发表于: 2021-1-10 15:22 6332


2021-1-10 15:22





不需要界面的插件,直接使用Visual Studio或者Xcode就可以了,一个配置好的样例项目如下:

如果是比较复杂的插件,需要界面,那么可以采用Qt Designer+Visual Studio/Xcode开发,一个配置好的样例项目如下:

与AD Qt运行时对应的Qt界面开发最小化工具、头文件、库文件子集,在如下位置:

Have fun with AD & ADPlugin made with love~

// api entry error code definition
enum adp_error_t {
  adp_err_ok = 0,      // success
  adp_err_failed,      // failed
  adp_err_canceled,    // canceled
  adp_err_param,       // bad parameter
  adp_err_notfound,    // cannot find something
  adp_err_io,          // io issue
  adp_err_thread,      // thread issue, some api must run at ui thread
  adp_err_oor,         // out of range
  adp_err_oom,         // out of memory
  adp_err_auth,        // license issue
  adp_err_permission,  // permission issue
  adp_err_unsupport,   // unsupport some action
  adp_err_unimpl,      // unimplement some action
  adp_err_softbug,     // software bug assertion
  adp_err_continue,    // for traverser
  adp_err_break,       // for traverser
// api entry error code definition
enum adp_error_t {
  adp_err_ok = 0,      // success
  adp_err_failed,      // failed
  adp_err_canceled,    // canceled
  adp_err_param,       // bad parameter
  adp_err_notfound,    // cannot find something
  adp_err_io,          // io issue
  adp_err_thread,      // thread issue, some api must run at ui thread
  adp_err_oor,         // out of range
  adp_err_oom,         // out of memory
  adp_err_auth,        // license issue
  adp_err_permission,  // permission issue
  adp_err_unsupport,   // unsupport some action
  adp_err_unimpl,      // unimplement some action
  adp_err_softbug,     // software bug assertion
  adp_err_continue,    // for traverser
  adp_err_break,       // for traverser
// event definition
#define decl_event(n, desc) adp_event_##n
#define decl_event_input(n, input, desc) decl_event(n, desc)
#define decl_event_result(n, result, desc) decl_event(n, desc)
#define decl_event_io(n, input, result, desc) decl_event(n, desc)
enum adp_event_t {
  // event with no Input/Output
  decl_event(loaded, "after loaded this plugin"),
  decl_event(pre_unload, "before unload this plugin"),
  decl_event(main_menu, "user triggered MainMenu/Plugin/ThisPlugin"),
  decl_event(debug_initialized, "tell plugin a new debug session initialized"),
  decl_event(debug_running, "tell plugin the debuggee is running"),
  decl_event(debug_paused, "tell plugin the debugee has bee paused"),
  decl_event(debug_terminated, "tell plugin the debug session has terminated"),
  // event with Input
  // input.ptr is adp_module_t*
  decl_event_input(module_analyzed, ptr,
                   "tell plugin finished analyzing a module"),
  // event for Result
  decl_event_result(version, str_const, "ask this plugin for its sdk version"),
  decl_event_result(menuname, str_const,
                    "ask this plugin for its plugin menu name"),
  // ptr.p0 should be adp's self version string
  // ptr.p1 should be adp's description
  decl_event_result(adpinfo, ptr,
                    "ask this plugin for its self version and description"),
  // event with Input for Result
  // currently nothing
  // Tell me, what the extra event do you want ?
// event definition
#define decl_event(n, desc) adp_event_##n
#define decl_event_input(n, input, desc) decl_event(n, desc)
#define decl_event_result(n, result, desc) decl_event(n, desc)
#define decl_event_io(n, input, result, desc) decl_event(n, desc)
enum adp_event_t {
  // event with no Input/Output
  decl_event(loaded, "after loaded this plugin"),
  decl_event(pre_unload, "before unload this plugin"),
  decl_event(main_menu, "user triggered MainMenu/Plugin/ThisPlugin"),
  decl_event(debug_initialized, "tell plugin a new debug session initialized"),
  decl_event(debug_running, "tell plugin the debuggee is running"),
  decl_event(debug_paused, "tell plugin the debugee has bee paused"),
  decl_event(debug_terminated, "tell plugin the debug session has terminated"),
  // event with Input
  // input.ptr is adp_module_t*
  decl_event_input(module_analyzed, ptr,
                   "tell plugin finished analyzing a module"),
  // event for Result
  decl_event_result(version, str_const, "ask this plugin for its sdk version"),
  decl_event_result(menuname, str_const,
                    "ask this plugin for its plugin menu name"),
  // ptr.p0 should be adp's self version string
  // ptr.p1 should be adp's description
  decl_event_result(adpinfo, ptr,
                    "ask this plugin for its self version and description"),
  // event with Input for Result
  // currently nothing
  // Tell me, what the extra event do you want ?
// api definition
struct adp_api_t {
   * add by adp v1.0.0
  // get current A64Dbg's version
  const char *(*version)();
  // logger
  void (*log)(const char *msg);
  // logger for status bar
  void (*logStatus)(const char *msg);
  // make main window focus on cpu window
  void (*focusCPU)();
  // make main window focus on log window
  void (*focusLog)();
  // make cpu window goto the specified address
  void (*gotoCPUAdderss)(adpint addr);
  // iterate modules
  void (*travelModule)(adp_error_t (*handler)(const adp_module_t *module));
  // iterate functions
  void (*travelFunc)(const adp_module_t *module,
                     adp_error_t (*handler)(const adp_func_t *func));
  // check whether is debugging
  adpint (*isDebugging)();
  // make dump window goto the specified address, 0,1,2
  adp_error_t (*gotoDumpAddress)(adpint addr, adpint index);
  // get configuration
  adp_error_t (*getIntConfig)(const char *sect, const char *key, adpint *value);
  adp_error_t (*getConfig)(const char *sect, const char *key, char *cfg,
                           adpint cfgsize);
  // set configuration
  adp_error_t (*setIntConfig)(const char *sect, const char *key, adpint value);
  adp_error_t (*setConfig)(const char *sect, const char *key, const char *cfg);
  // ask user to input a string
  adp_error_t (*inputString)(const char *title, char *text, adpint size);
  // ask user to input an integer
  adp_error_t (*inputInteger)(const char *title, adpint *value);
  // ask user to select a path
  adp_error_t (*inputPath)(char *path, adpint size, adpint isdir,
                           adpint isopen);
  // disassemble an arm64 opcode
  adp_error_t (*disassemble)(unsigned opcode, char *asmcode, adpint asmsize);
  // assemble an arm64 asm instruction
  adp_error_t (*assemble)(const char *asmcode, unsigned *opcode);
  // pickup current register value like x0-x29,lr,sp,pc
  adp_error_t (*getRegister)(const char *regname, adpint *regvalue);
  // set register value
  adp_error_t (*setRegister)(const char *regname, adpint regvalue);
  // read memory at addr in the page
  adp_error_t (*readMemory)(adpint addr, adp_bytes_t *buff, adpint *readed);
  // write memory at addr in the page
  adp_error_t (*writeMemory)(adpint addr, const adp_bytes_t *buff,
                             adpint *writed);
  // step one instruction
  adp_error_t (*stepDebugee)(adpint isinto);
  // continue debugee
  adp_error_t (*continueDebugee)();
  // pause debugee
  adp_error_t (*pauseDebugee)();
  // set breakpoint at the specified address
  adp_error_t (*setBreakpoint)(adpint addr, adpint isoneshot,
                               const char *condexpr);
  // unset breakpoint at the specified address
  adp_error_t (*unsetBreakpoint)(adpint addr);
  // set watchpoint at the specified address
  adp_error_t (*setWatchpoint)(adpint addr, adpint size);
  // unset watchpoint at the specified address
  adp_error_t (*unsetWatchpoint)(adpint addr);
  // execute an lldb command
  adp_error_t (*lldbCommand)(const char *cmd);
  adp_error_t (*lldbCommandResult)(const char *cmd, char *result, adpint size);
  // register plugin's command handler, return its id for unregister
  adpint (*registerCommander)(const char *name,
                              bool (*handler)(const char *cmd));
  // unregister command handler, idval is returned by registerCommander
  void (*unregisterCommander)(adpint idval);
  // attach to the pid for selected default platform
  void (*attach)(adpint pid);
  // detach from current debugee
  void (*detach)();
  // Tell me, what the extra api do you want ?
// api definition
struct adp_api_t {
   * add by adp v1.0.0
  // get current A64Dbg's version
  const char *(*version)();
  // logger
  void (*log)(const char *msg);
  // logger for status bar
  void (*logStatus)(const char *msg);
  // make main window focus on cpu window
  void (*focusCPU)();
  // make main window focus on log window
  void (*focusLog)();
  // make cpu window goto the specified address
  void (*gotoCPUAdderss)(adpint addr);
  // iterate modules
  void (*travelModule)(adp_error_t (*handler)(const adp_module_t *module));
  // iterate functions
  void (*travelFunc)(const adp_module_t *module,
                     adp_error_t (*handler)(const adp_func_t *func));
  // check whether is debugging
  adpint (*isDebugging)();
  // make dump window goto the specified address, 0,1,2
  adp_error_t (*gotoDumpAddress)(adpint addr, adpint index);
  // get configuration
  adp_error_t (*getIntConfig)(const char *sect, const char *key, adpint *value);
  adp_error_t (*getConfig)(const char *sect, const char *key, char *cfg,
                           adpint cfgsize);
  // set configuration
  adp_error_t (*setIntConfig)(const char *sect, const char *key, adpint value);
  adp_error_t (*setConfig)(const char *sect, const char *key, const char *cfg);
  // ask user to input a string
  adp_error_t (*inputString)(const char *title, char *text, adpint size);
  // ask user to input an integer
  adp_error_t (*inputInteger)(const char *title, adpint *value);


免费 1
最新回复 (2)
雪    币: 5492
活跃值: (3317)
能力值: ( LV5,RANK:60 )
ios调试 可执行文件放到文件夹仍会重新下载 且下载速度很慢 这个修复下?
2021-1-10 15:27
雪    币: 1662
活跃值: (3569)
能力值: ( LV7,RANK:100 )
尐进 ios调试 可执行文件放到文件夹仍会重新下载 且下载速度很慢 这个修复下?

2021-1-12 21:03
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