***********Reference To:GetWord.dll.GetWordstop
:00402818 0A02000000 ImpAdCallFPR4 ;Call ptr_00402160; check stack 0000; Push EAX
:0040281D 3C SetLastSystemError ;Kernel GetLastError
:0040281E F400 LitI2_Byte ;Push 00
:00402820 21 FLdPrThis ;[SR]=[stack2]
:00402821 0FFC02 VCallAd ;Return the control index 01
:00402824 1978FF FStAdFunc ;
:00402827 0878FF FLdPr ;[SR]=[LOCAL_0088]
***********Reference To:[propput]CommandButton.Enabled
:0040282A 0D8C000100 VCallHresult ;Call ptr_00402350
:0040282F 1A78FF FFree1Ad ;Push [LOCAL_0088]; Call [[[LOCAL_0088]]+8]; [[LOCAL_0088]]=0
:00402832 F4FF LitI2_Byte ;Push FF
:00402834 21 FLdPrThis ;[SR]=[stack2]
:00402835 0F0003 VCallAd ;Return the control index 02
:00402838 1978FF FStAdFunc ;
:0040283B 0878FF FLdPr ;[SR]=[LOCAL_0088]
***********Reference To:[propput]CommandButton.Enabled
:0040283E 0D8C000100 VCallHresult ;Call ptr_00402350
:00402843 1A78FF FFree1Ad ;Push [LOCAL_0088]; Call [[[LOCAL_0088]]+8]; [[LOCAL_0088]]=0
:00402846 13 ExitProcHresult ;
***********Reference To:GetWord.dll.GetWordstar
:00402750 0A00000000 ImpAdCallFPR4 ;Call ptr_0040211C; check stack 0000; Push EAX
:00402755 3C SetLastSystemError ;Kernel GetLastError
:00402756 F400 LitI2_Byte ;Push 00
:00402758 21 FLdPrThis ;[SR]=[stack2]
:00402759 0F0003 VCallAd ;Return the control index 02
:0040275C 1978FF FStAdFunc ;
:0040275F 0878FF FLdPr ;[SR]=[LOCAL_0088]
***********Reference To:[propput]CommandButton.Enabled
:00402762 0D8C000100 VCallHresult ;Call ptr_00402350
:00402767 1A78FF FFree1Ad ;Push [LOCAL_0088]; Call [[[LOCAL_0088]]+8]; [[LOCAL_0088]]=0
:0040276A F4FF LitI2_Byte ;Push FF
:0040276C 21 FLdPrThis ;[SR]=[stack2]
:0040276D 0FFC02 VCallAd ;Return the control index 01
:00402770 1978FF FStAdFunc ;
:00402773 0878FF FLdPr ;[SR]=[LOCAL_0088]
***********Reference To:[propput]CommandButton.Enabled
:00402776 0D8C000100 VCallHresult ;Call ptr_00402350
:0040277B 1A78FF FFree1Ad ;Push [LOCAL_0088]; Call [[[LOCAL_0088]]+8]; [[LOCAL_0088]]=0
:0040277E 13 ExitProcHresult ;
:004026F0 275CFF LitVar ;PushVar LOCAL_00A4
:004026F3 25 PopAdLdVar ;
:004026F4 276CFF LitVar ;PushVar LOCAL_0094
:004026F7 25 PopAdLdVar ;
:004026F8 050300 ImpAdLdRf ;Push ptr
:004026FB 240400 NewIfNullPr ;[Pop] [SR]
:004026FE 0DB0020500 VCallHresult ;Call ptr_00402360
:00402703 F400 LitI2_Byte ;Push 00
:00402705 050300 ImpAdLdRf ;Push ptr
:00402708 240400 NewIfNullPr ;[Pop] [SR]
:0040270B 0DBC010500 VCallHresult ;Call ptr_00402360
:00402710 044CFF FLdRfVar ;Push LOCAL_00B4
**********Reference To-> sub_00402928
:00402713 0A06000400 ImpAdCallFPR4 ;Call ptr_00401454; check stack 0004; Push EAX
:00402718 354CFF FFree1Var ;Free LOCAL_00B4
:0040271B 13 ExitProcHresult ;
:004028E4 050D00 ImpAdLdRf ;Push ptr
***********Reference To:GetWord.dll.GetWordcs
:004028E7 0B0E000400 ImpAdCallI2 ;Call ptr_0040207C; check stack 0004; Push EAX
:004028EC 7068FF FStI2 ;Pop WORD [LOCAL_0098]
:004028EF 3C SetLastSystemError ;Kernel GetLastError
:004028F0 6B68FF FLdI2 ;Push WORD [LOCAL_0098]
:004028F3 706AFF FStI2 ;Pop WORD [LOCAL_0096]
:004028F6 6B6AFF FLdI2 ;Push WORD [LOCAL_0096]
:004028F9 1C2600 BranchF ;If Pop=0 then ESI=0040290A
******Possible String Ref To->"埔逆仍??沽蓟浴"
:004028FC 1B0F00 LitStr ;Push ptr_00402454
:004028FF 051000 ImpAdLdRf ;Push ptr
:00402902 241100 NewIfNullPr ;[Pop] [SR]
:00402905 0D54001200 VCallHresult ;Call ptr_00401F14
:0040290A 6B6AFF FLdI2 ;Push WORD [LOCAL_0096]
:0040290D F400 LitI2_Byte ;Push 00
:0040290F C6 EqI2 ;
:00402910 1C3D00 BranchF ;If Pop=0 then ESI=00402921
******Possible String Ref To->"旗?若撮肩砸舒霸??攘然场惺挠仑惜奋脂岭getword.dll"
:00402913 1B1300 LitStr ;Push ptr_0040246C
:00402916 051000 ImpAdLdRf ;Push ptr
:00402919 241100 NewIfNullPr ;[Pop] [SR]
:0040291C 0D54001200 VCallHresult ;Call ptr_00401F14
:00402921 FD951000 ExitProcCb ;
:00402925 0000 LargeBos ;IDE beginning of line with 00 byte codes
:0040269C 050300 ImpAdLdRf ;Push ptr
:0040269F 560400 NewIfNullAd ;
:004026A2 FD9C78FF FStAdNoPop ;
:004026A6 050700 ImpAdLdRf ;Push ptr
:004026A9 240800 NewIfNullPr ;[Pop] [SR]
:004026AC 0D10000900 VCallHresult ;Call ptr_004023E8
:004026B1 1A78FF FFree1Ad ;Push [LOCAL_0088]; Call [[[LOCAL_0088]]+8]; [[LOCAL_0088]]=0
***********Reference To:GetWord.dll.GetWordxz
:004026B4 0A0A000000 ImpAdCallFPR4 ;Call ptr_004021A4; check stack 0000; Push EAX
:004026B9 3C SetLastSystemError ;Kernel GetLastError
:004026BA 13 ExitProcHresult ;
[招生]科锐逆向工程师培训(2025年3月11日实地,远程教学同时开班, 第52期)!