Без хвостов и допереведёнными диалогами. Перевод диалогов машинный, по этому местами может быть смешно. В самом интерфейсе только убраны хвосты. Внутри ещё комплект для Radialix. Если кто захочет править перевод.
Beyond Compare is a utility for comparing things. Things like text files, folders, zip archives, FTP sites, etc. Use it to manage source code, keep folders in sync, compare program output, and validate CD copies. Beyond Compare is a useful and reliable utility that will help you compare and synchronize your files and folders.
Although there is support for automatic functions, the main goal of Beyond Compare is to help you analyze differences in detail, and carefully reconcile them. It commands a wide range of file and text operations.
Beyond Compare distinguishes the information it compares as either files or folders. Beyond Compare is not limited to comparing folders and files on its host computer. It can compare folders and files over a network connection or via FTP.
Key features:
· compare text files
· compare folders, zip archives, ftp sites
· update websites
· merge code changes - July 13, 2020
Notable Changes
Linux: Fixed file manager integration with various desktop environments.
macOS: Improved stability.
Windows: Disabled "Check for Updates" functionality on Windows XP, 2003, and Vista because they don't support HTTPS over TLS 1.2.
Cloud Services
Fixed OneDrive authentication to allow using accounts other than the one tied to the local Windows user account or system web browser's currently logged in Microsoft/Live.com account.
Command Line
Linux: Fixed file manager integration with various desktop environments:
Thunar 1.8 (GTK3)
XUbuntu (XFCE) thunarx-2 and thunarx-3
Nautilus on Wayland
Mint and Ubuntu using MATE desktop (Caja)
Debian 10 Gnome
Folder Compare
Windows: Fixed reparse points being incorrectly treated as symlinks after file operations or refreshes.
Windows: Fixed resource leak when refreshing encounters an exclusively locked file.
macOS: Fixed "Folder Not Found" dialog not clicking "Reload" button when pressing [Enter].
Fixed "Ignored" showing as checked when nothing is selected.
Fixed parsing Comau C5G FTP listings.
Linux: Fixed apt-key warning when installing/upgrading .deb package.
Windows: Disabled "Check for Updates" functionality on Windows XP, 2003, and Vista because they don't support HTTPS over TLS 1.2.
Windows: Fixed digital signatures on pdftotext(64).exe.
macOS: Fixed some toolbars/menu items incorrectly disabling when clicking on a toolbar button.
macOS: Fixed Export Settings "Save As" dialog not including a .bcpkg extension.
Fixed enabling "Factory Defaults" button in File Formats dialog and Home view.
Windows: Fixed 64-bit shell extension not updating the registry correctly when toggled in the Options dialog.
Text Compare
Fixed alignment weights for orphan lines.
macOS: Fixed thumbnail not redrawing correctly when reloading a comparison.
Fixed crash when saving after editing session defaults on Home view.
Без хвостов и допереведёнными диалогами. Перевод диалогов машинный, по этому местами может быть смешно. В самом интерфейсе только убраны хвосты. Внутри ещё комплект для Radialix. Если кто захочет править перевод.