[分享]pwnable.kr BlackJack day10
发表于: 2021-1-12 23:01 9107

[分享]pwnable.kr BlackJack day10

2021-1-12 23:01

这是一个类似 21 点的游戏。
初始现金是 500,我们输入赌注(bet),如果赌注比拥有的现金(cash)大的数会给错误提示。
现金超过一百万可以看到 flag。


核心函数有 betting() 和 play()

betting() 是我们下注的函数

可以看到输入 bet 后,没有对 bet 值是否合法做检测,全都返回 bet。

play() 是游戏的核心函数


可以看出当我们赢的时候,我们的现金变为现金 + 赌注,输的时候变为现金 - 赌注。
由 betting() 知,赌注的输入没有做足够的限制,所以我们可以输入一个较大负数,然后故意输掉,这样我们的金额会直接超过一百万,达到看见 flag 的要求,继续玩一局即可看到 flag。

红框内为 flag

void play() //Plays game
     int p=0; // holds value of player_total
     int i=1; // counter for asking user to hold or stay (aka game turns)
     char choice3;
     cash = cash;
     printf("\nCash: $%d\n",cash); //Prints amount of cash user has
     randcard(); //Generates random card
     player_total = p + l; //Computes player total
     p = player_total;
     printf("\nYour Total is %d\n", p); //Prints player total
     dealer(); //Computes and prints dealer total
     betting(); //Prompts user to enter bet amount
     while(i<=21) //While loop used to keep asking user to hit or stay at most twenty-one times
                  //  because there is a chance user can generate twenty-one consecutive 1's
         if(p==21) //If user total is 21, win
             printf("\nUnbelievable! You Win!\n");
             won = won+1;
             cash = cash+bet;
             printf("\nYou have %d Wins and %d Losses. Awesome!\n", won, loss);
         if(p>21) //If player total is over 21, loss
             printf("\nWoah Buddy, You Went WAY over.\n");
             loss = loss+1;
             cash = cash - bet;
             printf("\nYou have %d Wins and %d Losses. Awesome!\n", won, loss);
         if(p<=21) //If player total is less than 21, ask to hit or stay
             printf("\n\nWould You Like to Hit or Stay?");
             scanf("%c", &choice3);
             while((choice3!='H') && (choice3!='h') && (choice3!='S') && (choice3!='s')) // If invalid choice entered
                 printf("Please Enter H to Hit or S to Stay.\n");
             if((choice3=='H') || (choice3=='h')) // If Hit, continues
                 player_total = p + l;
                 p = player_total;
                 printf("\nYour Total is %d\n", p);
                  if(dealer_total==21) //Is dealer total is 21, loss
                      printf("\nDealer Has the Better Hand. You Lose.\n");
                      loss = loss+1;
                      cash = cash - bet;
                      printf("\nYou have %d Wins and %d Losses. Awesome!\n", won, loss);
                  if(dealer_total>21) //If dealer total is over 21, win
                      printf("\nDealer Has Went Over!. You Win!\n");
                      won = won+1;
                      cash = cash+bet;
                      printf("\nYou have %d Wins and %d Losses. Awesome!\n", won, loss);
             if((choice3=='S') || (choice3=='s')) // If Stay, does not continue
                printf("\nYou Have Chosen to Stay at %d. Wise Decision!\n", player_total);
             i++; //While player total and dealer total are less than 21, re-do while loop
     } // End While Loop
} // End Function
void play() //Plays game
     int p=0; // holds value of player_total
     int i=1; // counter for asking user to hold or stay (aka game turns)
     char choice3;
     cash = cash;
     printf("\nCash: $%d\n",cash); //Prints amount of cash user has
     randcard(); //Generates random card
     player_total = p + l; //Computes player total
     p = player_total;
     printf("\nYour Total is %d\n", p); //Prints player total
     dealer(); //Computes and prints dealer total
     betting(); //Prompts user to enter bet amount
     while(i<=21) //While loop used to keep asking user to hit or stay at most twenty-one times
                  //  because there is a chance user can generate twenty-one consecutive 1's
         if(p==21) //If user total is 21, win
             printf("\nUnbelievable! You Win!\n");
             won = won+1;
             cash = cash+bet;
             printf("\nYou have %d Wins and %d Losses. Awesome!\n", won, loss);
         if(p>21) //If player total is over 21, loss
             printf("\nWoah Buddy, You Went WAY over.\n");
             loss = loss+1;
             cash = cash - bet;
             printf("\nYou have %d Wins and %d Losses. Awesome!\n", won, loss);


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