 7835 7836 7837 7838 7839 7840 7841 7842 7843 7844 7845 7846 7847 7848 7849 7850 7851 7852 7853 7854 7855 7856 7857 7858 7859 7860 7861 7862 7863 7864 7865 7866 7867 7868 7869 7870 7871 7872 7873 7874 7875 7876 7877 7878 7879 7880 7881 7882 7883 7884 7885 7886 7887 7888 7889 7890 7891 7892 7893 7894 7895 7896 7897 7898 7899 7900 7901 7902 7903 7904 7905 7906 7907 7908 7909 7910 7911 7912 7913 7914 7915 7916 7917 7918 7919 7920 7921 7922 7923 7924 7925 7926 7927 7928 7929 7930 7931 7932 7933 7934 7935 7936 7937 7938 7939 7940 7941 7942 7943 7944 7945 7946 7947 7948 7949 7950 7951 7952 7953 7954 7955 7956 7957 7958 7959 7960 7961 7962 7963 7964 7965 7966 7967 7968 7969 7970 7971 7972 7973 7974 7975 7976 7977 7978 7979 7980 7981 7982 7983 7984 7985 7986 7987 7988 7989 7990 7991 7992 7993 7994 7995 7996 7997 7998 7999 8000 8001 8002 8003 8004 8005 8006 8007 8008 8009 8010 8011 8012 8013 8014 8015 8016 8017 8018 8019 8020 8021 8022 8023 8024 8025 8026 8027 8028 8029 8030 8031 8032 8033 8034 8035 8036 8037 8038 8039 8040 8041 8042 8043 8044 8045 8046 8047 8048 8049 8050 8051 8052 8053 8054 8055 8056 8057 8058 8059 8060 8061 8062 8063 8064 8065 8066 8067 8068 8069 8070 8071 8072 8073 8074 8075 8076 8077 8078 8079 8080 8081 8082 8083 8084 8085 8086 8087 8088 8089 8090 8091 8092 8093 8094 8095 8096 8097 8098 8099 8100 8101 8102 8103 8104 8105 8106 8107 8108 8109 8110 8111 8112 8113 8114 8115 8116 8117 8118 8119 8120 8121 8122 8123 8124 8125 8126 8127 8128 8129 8130 8131 8132 8133 8134 8135 8136 8137 8138 8139 8140 8141 8142 8143 8144 8145 8146 8147 8148 8149 8150 8151 8152 8153 8154 8155 8156 8157 8158 8159 8160 8161 8162 8163 8164 8165 8166 8167 8168 8169 8170 8171 8172 8173 8174 8175 8176 8177 8178 8179 8180 8181 8182 8183 8184 8185 8186 8187 8188 8189 8190 8191 8192 8193 8194 8195 8196 8197 8198 8199 8200 8201 8202 8203 8204 8205 8206 8207 8208 8209 8210 8211 8212 8213 8214 8215 8216 8217 8218 8219 8220 8221 8222 8223 8224 8225 8226 8227 8228 8229 8230 8231 8232 8233 8234 8235 8236 8237 8238 8239 8240 8241 8242 8243 8244 8245 8246 8247 8248 8249 8250 8251 8252 8253 8254 8255 8256 8257 8258 8259 8260 8261 8262 8263 8264 8265 8266 8267 8268 8269 8270 8271 8272 8273 8274 8275 8276 8277 8278 8279 8280 8281 8282 8283 8284 8285 8286 8287 8288 8289 8290 8291 8292 8293 8294 8295 8296 8297 8298 8299 8300 8301 8302 8303 8304 8305 8306 8307 8308 8309 8310 8311 8312 8313 8314 8315 8316 8317 8318 8319 8320 8321 8322 8323 8324 8325 8326 8327 8328 8329 8330 8331 8332 8333 8334 8335 8336 8337 8338 8339 8340 8341 8342 8343 8344 8345 8346 8347 8348 8349 8350 8351 8352 8353 8354 8355 8356 8357 8358 8359 8360 8361 8362 8363 8364 8365 8366 8367 8368 8369 8370 8371 8372 8373 8374 8375 8376 8377 8378 8379 8380 8381 8382 8383 8384 8385 8386 8387 8388 8389 8390 8391 8392 8393 8394 8395 8396 8397 8398 8399 8400 8401 8402 8403 8404 8405 8406 8407 8408 8409 8410 8411 8412 8413 8414 8415 8416 8417 8418 8419 8420 8421 8422 8423 8424 8425 8426 8427 8428 8429 8430 8431 8432 8433 8434 8435 8436 8437 8438 8439 8440 8441 8442 8443 8444 8445 8446 8447 8448 8449 8450 8451 8452 8453 8454 8455 8456 8457 8458 8459 8460 8461 8462 8463 8464 8465 8466 8467 8468 8469 8470 8471 8472 8473 8474 8475 8476 8477 8478 8479 8480 8481 8482 8483 8484 8485 8486 8487 8488 8489 8490 8491 8492 8493 8494 8495 8496 8497 8498 8499 8500 8501 8502 8503 8504 8505 8506 8507 8508 8509 8510 8511 8512 8513 8514 8515 8516 8517 8518 8519 8520 8521 8522 8523 8524 8525 8526 8527 8528 8529 8530 8531 8532 8533 8534 8535 8536 8537 8538 8539 8540 8541 8542 8543 8544 8545 8546 8547 8548 8549 8550 8551 8552 8553 8554 8555 8556 8557 8558 8559 8560 8561 8562 8563 8564 8565 8566 8567 8568 8569 8570 8571 8572 8573 8574 8575 8576 8577 8578 8579 8580 8581 8582 8583 8584 8585 8586 8587 8588 8589 8590 8591 8592 8593 8594 8595 8596 8597 8598 8599 8600 8601 8602 8603 8604 8605 8606 8607 8608 8609 8610 8611 8612 8613 8614 8615 8616 8617 8618 8619 8620 8621 8622 8623 8624 8625 8626 8627 8628 8629 8630 8631 8632 8633 8634 8635 8636 8637 8638 8639 8640 8641 8642 8643 8644 8645 8646 8647 8648 8649 8650 8651 8652 8653 8654 8655 8656 8657 8658 8659 8660 8661 8662 8663 8664 8665 8666 8667 8668 8669 8670 8671 8672 8673 8674 8675 8676 8677 8678 8679 8680 8681 8682 8683 8684 8685 8686 8687 8688 8689 8690 8691 8692 8693 8694 8695 8696 8697 8698 8699 | private void getHookItemDemo() { ArrayList<object> choose = ChooseUtils.choose(ClassLoader. class , true ); for (Object obj :choose){ ClassLoader clazzloader = (ClassLoader) obj; Class<!--?--> clazzXh = null ; Class<!--?--> clazzBR = null ; try { Log.e( "Test" , "-----------------------------------------------------------------" ); clazzBR = Class.forName( "de.robv.android.xposed.XposedBridge" , false ,clazzloader); Field callbacksField = clazzBR.getDeclaredField( "sHookedMethodCallbacks" ); callbacksField.setAccessible( true ); Map<member, object> callback = (Map<member, object>) callbacksField.get( null ); for (Member key :callback.keySet()) { Log.e( "Test" , "sHookedMethodCallbacks " + key.toString()); } Log.e( "Test" , "-----------------------------------------------------------------" ); return ; } catch (Throwable e) { Log.e( "Test" , "find errror " +e.getMessage()); } } } <p style= "line-height:1; margin-top:0.8em; margin-bottom:0.8em; color:rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:none; font-size:16px;" ><br></p> <p></p><h4 style= "font-size:6; line-height:1.4; color:rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:none;" ><span>serial(普通)</span></h4> <p></p><p style= "line-height:1; margin-top:0.8em; margin-bottom:0.8em; color:rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:none; font-size:16px;" ><span>这个变量在高版本里面基本已经拿不到,及时拿到了也是一个unknow,但是也需要兼容低版本的Android 。</span></p> <p></p><h5 style= "font-size:6; line-height:1.4; color:rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:none;" ><span>get:</span></h5> <p></p><pre class = "brush:cpp;toolbar:false" > if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.O) { return Build.getSerial(); }</pre> <p></p><h5 style= "font-size:6; line-height:1.4; color:rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:none;" ><span>Mock:</span></h5> <p></p><p style= "line-height:1; margin-top:0.8em; margin-bottom:0.8em; color:rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:none; font-size:16px;" ><span>如果返回的不是空,并且不是 unknow 或者UNKNOWN,随机一份原始长度的字符串即可。另外该字段同上,也可以直接对IPC类进行处理,直接Hook IPC对象getSerialForPackage 方法即可 ,的实现方法具体如下 。</span></p> <pre class = "brush:cpp;toolbar:false" > public static String getSerial() { IDeviceIdentifiersPolicyService service = IDeviceIdentifiersPolicyService.Stub .asInterface(ServiceManager.getService(Context.DEVICE_IDENTIFIERS_SERVICE)); try { Application application = ActivityThread.currentApplication(); String callingPackage = application != null ? application.getPackageName() : null ; return service.getSerialForPackage(callingPackage, null ); } catch (RemoteException e) { e.rethrowFromSystemServer(); } return UNKNOWN; }</pre> <p style= "line-height:1; margin-top:0.8em; margin-bottom:0.8em; color:rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:none; font-size:16px;" ><br></p> <p></p><h4 style= "font-size:6; line-height:1.4; color:rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:none;" ><span>IMEI , IMSI ,ICCID,Line1Number (普通)</span></h4> <p></p><p style= "line-height:1; margin-top:0.8em; margin-bottom:0.8em; color:rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:none; font-size:16px;" ><span>这些基础的Java设备指纹字段没啥好说的,百度一下就能找到具体的获取方法,但是修改的时候需要注意,不要直接Hook,尝试优先Hook ipc即可 。</span></p> <p style= "line-height:1; margin-top:0.8em; margin-bottom:0.8em; color:rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:none; font-size:16px;" ><br></p> <p></p><h4 style= "font-size:6; line-height:1.4; color:rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:none;" ><span>Build相关(次要):</span></h4> <p></p><p style= "line-height:1; margin-top:0.8em; margin-bottom:0.8em; color:rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:none; font-size:16px;" ><span>Build里面还是有很多有用的东西,比如手机是否开启adb ,usb接口的状态之类的。我们主要将Build里面分为两部分 。指纹相关<span style= "color:rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:none; font-size:16px;" >又分为两部分,单一字段 /复合字段。</span></span></p> <p style= "line-height:1; margin-top:0.8em; margin-bottom:0.8em; color:rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:none; font-size:16px;" ><br></p> <p style= "line-height:1; margin-top:0.8em; margin-bottom:0.8em; color:rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:none; font-size:16px;" ><span> 1 ,配置相关 </span></p> <p style= "line-height:1; margin-top:0.8em; margin-bottom:0.8em; color:rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:none; font-size:16px;" ><span> 2 ,指纹相关</span></p> <ul style= "margin-top:0.8em; margin-bottom:0.8em; padding-left:30px; color:rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:none; font-size:16px;" > <li><p style= "line-height:1; margin-bottom:0.5rem;" ><span>单一字段(只有一个设备信息)</span></p></li> <li> <p style= "line-height:1; margin-bottom:0.5rem;" ><span>复合字段(多个单一字段复合而成)</span></p> <p style= "line-height:1; margin-bottom:0.5rem;" ><span></span></p> </li> </ul> <p style= "line-height:1; margin-bottom:0.5rem;" ><span></span></p> <p style= "line-height:1; margin-top:0.8em; margin-bottom:0.8em; color:rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:none; font-size:16px;" ><span>这个单独通过Java层去修改是完全不够的,底层走的是system_property_get 这个方法(在 native 指纹部分会详细介绍)。</span></p> <p style= "line-height:1; margin-top:0.8em; margin-bottom:0.8em; color:rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:none; font-size:16px;" ><span>还有要防止popen getprop 这种方法去扫描全部的Build相关参数(popen getprop 在popen相关会详细介绍,这里只介绍Java应该如何处理),这个Build相关需要重点关注,他在</span><span><strong><span><span style= "text-decoration:underline;" ><span>Android底层实现类似树状结构。也就是说很多树枝都会有相同的内容。目前所有的作用域一共有七种。</span></span></span></strong></span><span> </span></p> <p style= "line-height:1; margin-top:0.8em; margin-bottom:0.8em; color:rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:none; font-size:16px;" ><span><br></span></p> <p style= "line-height:1; margin-top:0.8em; margin-bottom:0.8em; color:rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:none; font-size:16px;" ><span>举个例子,比如常见的fingerprint复合字段系列 ,就分为如下七种作用域。</span></p> <blockquote> <p style= "line-height:1;" ><span>ro.build.fingerprint/</span></p> <p style= "line-height:1;" ><span>ro.build.build.fingerprint/</span></p> <p style= "line-height:1;" ><span>ro.bootimage.build.fingerprint/</span></p> <p style= "line-height:1;" ><span>ro.odm.build.fingerprint/</span></p> <p style= "line-height:1;" ><span>ro.product.build.fingerprint/</span></p> <p style= "line-height:1;" ><span>ro.system_ext.build.fingerprint/</span></p> <p style= "line-height:1;" ><span>ro.system.build.fingerprint/</span></p> <p style= "line-height:1;" ><span>ro.vendor.build.fingerprint/</span></p> <p style= "line-height:1;" ><span><br></span></p> </blockquote> <p style= "line-height:1; margin-top:0.8em; margin-bottom:0.8em; color:rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:none; font-size:16px;" ><span>作用域分别如下</span></p> <pre class = "" > private static final String Region[] = { "build" , "bootimage" , "odm" , "product" , "system_ext" , "system" , "vendor" };</pre> <p style= "line-height:1; margin-top:0.8em; margin-bottom:0.8em; color:rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:none; font-size:16px;" ><span><br></span></p> <p style= "line-height:1; margin-top:0.8em; margin-bottom:0.8em; color:rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:none; font-size:16px;" ><span>这里面的值构成顺序也都是一样,所以Hook的话也需要全部进行hook,只处理单一是没用的。因为很多大厂做采集,不会只收集一项。</span></p> <p style= "line-height:1; margin-top:0.8em; margin-bottom:0.8em; color:rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:none; font-size:16px;" ><span>会七个作用域都进行收集。</span></p> <p style= "line-height:1; margin-top:0.8em; margin-bottom:0.8em; color:rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:none; font-size:16px;" ><br></p> <p></p><h5 style= "font-size:6; line-height:1.4; color:rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:none;" ><span>配置相关:</span></h5> <p></p><p style= "line-height:1; margin-top:0.8em; margin-bottom:0.8em; color:rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:none; font-size:16px;" ><span>常见的配置如下,这些字段其实修改不修改不重要,因为很多大厂如果手机开了开发者选项或者debug模式之类的。</span></p> <p style= "line-height:1; margin-top:0.8em; margin-bottom:0.8em; color:rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:none; font-size:16px;" ><span><strong>会增加当前手机的风险值。</strong></span><span>所以尝试进行Mock 和修改 。</span></p> <pre class = "brush:cpp;toolbar:false" >PUT_MOCK_AND_SAVE_ORG( "sys.usb.config" , "none" , null , true ); PUT_MOCK_AND_SAVE_ORG( "sys.usb.state" , "none" , null , true ); PUT_MOCK_AND_SAVE_ORG( "persist.sys.usb.config" , "none" , null , true ); PUT_MOCK_AND_SAVE_ORG( "persist.sys.usb.qmmi.func" , "none" , null , true ); //这两个config可能会拿不到,拿不到则不进行mock PUT_MOCK_AND_SAVE_ORG( "vendor.usb.mimode" , "none" , null , true ); PUT_MOCK_AND_SAVE_ORG( "persist.vendor.usb.config" , "none" , null , true ); PUT_MOCK_AND_SAVE_ORG( "ro.debuggable" , "0" , null , true ); PUT_MOCK_AND_SAVE_ORG( "init.svc.adbd" , "stopped" , null , true ); PUT_MOCK_AND_SAVE_ORG( "ro.secure" , "1" , null , true ); //手机解锁状态 PUT_MOCK_AND_SAVE_ORG( "ro.boot.flash.locked" , "1" , null , true ); PUT_MOCK_AND_SAVE_ORG( "sys.oem_unlock_allowed" , "1" , null , true );</pre> <p></p><h5 style= "font-size:6; line-height:1.4; color:rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:none;" ><span>单一字段:</span></h5> <p></p><p style= "line-height:1; margin-top:0.8em; margin-bottom:0.8em; color:rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:none; font-size:16px;" ><span>在不修改机型的前提下,下面这些应该都是需要处理的 。大厂扫描频率很高的Build参数 ,随机的话,在原有的基础上开头或者结尾,随机几位数即可。</span></p> <pre class = "brush:cpp;toolbar:false" >ro.build.id org-> [RKQ1. 200826.002 ] mock -> [RKQ1. 200826.945 ] ro.build.build.id org-> [RKQ1. 200826.002 ] mock -> [RKQ1. 200826.945 ] ro.bootimage.build.id org-> [RKQ1. 200826.002 ] mock -> [RKQ1. 200826.945 ] ro.odm.build.id org-> [RKQ1. 200826.002 ] mock -> [RKQ1. 200826.945 ] ro.product.build.id org-> [RKQ1. 200826.002 ] mock -> [RKQ1. 200826.945 ] ro.system_ext.build.id org-> [RKQ1. 200826.002 ] mock -> [RKQ1. 200826.945 ] ro.system.build.id org-> [RKQ1. 200826.002 ] mock -> [RKQ1. 200826.945 ] ro.vendor.build.id org-> [RKQ1. 200826.002 ] mock -> [RKQ1. 200826.945 ] ro.build.version.security_patch org-> [ 2021 - 11 - 01 ] mock -> [ 2021 - 11 - 19 ] ro.boot.vbmeta.digest org-> [ebe54be57a4fb91d8c22c3d69f68651931878d8925eb8a517d8110084fe45513] mock -> [ebe54be57a4fb91d8c22c3d69f68651931878d8925eb8a517d8110084fa69209] ro.netflix.bsp_rev org-> [Q8250- 19134 - 1 ] mock -> [P3660- 19134 - 1 ] gsm.version.baseband org-> [MPSS.HI. 2.0 .c7- 00266 -1025_0156_49a7b03461,MPSS.HI. 2.0 .c7- 00266 -1025_0156_49a7b03461] mock -> [MPSS.HI. 2.0 .c7- 00266 -1025_0156_49a7b03846,MPSS.HI. 2.0 .c7- 00266 -1025_0156_49a7b03846] ro.build.date.utc org-> [ 1639708288 ] mock -> [ 1663313901 ] ro.build.build.date.utc org-> [ 1639708288 ] mock -> [ 1663313901 ] ro.bootimage.build.date.utc org-> [ 1639708288 ] mock -> [ 1663313901 ] ro.odm.build.date.utc org-> [ 1639708288 ] mock -> [ 1663313901 ] ro.product.build.date.utc org-> [ 1639708288 ] mock -> [ 1663313901 ] ro.system_ext.build.date.utc org-> [ 1639708288 ] mock -> [ 1663313901 ] ro.system.build.date.utc org-> [ 1639708288 ] mock -> [ 1663313901 ] ro.vendor.build.date.utc org-> [ 1639708288 ] mock -> [ 1663313901 ] ro.build.display.id org-> [RKQ1. 200826.002 test-keys] mock -> [RKQ1. 200826.945 ] // maybe debug-key ro.build.tags org-> [release-keys] mock -> [release-keys] ro.build.build.tags org-> [release-keys] mock -> [release-keys] ro.bootimage.build.tags org-> [release-keys] mock -> [release-keys] ro.odm.build.tags org-> [release-keys] mock -> [release-keys] ro.product.build.tags org-> [release-keys] mock -> [release-keys] ro.system_ext.build.tags org-> [release-keys] mock -> [release-keys] ro.system.build.tags org-> [release-keys] mock -> [release-keys] ro.vendor.build.tags org-> [release-keys] mock -> [release-keys] ro.build.host org-> [m1-xm-ota-bd148.bj.idc.xiaomi.com] mock -> [m1-xm-ota-be811.bj.idc.xiaomi.com] ro.build.user org-> [builder] mock -> [buizcdn] ro.config.ringtone org-> [MiRemix.ogg] mock -> [MiRemix.acc] ro.miui.ui.version.name org-> [V125] mock -> [V635] ro.build.version.incremental org-> [V12. 5.19 . 0 .RKHCNXM] mock -> [V12. 5.19 . 0 .RKHWCRG] ro.build.build.version.incremental org-> [V12. 5.19 . 0 .RKHCNXM] mock -> [V12. 5.19 . 0 .RKHWCRG] ro.bootimage.build.version.incremental org-> [V12. 5.19 . 0 .RKHCNXM] mock -> [V12. 5.19 . 0 .RKHWCRG] ro.odm.build.version.incremental org-> [V12. 5.19 . 0 .RKHCNXM] mock -> [V12. 5.19 . 0 .RKHWCRG] ro.product.build.version.incremental org-> [V12. 5.19 . 0 .RKHCNXM] mock -> [V12. 5.19 . 0 .RKHWCRG] ro.system_ext.build.version.incremental org-> [V12. 5.19 . 0 .RKHCNXM] mock -> [V12. 5.19 . 0 .RKHWCRG] ro.system.build.version.incremental org-> [V12. 5.19 . 0 .RKHCNXM] mock -> [V12. 5.19 . 0 .RKHWCRG] ro.vendor.build.version.incremental org-> [V12. 5.19 . 0 .RKHCNXM] mock -> [V12. 5.19 . 0 .RKHWCRG]</pre> <p style= "line-height:1; margin-top:0.8em; margin-bottom:0.8em; color:rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:none; font-size:16px;" ><br></p> <p></p><h5 style= "font-size:6; line-height:1.4; color:rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:none;" ><span>复合字段:</span></h5> <p></p><p style= "line-height:1; margin-top:0.8em; margin-bottom:0.8em; color:rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:none; font-size:16px;" ><span>复合字段是多个单一字段拼成的字段,常用的有ro.build.description 还有之前说的 7 个fingerprint 相关。 这些Mock以后的值要和之前单一字段Mock的值对等。比如某个单一字段值被mock成A 以后,复合字段里面的内也应该是A 。</span></p> <pre class = "brush:cpp;toolbar:false" >ro.build.description org-> [alioth-user 11 RKQ1. 200826.002 V12. 5.19 . 0 .RKHCNXM release-keys] mock -> [alioth-user 11 RKQ1. 200826.945 V12. 5.19 . 0 .RKHWCRG release-keys] ro.build.fingerprint org-> [Redmi/alioth/alioth: 11 /RKQ1. 200826.002 /V12. 5.19 . 0 .RKHCNXM:user/release-keys] mock -> [Redmi/alioth/alioth: 11 /RKQ1. 200826.945 /V12. 5.19 . 0 .RKHWCRG:user/release-keys] ro.build.build.fingerprint org-> [Redmi/alioth/alioth: 11 /RKQ1. 200826.002 /V12. 5.19 . 0 .RKHCNXM:user/release-keys] mock -> [Redmi/alioth/alioth: 11 /RKQ1. 200826.945 /V12. 5.19 . 0 .RKHWCRG:user/release-keys] ro.bootimage.build.fingerprint org-> [Redmi/alioth/alioth: 11 /RKQ1. 200826.002 /V12. 5.19 . 0 .RKHCNXM:user/release-keys] mock -> [Redmi/alioth/alioth: 11 /RKQ1. 200826.945 /V12. 5.19 . 0 .RKHWCRG:user/release-keys] ro.odm.build.fingerprint org-> [Redmi/alioth/alioth: 11 /RKQ1. 200826.002 /V12. 5.19 . 0 .RKHCNXM:user/release-keys] mock -> [Redmi/alioth/alioth: 11 /RKQ1. 200826.945 /V12. 5.19 . 0 .RKHWCRG:user/release-keys] ro.product.build.fingerprint org-> [Redmi/alioth/alioth: 11 /RKQ1. 200826.002 /V12. 5.19 . 0 .RKHCNXM:user/release-keys] mock -> [Redmi/alioth/alioth: 11 /RKQ1. 200826.945 /V12. 5.19 . 0 .RKHWCRG:user/release-keys] ro.system_ext.build.fingerprint org-> [Redmi/alioth/alioth: 11 /RKQ1. 200826.002 /V12. 5.19 . 0 .RKHCNXM:user/release-keys] mock -> [Redmi/alioth/alioth: 11 /RKQ1. 200826.945 /V12. 5.19 . 0 .RKHWCRG:user/release-keys] ro.system.build.fingerprint org-> [Redmi/alioth/alioth: 11 /RKQ1. 200826.002 /V12. 5.19 . 0 .RKHCNXM:user/release-keys] mock -> [Redmi/alioth/alioth: 11 /RKQ1. 200826.945 /V12. 5.19 . 0 .RKHWCRG:user/release-keys] ro.vendor.build.fingerprint org-> [Redmi/alioth/alioth: 11 /RKQ1. 200826.002 /V12. 5.19 . 0 .RKHCNXM:user/release-keys] mock -> [Redmi/alioth/alioth: 11 /RKQ1. 200826.945 /V12. 5.19 . 0 .RKHWCRG:user/release-keys]</pre> <p></p><h5 style= "font-size:6; line-height:1.4; color:rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:none;" ><span>Get:</span></h5> <p></p><pre class = "brush:cpp;toolbar:false;" >android.os.SystemProperties->get(key)</pre> <p></p><h5 style= "font-size:6; line-height:1.4; color:rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:none;" >Mock:</h5> <p></p><p style= "line-height:1; margin-top:0.8em; margin-bottom:0.8em; color:rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:none; font-size:16px;" ><span>android.os.SystemProperties->get 底层调用的是native_get ,一个 native 方法,所以Hook的时候优先处理 native_get</span></p> <pre class = "brush:cpp;toolbar:false" >android.os.SystemProperties->native_get</pre> <p style= "line-height:1; margin-top:0.8em; margin-bottom:0.8em; color:rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:none; font-size:16px;" ><span>Java hook完毕以后 还需要反射将Build里面的成员变量进行set。防止采集通过反射的方式去获取</span></p> <p><span><br></span></p> <p></p><h4 style= "font-size:6; line-height:1.4; color:rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:none;" ><span>系统默认账号(普通):</span></h4> <p></p><p style= "line-height:1; margin-top:0.8em; margin-bottom:0.8em; color:rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:none; font-size:16px;" ><span>很多大厂会把这个字段也作为指纹的一部分,所以这个方法也需要处理。</span></p> <p></p><h5 style= "font-size:6; line-height:1.4; color:rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:none;" ><span>Get:</span></h5> <p></p><pre class = "brush:css;toolbar:false" >AccountManager->getAccounts</pre> <p></p><h5 style= "font-size:6; line-height:1.4; color:rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:none;" ><span>Mock:</span></h5> <p></p><p style= "line-height:1; margin-top:0.8em; margin-bottom:0.8em; color:rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:none; font-size:16px;" ><span>优先Hook ipc </span></p> <p style= "line-height:1; margin-top:0.8em; margin-bottom:0.8em; color:rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:none; font-size:16px;" ><br></p> <p></p><h4 style= "font-size:6; line-height:1.4; color:rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:none;" ><span>音量相关函数(普通)</span></h4> <p></p><p></p><h5 style= "font-size:6; line-height:1.4; color:rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:none;" ><span>Get:</span></h5> <p></p><pre class = "brush:cpp;toolbar:false" >AudioManager->getStreamVolume</pre> <p></p><h5 style= "font-size:6; line-height:1.4; color:rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:none;" ><span>Mock:</span></h5> <p></p><p style= "line-height:1; margin-top:0.8em; margin-bottom:0.8em; color:rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:none; font-size:16px;" ><span>优先Hook ipc </span></p> <p style= "line-height:1; margin-top:0.8em; margin-bottom:0.8em; color:rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:none; font-size:16px;" ><br></p> <p></p><h4 style= "font-size:6; line-height:1.4; color:rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:none;" ><span>传感器相关(普通):</span></h4> <p></p><p style= "line-height:1; margin-top:0.8em; margin-bottom:0.8em; color:rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:none; font-size:16px;" ><span>这个函数不需要太多处理,每个手机类型基本都差不多,每次打乱一下返回结果排序顺序即可。</span></p> <p></p><h5 style= "font-size:6; line-height:1.4; color:rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:none;" ><span>Get:</span></h5> <p></p><pre class = "brush:cpp;toolbar:false" >SensorManager->getFullSensorList</pre> <p></p><h5 style= "font-size:6; line-height:1.4; color:rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:none;" ><span>Mock:</span></h5> <p></p><p style= "line-height:1; margin-top:0.8em; margin-bottom:0.8em; color:rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:none; font-size:16px;" ><span>优先Hook ipc </span></p> <p style= "line-height:1; margin-top:0.8em; margin-bottom:0.8em; color:rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:none; font-size:16px;" ><br></p> <p></p><h4 style= "font-size:6; line-height:1.4; color:rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:none;" ><span>Java层DRM相关(重要字段):</span></h4> <p></p><p style= "line-height:1; margin-top:0.8em; margin-bottom:0.8em; color:rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:none; font-size:16px;" ><span>这个DRM是水印相关,主要为了处理不同手机加水印的唯一ID 核心的是一个叫deviceUniqueId 的东西,这玩意是一个随机的 32 位字节数组。很多大厂用这个作为核心的设备指纹,不仅在Java层进行获取,还有在Native层进行获取,在后面Native设备指纹会再次介绍到。</span></p> <p></p><h5 style= "font-size:6; line-height:1.4; color:rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:none;" ><span>Get:</span></h5> <p></p><pre class = "brush:cpp;toolbar:false" >MediaDrm->getPropertyByteArray MediaDrm->getPropertyString</pre> <p style= "line-height:1; margin-top:0.8em; margin-bottom:0.8em; color:rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:none; font-size:16px;" ><span></span></p> <p><br></p> <p style= "line-height:1; margin-top:0.8em; margin-bottom:0.8em; color:rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:none; font-size:16px;" ><span>Hook的话很简单,这个方法没有IPC底层有自己的实现,直接Hook get的方法即可 。java层Hook是远远不够的,还需要处理 native 层。</span></p> <p style= "line-height:1; margin-top:0.8em; margin-bottom:0.8em; color:rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:none; font-size:16px;" ><span>每次随机 32 位字节数组即可。</span></p> <p style= "line-height:1; margin-top:0.8em; margin-bottom:0.8em; color:rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:none; font-size:16px;" ><br></p> <p></p><h4 style= "font-size:6; line-height:1.4; color:rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:none;" ><span>Java层网卡信息(普通):</span></h4> <p></p><p style= "line-height:1; margin-top:0.8em; margin-bottom:0.8em; color:rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:none; font-size:16px;" ><span>大厂应该不会信任Java层的mac,底层都是通过netlinker直接获取网卡,或者直接popen执行 ip a 进行网卡信息的全量获取(详细参考后面popen相关介绍)。我直接在底层处理的netlinker socket通讯的时候,所以Java层不进行处理。任何获取网卡的方法,底层最终走的都是netlinker去获取的网卡</span></p> <blockquote><p style= "line-height:1;" ><span>直接通过netlinker获取网卡,这种方式在安卓 10 上面貌似已经失效了,但是手机Root以后是没有限制的(亲测android 13 开发板获取成功),这种方式还可以用来检测当前手机是否Root。</span></p></blockquote> <p style= "line-height:1; margin-top:0.8em; margin-bottom:0.8em; color:rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:none; font-size:16px;" ><span>但是当执行ip a这种命令的时候,或者调用Java层原始API的时候,底层还是走的netlinker,直接在底层通过ptrace在函数调用执行完毕以后,对寄存器进行Mock 和 Set即可 。详细获取方式可以参考我之前的帖子 。</span><span><a href= "https://bbs.pediy.com/thread-271698.htm" ><span>Android netlink&svc 获取 Mac方法深入分析</span></a></span></p> <p style= "line-height:1; margin-top:0.8em; margin-bottom:0.8em; color:rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:none; font-size:16px;" ><br></p> <p></p><h4 style= "font-size:6; line-height:1.4; color:rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:none;" ><span>文件创建时间(次要):</span></h4> <p></p><p style= "line-height:1; margin-top:0.8em; margin-bottom:0.8em; color:rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:none; font-size:16px;" ><span>很多大厂会收集/sdcard/ 或者相册目录的一些创建时间,作为设备指纹,但是很多文件都是默认的 1970 时间戳,有的少数文件夹创建时间也是很重要的设备标识 。Java里面File对象有文件的创建时间。</span></p> <p style= "line-height:1; margin-top:0.8em; margin-bottom:0.8em; color:rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:none; font-size:16px;" ><br></p> <p></p><h3 style= "font-size:6; line-height:1.43; color:rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:none;" id= "msg_header_h3_4" ><span>Native设备指纹:</span></h3> <p></p><p style= "line-height:1; margin-top:0.8em; margin-bottom:0.8em; color:rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:none; font-size:16px;" ><span>聊了挺多Java相关的设备指纹,其实Java层采集的指纹,并不是关键因素,核心的指纹基本都在 native 层进行处理的。Native部分会详细介绍包括内核文件,还有一些获取指纹的骚操作 。</span></p> <p></p><h4 style= "font-size:6; line-height:1.4; color:rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:none;" ><span>Build(system_property_get & system_property_read)(重要)</span></h4> <p></p><p style= "line-height:1; margin-top:0.8em; margin-bottom:0.8em; color:rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:none; font-size:16px;" ><span>之前在Java层介绍了,Java获取最终总的是native_get,而native_get底层走的就是这个system_property_get 。</span></p> <p style= "line-height:1; margin-top:0.8em; margin-bottom:0.8em; color:rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:none; font-size:16px;" ><span>在介绍之前我们需要先看看这个函数的源码,android 9 以上和 9 以下实现的方式是不同的。</span></p> <p style= "line-height:1; margin-top:0.8em; margin-bottom:0.8em; color:rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family:none; font-size:16px;" ><span>android 9 :</span></p> <pre class = "brush:cpp;toolbar:false" >__BIONIC_WEAK_FOR_NATIVE_BRIDGEint __system_property_get( const char * name, char * value) { return system_properties.Get(name, value); }</pre> <div style= "height: 1px;" class = "position-relative" > <div class = "expandNoteBox text-center position-absolute w-100" style= "bottom: 0px; padding-top: 6rem; background: linear-gradient(rgba(255, 255, 255, 0) 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"width: 120px; text-align: left;" > 2023 - 2 - 21 17 : 36 </div> </div> <div class = "row mx-0 py-3 thumb_list_item" style= "border-top: 1px dashed #cecece;" > <div class = "text-truncate" style= "width: 100px;" >DragKing</div> <div class = "px-3" style= "width: 100px; text-align: center; color: #ee3000;" ></div> <div class = "col px-2 text-muted" >为你点赞~</div> <div style= "width: 120px; text-align: left;" > 2022 - 12 - 22 14 : 25 </div> </div> <div class = "row mx-0 py-3 thumb_list_item" style= "border-top: 1px dashed #cecece;" > <div class = "text-truncate" style= "width: 100px;" >fastji</div> <div class = "px-3" style= "width: 100px; text-align: center; color: #ee3000;" ></div> <div class = "col px-2 text-muted" >为你点赞~</div> <div style= "width: 120px; text-align: left;" > 2022 - 12 - 7 20 : 25 </div> </div> <div class = "row mx-0 py-3 thumb_list_item" style= "border-top: 1px dashed #cecece;" > <div class = "text-truncate" style= "width: 100px;" >以和爲貴</div> <div class = "px-3" style= 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"border-top: 1px dashed #cecece;" > <div class = "text-truncate" style= "width: 100px;" >yyy123</div> <div class = "px-3" style= "width: 100px; text-align: center; color: #ee3000;" ></div> <div class = "col px-2 text-muted" >为你点赞~</div> <div style= "width: 120px; text-align: left;" > 2022 - 8 - 26 09 : 21 </div> </div> <div class = "row mx-0 py-3 thumb_list_item" style= "border-top: 1px dashed #cecece;" > <div class = "text-truncate" style= "width: 100px;" >mb_zxwszblr</div> <div class = "px-3" style= "width: 100px; text-align: center; color: #ee3000;" ></div> <div class = "col px-2 text-muted" >为你点赞~</div> <div style= "width: 120px; text-align: left;" > 2022 - 8 - 24 08 : 31 </div> </div> <div class = "row mx-0 py-3 thumb_list_item" style= "border-top: 1px dashed #cecece;" > <div class = "text-truncate" style= "width: 100px;" >wx_遇见未来_982</div> <div class = "px-3" style= "width: 100px; text-align: center; color: #ee3000;" ></div> <div class = "col px-2 text-muted" >为你点赞~</div> <div style= "width: 120px; text-align: left;" > 2022 - 8 - 16 10 : 30 </div> </div> <div class = "row mx-0 py-3 thumb_list_item" style= "border-top: 1px dashed #cecece;" > <div class = "text-truncate" style= "width: 100px;" >Simp1er</div> <div class = "px-3" style= "width: 100px; text-align: center; color: #ee3000;" ></div> <div class = "col px-2 text-muted" >为你点赞~</div> <div style= "width: 120px; text-align: left;" > 2022 - 8 - 1 23 : 02 </div> </div> <div class = "row mx-0 py-3 thumb_list_item" style= "border-top: 1px dashed #cecece;" > <div class = "text-truncate" style= "width: 100px;" >我叫KK</div> <div class = "px-3" style= "width: 100px; text-align: center; color: #ee3000;" ></div> <div class = "col px-2 text-muted" >为你点赞~</div> <div style= "width: 120px; text-align: left;" > 2022 - 7 - 27 16 : 02 </div> </div> <div class = "row mx-0 py-3 thumb_list_item" style= "border-top: 1px dashed #cecece;" > <div class = "text-truncate" style= "width: 100px;" >心游尘世外</div> <div class = "px-3" style= "width: 100px; text-align: center; color: #ee3000;" ></div> <div class = "col px-2 text-muted" >为你点赞~</div> <div style= "width: 120px; text-align: left;" > 2022 - 7 - 26 22 : 29 </div> </div> <div class = "row mx-0 py-3 thumb_list_item" style= "border-top: 1px dashed #cecece;" > <div class = "text-truncate" style= "width: 100px;" >PLEBFE</div> <div class = "px-3" style= "width: 100px; text-align: center; color: #ee3000;" ></div> <div class = "col px-2 text-muted" >为你点赞~</div> <div style= "width: 120px; text-align: left;" > 2022 - 7 - 26 17 : 04 </div> </div> <div class = "row mx-0 py-3 thumb_list_item" style= "border-top: 1px dashed #cecece;" > <div class = "text-truncate" style= "width: 100px;" >囧囧</div> <div class = "px-3" style= "width: 100px; text-align: center; color: #ee3000;" ></div> <div class = "col px-2 text-muted" >为你点赞~</div> <div style= "width: 120px; text-align: left;" > 2022 - 7 - 26 14 : 39 </div> </div> <div class = "row mx-0 py-3 thumb_list_item" style= "border-top: 1px dashed #cecece;" > <div class = "text-truncate" style= "width: 100px;" >户大</div> <div class = "px-3" style= "width: 100px; text-align: center; color: #ee3000;" ></div> <div class = "col px-2 text-muted" >为你点赞~</div> <div style= "width: 120px; text-align: left;" > 2022 - 7 - 25 20 : 38 </div> </div> <div class = "row mx-0 py-3 thumb_list_item" style= "border-top: 1px dashed #cecece;" > <div class = "text-truncate" style= "width: 100px;" >[軍]</div> <div class = "px-3" style= "width: 100px; text-align: center; color: #ee3000;" ></div> <div class = "col px-2 text-muted" >为你点赞~</div> <div style= "width: 120px; text-align: left;" > 2022 - 7 - 25 16 : 07 </div> </div> <div class = "row mx-0 py-3 thumb_list_item" style= "border-top: 1px dashed #cecece;" > <div class = "text-truncate" style= "width: 100px;" >La0s</div> <div class = "px-3" style= "width: 100px; text-align: center; color: #ee3000;" ></div> <div class = "col px-2 text-muted" >为你点赞~</div> <div style= "width: 120px; text-align: left;" > 2022 - 7 - 25 10 : 59 </div> </div> <div class = "row mx-0 py-3 thumb_list_item" style= "border-top: 1px dashed #cecece;" > <div class = "text-truncate" style= "width: 100px;" >大帅锅</div> <div class = "px-3" style= "width: 100px; text-align: center; color: #ee3000;" ></div> <div class = "col px-2 text-muted" >为你点赞~</div> <div style= "width: 120px; text-align: left;" > 2022 - 7 - 25 10 : 22 </div> </div> <div class = "row mx-0 py-3 thumb_list_item" style= "border-top: 1px dashed #cecece;" > <div class = "text-truncate" style= "width: 100px;" >aHR3N</div> <div class = "px-3" style= "width: 100px; text-align: center; color: #ee3000;" ></div> <div class = "col px-2 text-muted" >为你点赞~</div> <div style= "width: 120px; text-align: left;" > 2022 - 7 - 25 09 : 47 </div> </div> <div class = "row mx-0 py-3 thumb_list_item" style= "border-top: 1px dashed #cecece;" > <div class = "text-truncate" style= "width: 100px;" >gaohaosk</div> <div class = "px-3" style= "width: 100px; 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#cecece;" > <div class = "text-truncate" style= "width: 100px;" >Imyang</div> <div class = "px-3" style= "width: 100px; text-align: center; color: #ee3000;" ></div> <div class = "col px-2 text-muted" >为你点赞~</div> <div style= "width: 120px; text-align: left;" > 2022 - 7 - 22 20 : 26 </div> </div> <div class = "row mx-0 py-3 thumb_list_item" style= "border-top: 1px dashed #cecece;" > <div class = "text-truncate" style= "width: 100px;" >星斗</div> <div class = "px-3" style= "width: 100px; text-align: center; color: #ee3000;" ></div> <div class = "col px-2 text-muted" >为你点赞~</div> <div style= "width: 120px; text-align: left;" > 2022 - 7 - 22 18 : 11 </div> </div> <div class = "row mx-0 py-3 thumb_list_item" style= "border-top: 1px dashed #cecece;" > <div class = "text-truncate" style= "width: 100px;" >菜小基</div> <div class = "px-3" style= "width: 100px; text-align: center; color: #ee3000;" ></div> <div class = "col px-2 text-muted" >为你点赞~</div> <div style= "width: 120px; text-align: left;" > 2022 - 7 - 22 12 : 27 </div> </div> <div class = "row mx-0 py-3 thumb_list_item" style= "border-top: 1px dashed #cecece;" > <div class = "text-truncate" style= "width: 100px;" >zpsemo</div> <div class = "px-3" style= "width: 100px; text-align: center; color: #ee3000;" ></div> <div class = "col px-2 text-muted" >为你点赞~</div> <div style= "width: 120px; text-align: left;" > 2022 - 7 - 22 10 : 47 </div> </div> <div class = "row mx-0 py-3 thumb_list_item" style= "border-top: 1px dashed #cecece;" > <div class = "text-truncate" style= "width: 100px;" >zhczf</div> <div class = "px-3" style= "width: 100px; text-align: center; color: #ee3000;" ></div> <div class = "col px-2 text-muted" >为你点赞~</div> <div style= "width: 120px; text-align: left;" > 2022 - 7 - 22 08 : 39 </div> </div> <div class = "row mx-0 py-3 thumb_list_item" style= "border-top: 1px dashed #cecece;" > <div class = "text-truncate" style= "width: 100px;" >Aira</div> <div class = "px-3" style= "width: 100px; text-align: center; 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</div> </td> </tr> <tr class = "post" data-pid= "1722722" > <td class = "vtop td-avatar text-center" style= "width: 46px;" > <div class = "position-relative avatar_hover" > <a class = "d-inline-block position-relative avatar_box photo_frame photo_frame_image1" data-uid= "843975" href= "user-home-843975.htm" tabindex= "-1" > <img class = "avatar-3" src= "//passport.kanxue.com/upload/avatar/975/843975.png?1564981755" style= "cursor: zoom-in;" > </a> <div class = "position-absolute thread-poptip-box bg-white text-left p-4" > <div class = "row mx-0" > <div> <a class = "d-inline-block avatar_box" data-uid= "843975" href= "user-home-843975.htm" > <img class = "avatar-3" src= "//passport.kanxue.com/upload/avatar/975/843975.png?1564981755" style= "cursor: zoom-in;" > </a> </div> <div class = "col" > <div class = "pb-2" > <a href= "user-home-843975.htm" > <span style= "font-size: 16px; font-weight: bolder;" class = "username_box" data-uid= "843975" >Papaya.</span> </a> </div> <div class = "pb-2 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style= "font-size: 0;" > <span class = "small text-muted" style= "vertical-align: middle;" >在线值:</span> <a href= "thread-249442.htm" > <span class = "post_online_time" style= "vertical-align: middle;" data-online_time= "694782" data-desc= "192 小时, 8 级" ><img src= "//passport.kanxue.com/pc/view/img/moon.gif" width= "13" height= "13" style= "opacity: 0.65; margin-right: 2px; cursor: zoom-in;" ><img src= "//passport.kanxue.com/pc/view/img/moon.gif" width= "13" height= "13" style= "opacity: 0.65; margin-right: 2px; cursor: zoom-in;" ></span> </a> <span class = "post_online_time1 text-muted small" style= "vertical-align: middle;" ></span> </div> </div> </div> <div class = "pb-3 pt-2 row mx-0 text-muted text-center" > <div class = "col" > <div class = "small mb-2" >发帖</div> <div> <a href= "user-843975.htm" class = "item-count" style= "font-size:1.1rem;" > 0 </a> </div> </div> <div class = "col" style= "border-left: 1px solid #e6e8eb;border-right: 1px solid #e6e8eb;" > <div class = "small 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"check_input_box d-inline-block" ></div> <div class = "d-none d-lg-inline-block" > </div> <a href= "thread-273759-1.htm#1722722" id= "1722722" class = "text-grey" ><span class = "floor" > 3 </span> 楼</a> </dd> </dl> <!-- <div></div> --> <div class = "message mt-2 break-all" > tql<img src= "/view/img/face/71.gif" class = "face" style= "cursor: zoom-in;" > </div> <div class = "row mx-0 mt-3" > <div class = "col px-0" > <span class = "date text-grey small ml-1" > 2022 - 7 - 21 16 : 37 </span> </div> <div class = "small" > <div class = "check_input_box d-inline-block" ></div> <div class = "d-none d-lg-inline-block" > </div> <div class = "reply_thumb" style= "display: inline-block;" > <input type= "hidden" value= "273759" name= "threadid" > <input type= "hidden" value= "843975" name= "praised_uid" > <input type= "hidden" value= "1722722" name= "pid" > <a href= "javascript:void(0)" class = "text-grey" > <i class = "icon-thumbs-o-up" ></i> </a> <span class = "thumb_num" style= "margin-left:5px" > 0 </span> </div> <style> .mobile_more_operate_btn { padding: 0px 4px; background: #dee5ea; border-radius: 0 .2rem; cursor: pointer; } .mobile_more_operate { display: none; left: -195px; top: -13px; width: 185px; background: # 222222 ; border-radius: 0 .3rem; } .mobile_more_operate_box .post_report { color: #fff!important; } </style> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class = "post" data-pid= "1722723" > <td class = "vtop td-avatar text-center" style= "width: 46px;" > <div class = "position-relative avatar_hover" > <a class = "d-inline-block position-relative avatar_box photo_frame photo_frame_image0" data-uid= "930843" href= "user-home-930843.htm" tabindex= "-1" > <img class = "avatar-3" src= "view/img/avatar.png" style= "cursor: zoom-in;" > </a> <div class = "position-absolute thread-poptip-box bg-white text-left p-4" > <div class = "row mx-0" > <div> <a class = "d-inline-block avatar_box" data-uid= "930843" href= "user-home-930843.htm" > <img class = "avatar-3" src= 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<div class = "row mx-0 mt-3" > <div class = "col px-0" > <span class = "date text-grey small ml-1" > 2022 - 7 - 21 16 : 37 </span> </div> <div class = "small" > <div class = "check_input_box d-inline-block" ></div> <div class = "d-none d-lg-inline-block" > </div> <div class = "reply_thumb" style= "display: inline-block;" > <input type= "hidden" value= "273759" name= "threadid" > <input type= "hidden" value= "930843" name= "praised_uid" > <input type= "hidden" value= "1722723" name= "pid" > <a href= "javascript:void(0)" class = "text-grey" > <i class = "icon-thumbs-o-up" ></i> </a> <span class = "thumb_num" style= "margin-left:5px" > 0 </span> </div> <style> .mobile_more_operate_btn { padding: 0px 4px; background: #dee5ea; border-radius: 0 .2rem; cursor: pointer; } .mobile_more_operate { display: none; left: -195px; top: -13px; width: 185px; background: # 222222 ; border-radius: 0 .3rem; } .mobile_more_operate_box .post_report { color: #fff!important; } </style> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class = "post" data-pid= "1722724" > <td class = "vtop td-avatar text-center" style= "width: 46px;" > <div class = "position-relative avatar_hover" > <a class = "d-inline-block position-relative avatar_box photo_frame photo_frame_image0" data-uid= "944176" href= "user-home-944176.htm" tabindex= "-1" > <img class = "avatar-3" src= "//passport.kanxue.com/upload/avatar/176/944176.png?1641698237" style= "cursor: zoom-in;" > </a> <div class = "position-absolute thread-poptip-box bg-white text-left p-4" > <div class = "row mx-0" > <div> <a class = "d-inline-block avatar_box" data-uid= "944176" href= "user-home-944176.htm" > <img class = "avatar-3" src= "//passport.kanxue.com/upload/avatar/176/944176.png?1641698237" style= "cursor: zoom-in;" > </a> </div> <div class = "col" > <div class = "pb-2" > <a href= "user-home-944176.htm" > <span style= "font-size: 16px; font-weight: bolder;" class = "username_box" data-uid= "944176" >wen666</span> </a> </div> <div class = "pb-2 position-relative" > <span class = "small text-muted" >雪 币:</span> <span class = "small text-muted" > <a href= "thread-260144.htm" class = "text-muted" > 202 </a> </span> </div> <div class = "pb-2 small" > <span class = "small text-muted" >能力值:</span> <a href= "thread-260144.htm" class = "text-muted" > <svg class = "icon" aria-hidden= "true" > <use xlink:href= "#icon-group_101" ></use> </svg> </a> <img src= "//bbs.kanxue.com/view/img/stars01.gif" alt= "" style= "cursor: zoom-in;" > <span class = "small text-muted" >( LV1,RANK: 0 )</span> </div> <div class = "pb-2" style= "font-size: 0;" > <span class = "small text-muted" style= "vertical-align: middle;" >在线值:</span> <a href= "thread-249442.htm" > <span class = "post_online_time" style= "vertical-align: middle;" data-online_time= "292870" data-desc= "81 小时, 4 级" ><img src= "//passport.kanxue.com/pc/view/img/moon.gif" width= "13" height= "13" style= "opacity: 0.65; margin-right: 2px; cursor: zoom-in;" ></span> </a> <span class = 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<span class = "small text-muted" style= "margin-left: 25px;" >( 1862 )</span> </div> <div class = "pb-2 small" > <span class = "small text-muted" >能力值:</span> <a href= "thread-260144.htm" class = "text-muted" > <svg class = "icon" aria-hidden= "true" > <use xlink:href= "#icon-group_102" ></use> </svg> </a> <img src= "//bbs.kanxue.com/view/img/stars01.gif" alt= "" style= "cursor: zoom-in;" > <span class = "small text-muted" >( LV2,RANK: 15 )</span> </div> <div class = "pb-2" style= "font-size: 0;" > <span class = "small text-muted" style= "vertical-align: middle;" >在线值:</span> <a href= "thread-249442.htm" > <span class = "post_online_time" style= "vertical-align: middle;" data-online_time= "1258138" data-desc= "349 小时, 11 级" ><img src= "//passport.kanxue.com/pc/view/img/moon.gif" width= "13" height= "13" style= "opacity: 0.65; margin-right: 2px; cursor: zoom-in;" ><img src= "//passport.kanxue.com/pc/view/img/moon.gif" width= "13" height= "13" style= "opacity: 0.65; margin-right: 2px; 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style= "width: 46px;" > <div class = "position-relative avatar_hover" > <a class = "d-inline-block position-relative avatar_box photo_frame photo_frame_image2" data-uid= "849527" href= "user-home-849527.htm" tabindex= "-1" > <img class = "avatar-3" src= "view/img/avatar.png" style= "cursor: zoom-in;" > </a> <div class = "position-absolute thread-poptip-box bg-white text-left p-4" > <div class = "row mx-0" > <div> <a class = "d-inline-block avatar_box" data-uid= "849527" href= "user-home-849527.htm" > <img class = "avatar-3" src= "view/img/avatar.png" style= "cursor: zoom-in;" > </a> </div> <div class = "col" > <div class = "pb-2" > <a href= "user-home-849527.htm" > <span style= "font-size: 16px; font-weight: bolder;" class = "username_box" data-uid= "849527" >These-us</span> </a> </div> <div class = "pb-2 position-relative" > <span class = "small text-muted" >雪 币:</span> <span class = "small text-muted" > <a href= "thread-260144.htm" class = "text-muted" > 337 </a> </span> </div> <div class = "pb-2 position-relative" > <span class = "small text-muted" >活跃值:</span> <a href= "thread-260144.htm" class = "text-muted" > <!-- <img class = "position-absolute huoyue_num" src= "/view/img/rank/7.png" width= "22" alt= "活跃值" > --> <span class = "position-absolute huoyue_num iconfont icon-a-7" style= "top:-3px" ></span> </a> <span class = "small text-muted" style= "margin-left: 25px;" >( 1262 )</span> </div> <div class = "pb-2 small" > <span class = "small text-muted" >能力值:</span> <a href= "thread-260144.htm" class = "text-muted" > <svg class = "icon" aria-hidden= "true" > <use xlink:href= "#icon-group_104" ></use> </svg> </a> <img src= "//bbs.kanxue.com/view/img/stars01.gif" alt= "" style= "cursor: zoom-in;" > <span class = "small text-muted" >( LV4,RANK: 48 )</span> </div> <div class = "pb-2" style= "font-size: 0;" > <span class = "small text-muted" style= "vertical-align: middle;" >在线值:</span> <a href= "thread-249442.htm" > <span class = "post_online_time" style= 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class = "username_box" data-uid= "283934" >莫灰灰</span> </a> </div> <div class = "pb-2 position-relative" > <span class = "small text-muted" >雪 币:</span> <span class = "small text-muted" > <a href= "thread-260144.htm" class = "text-muted" > 2417 </a> </span> </div> <div class = "pb-2 position-relative" > <span class = "small text-muted" >活跃值:</span> <a href= "thread-260144.htm" class = "text-muted" > <!-- <img class = "position-absolute huoyue_num" src= "/view/img/rank/8.png" width= "22" alt= "活跃值" > --> <span class = "position-absolute huoyue_num iconfont icon-a-8" style= "top:-3px" ></span> </a> <span class = "small text-muted" style= "margin-left: 25px;" >( 2340 )</span> </div> <div class = "pb-2 small" > <span class = "small text-muted" >能力值:</span> <a href= "thread-260144.htm" class = "text-muted" > <svg class = "icon" aria-hidden= "true" > <use xlink:href= "#icon-group_8" ></use> </svg> </a> <img src= "" alt= "" style= "cursor: zoom-in;" > <span class = "small text-muted" >(RANK: 400 )</span> </div> <div class = "pb-2" style= "font-size: 0;" > <span class = "small text-muted" style= "vertical-align: middle;" >在线值:</span> <a href= "thread-249442.htm" > <span class = "post_online_time" style= "vertical-align: middle;" data-online_time= "6407357" data-desc= "1779 小时, 27 级" ><img src= "//passport.kanxue.com/pc/view/img/sun.gif" width= "13" height= "13" style= "opacity: 0.65; margin-right: 2px; cursor: zoom-in;" ><img src= "//passport.kanxue.com/pc/view/img/moon.gif" width= "13" height= "13" style= "opacity: 0.65; margin-right: 2px; cursor: zoom-in;" ><img src= "//passport.kanxue.com/pc/view/img/moon.gif" width= "13" height= "13" style= "opacity: 0.65; margin-right: 2px; cursor: zoom-in;" ><img src= "//passport.kanxue.com/pc/view/img/star.gif" width= "13" height= "13" style= "opacity: 0.65; margin-right: 2px; cursor: zoom-in;" ><img src= "//passport.kanxue.com/pc/view/img/star.gif" width= "13" height= "13" style= "opacity: 0.65; margin-right: 2px; cursor: zoom-in;" 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254, 254);" >学习途中,发现 hiddenapi-greylist 隐藏的api灰名单列表,给大家贴一个安卓 10 源码里面的:</span><br><br><span style= "font-family:none; font-size:15px; background-color:rgb(254, 254, 254);" >http: //aospxref.com/android-10.0.0_r47/xref/frameworks/base/config/hiddenapi-greylist-max-o.txt</span><br><br><span style="font-family:none; font-size:15px; background-color:rgb(254, 254, 254);">需要改指纹的,再结合珍惜佬的 【hook IPC + 上面隐藏灰名单api】 食用盛佳!!!!!</span></p><p><span style="font-family:none; font-size:15px; background-color:rgb(254, 254, 254);"><br></span><br></p> <div class = "text-right text-muted my-3 small font-italic" > 最后于 <span class = "icon-clock-o ml-2" > </span> 2022 - 8 - 16 10 : 27 被qqizai编辑 ,原因: 这链接是宝藏啊 </div> </div> <div class = "row mx-0 mt-3" > <div class = "col px-0" > <span class = "date text-grey small ml-1" > 2022 - 7 - 21 16 : 53 </span> </div> <div class = "small" > <div class = "check_input_box d-inline-block" ></div> <div class = "d-none d-lg-inline-block" > </div> <div class = "reply_thumb" 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class = "message mt-2 break-all" > 惜佬牛皮 </div> <div class = "row mx-0 mt-3" > <div class = "col px-0" > <span class = "date text-grey small ml-1" > 2022 - 7 - 21 17 : 51 </span> </div> <div class = "small" > <div class = "check_input_box d-inline-block" ></div> <div class = "d-none d-lg-inline-block" > </div> <div class = "reply_thumb" style= "display: inline-block;" > <input type= "hidden" value= "273759" name= "threadid" > <input type= "hidden" value= "917988" name= "praised_uid" > <input type= "hidden" value= "1722748" name= "pid" > <a href= "javascript:void(0)" class = "text-grey" > <i class = "icon-thumbs-o-up" ></i> </a> <span class = "thumb_num" style= "margin-left:5px" > 0 </span> </div> <style> .mobile_more_operate_btn { padding: 0px 4px; background: #dee5ea; border-radius: 0 .2rem; cursor: pointer; } .mobile_more_operate { display: none; left: -195px; top: -13px; width: 185px; background: # 222222 ; border-radius: 0 .3rem; } .mobile_more_operate_box .post_report { color: 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class = "pb-2" > <a href= "user-home-783041.htm" > <span style= "font-size: 16px; font-weight: bolder;" class = "username_box" data-uid= "783041" >wx_沉默的逗比</span> </a> </div> <div class = "pb-2 position-relative" > <span class = "small text-muted" >雪 币:</span> <span class = "small text-muted" > <a href= "thread-260144.htm" class = "text-muted" > 0 </a> </span> </div> <div class = "pb-2 position-relative" > <span class = "small text-muted" >活跃值:</span> <a href= "thread-260144.htm" class = "text-muted" > <!-- <img class = "position-absolute huoyue_num" src= "/view/img/rank/6.png" width= "22" alt= "活跃值" > --> <span class = "position-absolute huoyue_num iconfont icon-a-6" style= "top:-3px" ></span> </a> <span class = "small text-muted" style= "margin-left: 25px;" >( 617 )</span> </div> <div class = "pb-2 small" > <span class = "small text-muted" >能力值:</span> <a href= "thread-260144.htm" class = "text-muted" > <svg class = "icon" aria-hidden= "true" > <use xlink:href= "#icon-group_102" 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position-relative" > <span class = "small text-muted" >活跃值:</span> <a href= "thread-260144.htm" class = "text-muted" > <!-- <img class = "position-absolute huoyue_num" src= "/view/img/rank/5.png" width= "22" alt= "活跃值" > --> <span class = "position-absolute huoyue_num iconfont icon-a-5" style= "top:-3px" ></span> </a> <span class = "small text-muted" style= "margin-left: 25px;" >( 430 )</span> </div> <div class = "pb-2 small" > <span class = "small text-muted" >能力值:</span> <a href= "thread-260144.htm" class = "text-muted" > <svg class = "icon" aria-hidden= "true" > <use xlink:href= "#icon-group_104" ></use> </svg> </a> <img src= "//bbs.kanxue.com/view/img/stars01.gif" alt= "" style= "cursor: zoom-in;" > <span class = "small text-muted" >( LV4,RANK: 40 )</span> </div> <div class = "pb-2" style= "font-size: 0;" > <span class = "small text-muted" style= "vertical-align: middle;" >在线值:</span> <a href= "thread-249442.htm" > <span class = "post_online_time" style= "vertical-align: middle;" data-online_time= "854574" data-desc= "237 小时, 9 级" ><img src= "//passport.kanxue.com/pc/view/img/moon.gif" width= "13" height= "13" style= "opacity: 0.65; margin-right: 2px; cursor: zoom-in;" ><img src= "//passport.kanxue.com/pc/view/img/moon.gif" width= "13" height= "13" style= "opacity: 0.65; margin-right: 2px; cursor: zoom-in;" ><img src= "//passport.kanxue.com/pc/view/img/star.gif" width= "13" height= "13" style= "opacity: 0.65; margin-right: 2px; cursor: zoom-in;" ></span> </a> <span class = "post_online_time1 text-muted small" style= "vertical-align: middle;" ></span> </div> </div> </div> <div class = "pb-3 pt-2 row mx-0 text-muted text-center" > <div class = "col" > <div class = "small mb-2" >发帖</div> <div> <a href= "user-367996.htm" class = "item-count" style= "font-size:1.1rem;" > 13 </a> </div> </div> <div class = "col" style= "border-left: 1px solid #e6e8eb;border-right: 1px solid #e6e8eb;" > <div class = "small mb-2" >回帖</div> <div> <a href= "user-post-367996.htm" class = 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pointer; } .mobile_more_operate { display: none; left: -195px; top: -13px; width: 185px; background: # 222222 ; border-radius: 0 .3rem; } .mobile_more_operate_box .post_report { color: #fff!important; } </style> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class = "post" data-pid= "1722815" > <td class = "vtop td-avatar text-center" style= "width: 46px;" > <div class = "position-relative avatar_hover" > <a class = "d-inline-block position-relative avatar_box photo_frame photo_frame_image1" data-uid= "702964" href= "user-home-702964.htm" tabindex= "-1" > <img class = "avatar-3" src= "//passport.kanxue.com/upload/avatar/964/702964.png?1505458559" style= "cursor: zoom-in;" > </a> <div class = "position-absolute thread-poptip-box bg-white text-left p-4" > <div class = "row mx-0" > <div> <a class = "d-inline-block avatar_box" data-uid= "702964" href= "user-home-702964.htm" > <img class = "avatar-3" src= "//passport.kanxue.com/upload/avatar/964/702964.png?1505458559" style= "cursor: zoom-in;" > </a> </div> <div class = "col" > <div class = "pb-2" > <a href= "user-home-702964.htm" > <span style= "font-size: 16px; font-weight: bolder;" class = "username_box" data-uid= "702964" >azahod</span> </a> </div> <div class = "pb-2 position-relative" > <span class = "small text-muted" >雪 币:</span> <span class = "small text-muted" > <a href= "thread-260144.htm" class = "text-muted" > 35 </a> </span> </div> <div class = "pb-2 position-relative" > <span class = "small text-muted" >活跃值:</span> <a href= "thread-260144.htm" class = "text-muted" > <!-- <img class = "position-absolute huoyue_num" src= "/view/img/rank/2.png" width= "22" alt= "活跃值" > --> <span class = "position-absolute huoyue_num iconfont icon-a-2" style= "top:-3px" ></span> </a> <span class = "small text-muted" style= "margin-left: 25px;" >( 20 )</span> </div> <div class = "pb-2 small" > <span class = "small text-muted" >能力值:</span> <a href= "thread-260144.htm" class = "text-muted" > <svg class = "icon" aria-hidden= "true" > <use 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</dt> <dd class = "text-right text-grey py-1 small" > <div class = "check_input_box d-inline-block" ></div> <div class = "d-none d-lg-inline-block" > </div> <a href= "thread-273759-1.htm#1722815" id= "1722815" class = "text-grey" ><span class = "floor" > 24 </span> 楼</a> </dd> </dl> <!-- <div></div> --> <div class = "message mt-2 break-all" > 占个位置; 方便以后学习~ </div> <div class = "row mx-0 mt-3" > <div class = "col px-0" > <span class = "date text-grey small ml-1" > 2022 - 7 - 22 11 : 44 </span> </div> <div class = "small" > <div class = "check_input_box d-inline-block" ></div> <div class = "d-none d-lg-inline-block" > </div> <div class = "reply_thumb" style= "display: inline-block;" > <input type= "hidden" value= "273759" name= "threadid" > <input type= "hidden" value= "702964" name= "praised_uid" > <input type= "hidden" value= "1722815" name= "pid" > <a href= "javascript:void(0)" class = "text-grey" > <i class = "icon-thumbs-o-up" ></i> </a> <span class = "thumb_num" style= "margin-left:5px" > 0 </span> </div> <style> .mobile_more_operate_btn { padding: 0px 4px; background: #dee5ea; border-radius: 0 .2rem; cursor: pointer; } .mobile_more_operate { display: none; left: -195px; top: -13px; width: 185px; background: # 222222 ; border-radius: 0 .3rem; } .mobile_more_operate_box .post_report { color: #fff!important; } </style> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class = "post" data-pid= "1722841" > <td class = "vtop td-avatar text-center" style= "width: 46px;" > <div class = "position-relative avatar_hover" > <a class = "d-inline-block position-relative avatar_box photo_frame photo_frame_image2" data-uid= "367996" href= "user-home-367996.htm" tabindex= "-1" > <img class = "avatar-3" src= "//passport.kanxue.com/upload/avatar/996/367996.png?1" style= "cursor: zoom-in;" > </a> <div class = "position-absolute thread-poptip-box bg-white text-left p-4" > <div class = "row mx-0" > <div> <a class = "d-inline-block avatar_box" data-uid= "367996" href= "user-home-367996.htm" 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