利用5个int3和mov edi,edi共7个字节,改写一个call指令
----------------------------------------------关于mov edi,edi--抄的
MOV EDI,EDI is indeed a 2-byte no-op that is there to enable hot-patching. It enables the application of a hot-fix to a function without a need for a reboot, or even a restart of a running application. Instead, at runtime, the 2-byte NOP is replaced by a short jump to a long jump instruction that jumps to the hot-fix function. A 2-byte instruction is required so that when patching the instruction pointer will not point in a middle of an instruction.
call dword ptr [1013018](共六个,后面不一个nop)
然后修改01004539处的赋值mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-28],NOTEPAD.01003429(改成01003424)