2017-6-14 15:12 3018


2017-6-14 15:12




1.该程序在Win7x64下运行异常,放入WinXP虚拟机,OD载入直接运行,下断:bp GetDlgItemTextA,输入注册码123456后回车,断下来了,返回到用户代码:

004104CD  /$  68 >push    0x90

004104D2  |.  B8 >mov     eax, 0045037E

004104D7  |.  E8 >call    00413FD7

004104DC  |.  8BF>mov     esi, ecx

004104DE  |.  6A >push    0x65

004104E0  |.  8D4>lea     eax, dword ptr [ebp-0x80]

004104E3  |.  6A >push    0x0

004104E5  |.  50  push    eax

004104E6  |.  E8 >call    004156A0

004104EB  |.  83C>add     esp, 0xC

004104EE  |.  8D4>lea     eax, dword ptr [ebp-0x80]

004104F1  |.  6A >push    0x64                                    ; /Count = 64 (100.)

004104F3  |.  50  push    eax                                     ; |Buffer

004104F4  |.  68 >push    0x3E8                                   ; |ControlID = 3E8 (1000.)

004104F9  |.  FF7>push    dword ptr [esi+0x4]                     ; |hWnd

004104FC  |.  FF1>call    dword ptr [<&USER32.GetDlgItemTextA>]   ; \GetDlgItemTextA

00410502  |.  8D4>lea     eax, dword ptr [ebp-0x80]

00410505  |.  50  push    eax                                     ; /Arg1

00410506  |.  8D8>lea     ecx, dword ptr [ebp-0x98]               ; |

0041050C  |.  E8 >call    0040FD2D                                ; \7-不问少.0040FD2D

00410511  |.  836>and     dword ptr [ebp-0x4], 0x0

00410515  |.  8D4>lea     eax, dword ptr [ebp-0x18]

00410518  |.  6A >push    0x5

0041051A  |.  50  push    eax

0041051B  |.  BB >mov     ebx, 0x1AA

00410520  |.  C74>mov     dword ptr [ebp-0x18], 0x49444550

00410527  |.  53  push    ebx

00410528  |.  BF >mov     edi, 00411B30

0041052D  |.  C64>mov     byte ptr [ebp-0x14], 0x59

00410531  |.  57  push    edi

00410532  |.  E8 >call    00410DD6                                ;  code dec

00410537  |.  51  push    ecx

00410538  |.  51  push    ecx

00410539  |.  8D8>lea     eax, dword ptr [ebp-0x98]

0041053F  |.  89A>mov     dword ptr [ebp-0x9C], esp

00410545  |.  8BC>mov     ecx, esp

00410547  |.  50  push    eax                                     ; /Arg1

00410548  |.  E8 >call    0040FD07                                ; \7-不问少.0040FD07

0041054D  |.  C64>mov     byte ptr [ebp-0x4], 0x1

00410551  |.  C64>mov     byte ptr [ebp-0x4], 0x0

00410555  |.  8D4>lea     ecx, dword ptr [esi+0x40]

00410558  |.  E8 >call    00411B30                                ;  code exec:user key exchange

0041055D  |.  6A >push    0x5                                     ; /Arg4 = 00000005

0041055F  |.  8D4>lea     eax, dword ptr [ebp-0x18]               ; |

00410562  |.  50  push    eax                                     ; |Arg3

00410563  |.  53  push    ebx                                     ; |Arg2

00410564  |.  57  push    edi                                     ; |Arg1

00410565  |.  E8 >call    00410DD6                                ; \code enc

0041056A  |.  83C>add     esp, 0x10

0041056D  |.  8D4>lea     ecx, dword ptr [esi+0x40]

00410570  |.  E8 >call    00411825                                ;  calc key???

00410575  |.  834>or      dword ptr [ebp-0x4], 0xFFFFFFFF

00410579  |.  8D8>lea     ecx, dword ptr [ebp-0x98]

0041057F  |.  6A >push    0x0                                     ; /Arg2 = 00000000

00410581  |.  6A >push    0x1                                     ; |Arg1 = 00000001

00410583  |.  E8 >call    <_memfree>                              ; \7-不问少.00410AE3

00410588  |.  33C>xor     eax, eax

0041058A  |.  E8 >call    00413F81

0041058F  \.  C2 >retn    0x10



2.00410532  call    00410DD6这个CALL里的操作是对00411B30处长度为0x1AA的代码使用“PEDIY”进行解码,然后00410558  call 00411B30运行,最后00410570  call    00411825再把代码加密。需要解密才运行,可见call 00411B30里有关键代码,跟进观察。


3.这个CALL 00411B30里算法比较绕,花了很长时才搞明白,分以下几步:

1)先对输入码key xor 0xCC

2)按字节调用00411C13  call 00410F4C在一个表里找索引值index,该表为:


0016CFD0  89 BC 95 FC FB BA ED 9A BB AE FE 99 A2 98 B9 F9

0016CFE0  9F 84 9C FD 83 AD B6 A9 A5 F5 8C A7 9E 96 8A F4

0016CFF0  85 BE A8 8F 86 AF 88 9D 87 BF FF A1 8B 81 A0 AB

0016D000  8E BD B5 AA 82 94 A4 8D A3 F8 B4 FA 9B A6 B8 80

此表XOR 0xCC可以得到初始字符串列表:“EpY07v!Vwb2UnTu5SHP1Oazei9@kRZF8IrdCJcDQKs3mGMlgBqyfNXhAo4x6WjtL


    For i = 1 To Len(s)

        n = InStr(1, ss, Mid$(s, i, 1)) - 1

        For j = 1 To i

            n = (n + n \ 5 + 5) Mod &H40


        bb(i) = tb1(n)


3)在00411CA4  call    00410F75里,按字节XOR 0xCCror(5),保存回原位置,记为key2


4.00410565  call    00410DD6把执行后的代码加密后,在00410570  call    00411825里验证刚才计算的结果,正确时执行后续操作。验证过程全部在00410570  call    00411825里,步骤为:

100411987  call    0041191F把上一步计算的结果key2转换为HEX字符,记为key3

2key3按字节调用004119F4  call 00410F4C在一个表里找索引值index,该表tb2为:


00403D50  30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 41 42 43 44 45 46  0123456789ABCDEF





0016D120  02 02 00 03  00 00 02 03  00 01 02 03  02 00 00 02  10100011 00001011 00011011 10000010  A30B1B82

0016D130  02 00 02 02  02 03 02 03  01 00 02 02  02 01 02 03  10001010 10111011 01001010 10011011  8ABB4A9B

0016D140  02 02 02 01  02 03 02 03  02 01 00 03  02 02 02 02  10101001 10111011 10010011 10101010  A9BB93AA

0016D150  02 02 00 03  01 02 02 03  02 00 00 02  02 02 02 02  10100011 01101011 10000010 10101010  A36B82AA

0016D160  00 00 00 02  01 00 02 02  02 03 00 02  01 00 00 03  00000010 01001010 10110010 01000011  024AB243




Function ShlAndSar(value As Byte) As Byte

    Dim v1 As Long, v2 As Long


    v1 = value

    v1 = (v1 * 8) And &HFF

    v2 = value And &H7F

    If (value And &H80) <> 0 Then v2 = -v2

    v2 = v2 \ 32

    ShlAndSar = (v1 Or v2) And &HFF

End Function


Private Sub Command1_Click()

    Dim ss As String

    Dim i As Long, j As Long

    Dim n As Byte

    Dim s As String, t As String


    ss = "EpY07v!Vwb2UnTu5SHP1Oazei9@kRZF8IrdCJcDQKs3mGMlgBqyfNXhAo4x6WjtL"


    s = Text1.Text


    For i = 1 To Len(s)

        n = InStr(1, ss, Mid$(s, i, 1)) - 1

        For j = 1 To i

            n = (n + n \ 5 + 5) Mod &H40


        n = Asc(Mid$(ss, n + 1, 1))

        n = ShlAndSar(n)

        t = t & Right$("00" & Hex(n), 2)


    Text2.Text = t

End Sub



Private Function GetIndex(ByVal n As Long, ByVal c As Long) As String

    Dim i As Long, j As Long, k As Long

    Dim s As String

    Dim ss As String

    ss = "EpY07v!Vwb2UnTu5SHP1Oazei9@kRZF8IrdCJcDQKs3mGMlgBqyfNXhAo4x6WjtL"


    For i = 0 To 63

        k = i

        For j = 1 To n

            k = (k + k \ 5 + 5) Mod &H40


        If k = c Then

            s = Mid$(ss, i + 1, 1)

            Exit For

        End If


    GetIndex = s

End Function


Private Sub Command2_Click()

    Dim ss As String

    Dim i As Long, j As Long, k As Long

    Dim n As Byte

    Dim c As String

    Dim s As String, t As String


    Dim mm(&HFF) As Byte

    For i = 0 To &HFF

        mm(i) = ShlAndSar((i And &HFF))



    ss = "EpY07v!Vwb2UnTu5SHP1Oazei9@kRZF8IrdCJcDQKs3mGMlgBqyfNXhAo4x6WjtL"


    s = Text1.Text


    For i = 1 To Len(s) \ 2

        n = Val("&H" & Mid$(s, i * 2 - 1, 2))

        For j = 0 To &H7F

            If mm(j) = n Then

                n = InStr(1, ss, Chr(j)) - 1

                t = t & GetIndex(i, n)

            End If



    Text2.Text = t

End Sub




00411825   $  6A >push    0x18

00411827   .  B8 >mov     eax, 0045054A

0041182C   .  E8 >call    0041400E

00411831   .  894>mov     dword ptr [ebp-0x1C], ecx

00411834   .  E8 >call    00411975                                ;  校验注册码,必须返回1

00411839   .  84C>test    al, al

0041183B   .  0F8>je      00411919

00411841   .  6A >push    0x40                                    ; /Protect = PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE

00411843   .  BB >mov     ebx, 0x1000                             ; |

00411848   .  53  push    ebx                                     ; |AllocationType => MEM_COMMIT

00411849   .  53  push    ebx                                     ; |Size => 1000 (4096.)

0041184A   .  33F>xor     esi, esi                                ; |

0041184C   .  56  push    esi                                     ; |Address => NULL

0041184D   .  FF1>call    dword ptr [<&KERNEL32.VirtualAlloc>]    ; \申请空间

00411853   .  8BF>mov     edi, eax

00411855   .  897>mov     dword ptr [ebp-0x18], edi

00411858   .  68 >push    0x94                                    ; /Arg4 = 00000094

0041185D   .  68 >push    00411A9C                                ; |Arg3 = 00411A9C

00411862   .  53  push    ebx                                     ; |Arg2 => 00001000

00411863   .  57  push    edi                                     ; |Arg1

00411864   .  E8 >call    004121ED                                ; \复制代码

00411869   .  83C>add     esp, 0x10

0041186C   .  8BC>mov     ecx, edi

0041186E   .  894>mov     dword ptr [ebp-0x14], ecx

00411871   .  897>mov     dword ptr [ebp-0x4], esi

00411874   .  897>mov     dword ptr [ebp-0x20], esi

00411877   .  8B4>mov     ecx, dword ptr [ebp-0x1C]

0041187A   >  81F>cmp     esi, 0x94

00411880   .  7D >jge     short 004118A9

00411882   .  8BC>mov     eax, esi

00411884   .  33D>xor     edx, edx

00411886   .  F77>div     dword ptr [ecx+0x34]

00411889   .  46  inc     esi

0041188A   .  897>mov     dword ptr [ebp-0x20], esi

0041188D   .  8D4>lea     eax, dword ptr [ecx+0x24]

00411890   .  837>cmp     dword ptr [eax+0x14], 0x10

00411894   .  72 >jb      short 00411898

00411896   .  8B0>mov     eax, dword ptr [eax]

00411898   >  8A0>mov     al, byte ptr [eax+edx]

0041189B   .  8B5>mov     edx, dword ptr [ebp-0x14]

0041189E   .  300>xor     byte ptr [edx], al                      ;  使用输入key对代码解密

004118A0   .  42  inc     edx

004118A1   .  895>mov     dword ptr [ebp-0x14], edx

004118A4   .  895>mov     dword ptr [ebp-0x24], edx

004118A7   .^ EB >jmp     short 0041187A

004118A9   >  8B4>mov     eax, dword ptr [ecx+0x34]

004118AC   .  894>mov     dword ptr [ebp-0x1C], eax

004118AF   .  83C>add     ecx, 0x24

004118B2   .  837>cmp     dword ptr [ecx+0x14], 0x10

004118B6   .  72 >jb      short 004118BA

004118B8   .  8B0>mov     ecx, dword ptr [ecx]

004118BA   >  8BC>mov     eax, esi

004118BC   .  33D>xor     edx, edx

004118BE   .  F77>div     dword ptr [ebp-0x1C]

004118C1   .  8A0>mov     al, byte ptr [edx+ecx]

004118C4   .  8B4>mov     ecx, dword ptr [ebp-0x14]

004118C7   .  300>xor     byte ptr [ecx], al

004118C9   .  8D4>lea     ecx, dword ptr [edi+0x60]

004118CC   .  BA >mov     edx, 00411A9C

004118D1   .  8BC>mov     eax, edx

004118D3   .  2BC>sub     eax, ecx

004118D5   .  83C>add     eax, 0x60

004118D8   .  014>add     dword ptr [ecx+0x1], eax

004118DB   .  8D8>lea     ecx, dword ptr [edi+0x8B]

004118E1   .  8B4>mov     eax, dword ptr [ecx+0x1]

004118E4   .  2BC>sub     eax, ecx

004118E6   .  81C>add     edx, 0x8B

004118EC   .  03C>add     eax, edx

004118EE   .  894>mov     dword ptr [ecx+0x1], eax

004118F1   .  FF5>call    dword ptr [ebp-0x18]                    ;  跳到解密代码执行



Private Function GetIndex(ByVal n As Long, ByVal c As Long) As String

    Dim i As Long, j As Long, k As Long

    Dim s As String

    Dim ss As String

    ss = "EpY07v!Vwb2UnTu5SHP1Oazei9@kRZF8IrdCJcDQKs3mGMlgBqyfNXhAo4x6WjtL"


    For i = 0 To 63

        k = i

        For j = 1 To n

            k = (k + k \ 5 + 5) Mod &H40


        If k = c Then

            s = s & "," & Mid$(ss, i + 1, 1)

        End If


    GetIndex = s

End Function


Private Sub Command2_Click()

    Dim ss As String

    Dim i As Long, j As Long, k As Long

    Dim n As Byte

    Dim c As String

    Dim s As String, t As String


    Dim mm(&HFF) As Byte

    For i = 0 To &HFF

        mm(i) = ShlAndSar((i And &HFF))



    ss = "EpY07v!Vwb2UnTu5SHP1Oazei9@kRZF8IrdCJcDQKs3mGMlgBqyfNXhAo4x6WjtL"


    s = Text1.Text


    For i = 1 To Len(s) \ 2

        n = Val("&H" & Mid$(s, i * 2 - 1, 2))

        For j = 0 To &H7F

            If mm(j) = n Then

                n = InStr(1, ss, Chr(j)) - 1

                t = t & " " & GetIndex(i, n)

            End If


        t = t & vbCrLf


    Text2.Text = t

End Sub



00 ,B

01 ,w,j

02 ,n

03 ,d,s

04 ,Y,l,A

05 ,b,t

06 ,P,i

07 ,H,e

08 ,d,c,s

09 ,P,i

0A ,y

0B ,2,5 ,P,i

0C ,0,g,o

0D ,1,a

0E ,7,B,4

0F ,@,r,K ,d,c,s

10 ,J,G,X  

11 ,9,I,D

12 ,O

13 ,k,F


00D50000    55                   push    ebp

00D50001    8BEC                 mov     ebp, esp

00D50003    6A FF                push    -0x1

00D50005    68 E8054500          push    0x4505E8

00D5000A    64:A1 00000000       mov     eax, dword ptr fs:[0]

00D50010    50                   push    eax

00D50011    83EC 24              sub     esp, 0x24

00D50014    A1 84044000          mov     eax, dword ptr [0x400484]

00D50019    33C5                 xor     eax, ebp

00D5001B    8945 F0              mov     dword ptr [ebp-0x10], eax

00D5001E    50                   push    eax

00D5001F    8D45 F4              lea     eax, dword ptr [ebp-0xC]

00D50022    64:A3 00000000       mov     dword ptr fs:[0], eax

00D50028    8365 D8 00           and     dword ptr [ebp-0x28], 0x0

00D5002C    8D45 D8              lea     eax, dword ptr [ebp-0x28]

00D5002F    50                   push    eax

00D50030    8D4D DC              lea     ecx, dword ptr [ebp-0x24]

00D50033    C745 DC 42574E53     mov     dword ptr [ebp-0x24], 0x534E5742

00D5003A    51                   push    ecx

00D5003B    8D45 ED              lea     eax, dword ptr [ebp-0x13]

00D5003E    C745 E0 1532223F     mov     dword ptr [ebp-0x20], 0x3F223215

00D50045    50                   push    eax

00D50046    8D45 E0              lea     eax, dword ptr [ebp-0x20]

00D50049    C745 E4 6233213D     mov     dword ptr [ebp-0x1C], 0x3D213362

00D50050    50                   push    eax

00D50051    8D45 D0              lea     eax, dword ptr [ebp-0x30]

00D50054    C745 E8 2776747A     mov     dword ptr [ebp-0x18], 0x7A747627

00D5005B    50                   push    eax

00D5005C    C645 EC 42           mov     byte ptr [ebp-0x14], 0x42

00D50060    E8 AE106CFF          call    7-不问少.00411113

00D50065    83C4 14              add     esp, 0x14

00D50068    8D45 E0              lea     eax, dword ptr [ebp-0x20]

00D5006B    6A 40                push    0x40

00D5006D    68 1D3D4000          push    0x403D1D

00D50072    50                   push    eax

00D50073    6A 00                push    0x0

00D50075    FF15 F03D4500        call    dword ptr [<&USER32.MessageBoxA>]   ; user32.MessageBoxA

00D5007B    8B4D F4              mov     ecx, dword ptr [ebp-0xC]

00D5007E    64:890D 00000000     mov     dword ptr fs:[0], ecx

00D50085    59                   pop     ecx

00D50086    8B4D F0              mov     ecx, dword ptr [ebp-0x10]

00D50089    33CD                 xor     ecx, ebp

00D5008B    E8 CB3E6CFF          call    7-不问少.00413F5B

00D50090    8BE5                 mov     esp, ebp

00D50092    5D                   pop     ebp

00D50093    C3                   retn


功能为弹出正确提示:Well done!:)”。


8.IDA里查看对代码加密解的函数调用,一共有3处,对00411B30进行加解密有2处,还有一处位于TLS回调函数中0040C179  call    00410DD6,作用是在程序正式运行前,对OEP处的代码进行解密。二处解密后的代码为:

00411B30  /$  6A 28              push    0x28

00411B32  |.  B8 25064500        mov     eax, 00450625

00411B37  |.  E8 67240000        call    00413FA3

00411B3C  |.  8BF1               mov     esi, ecx

00411B3E  |.  33DB               xor     ebx, ebx

00411B40  |.  895D FC            mov     dword ptr [ebp-0x4], ebx

00411B43  |.  83EC 18            sub     esp, 0x18

00411B46  |.  8D45 08            lea     eax, dword ptr [ebp+0x8]

00411B49  |.  8965 E4            mov     dword ptr [ebp-0x1C], esp

00411B4C  |.  8BCC               mov     ecx, esp

00411B4E  |.  50                 push    eax                                 ; /Arg1

00411B4F  |.  E8 B3E1FFFF        call    0040FD07                            ; \7-不问少.0040FD07

00411B54  |.  C645 FC 01         mov     byte ptr [ebp-0x4], 0x1

00411B58  |.  885D FC            mov     byte ptr [ebp-0x4], bl

00411B5B  |.  8BCE               mov     ecx, esi

00411B5D  |.  E8 7A010000        call    00411CDC

00411B62  |.  84C0               test    al, al

00411B64  |.  0F84 5B010000      je      00411CC5

00411B6A  |.  8D4E 24            lea     ecx, dword ptr [esi+0x24]

00411B6D  |.  8D45 08            lea     eax, dword ptr [ebp+0x8]

00411B70  |.  3BC8               cmp     ecx, eax

00411B72  |.  74 09              je      short 00411B7D

00411B74  |.  6A FF              push    -0x1                                ; /Arg3 = FFFFFFFF

00411B76  |.  53                 push    ebx                                 ; |Arg2

00411B77  |.  50                 push    eax                                 ; |Arg1

00411B78  |.  E8 BBEFFFFF        call    00410B38                            ; \7-不问少.00410B38

00411B7D  |>  8B45 18            mov     eax, dword ptr [ebp+0x18]

00411B80  |.  8D4D F0            lea     ecx, dword ptr [ebp-0x10]

00411B83  |.  51                 push    ecx

00411B84  |.  50                 push    eax

00411B85  |.  8D4D D8            lea     ecx, dword ptr [ebp-0x28]

00411B88  |.  8945 D0            mov     dword ptr [ebp-0x30], eax

00411B8B  |.  885D F0            mov     byte ptr [ebp-0x10], bl

00411B8E  |.  895D D8            mov     dword ptr [ebp-0x28], ebx

00411B91  |.  895D DC            mov     dword ptr [ebp-0x24], ebx

00411B94  |.  895D E0            mov     dword ptr [ebp-0x20], ebx

00411B97  |.  E8 B5010000        call    00411D51

00411B9C  |.  C645 FC 02         mov     byte ptr [ebp-0x4], 0x2

00411BA0  |.  8D4D 08            lea     ecx, dword ptr [ebp+0x8]

00411BA3  |.  8B5D 1C            mov     ebx, dword ptr [ebp+0x1C]

00411BA6  |.  83FB 10            cmp     ebx, 0x10

00411BA9  |.  8B45 18            mov     eax, dword ptr [ebp+0x18]

00411BAC  |.  0F434D 08          cmovnb  ecx, dword ptr [ebp+0x8]

00411BB0  |.  03C1               add     eax, ecx

00411BB2  |.  83FB 10            cmp     ebx, 0x10

00411BB5  |.  8D4D 08            lea     ecx, dword ptr [ebp+0x8]

00411BB8  |.  8BF8               mov     edi, eax

00411BBA  |.  0F434D 08          cmovnb  ecx, dword ptr [ebp+0x8]

00411BBE  |.  33D2               xor     edx, edx

00411BC0  |.  2155 EC            and     dword ptr [ebp-0x14], edx

00411BC3  |.  2BF9               sub     edi, ecx

00411BC5  |.  3BC8               cmp     ecx, eax

00411BC7  |.  0F477D EC          cmova   edi, dword ptr [ebp-0x14]

00411BCB  |.  85FF               test    edi, edi

00411BCD  |.  74 0C              je      short 00411BDB

00411BCF  |>  8031 CC            /xor     byte ptr [ecx], 0xCC

00411BD2  |.  41                 |inc     ecx

00411BD3  |.  42                 |inc     edx

00411BD4  |.  3BD7               |cmp     edx, edi

00411BD6  |.^ 75 F7              \jnz     short 00411BCF

00411BD8  |.  8B5D 1C            mov     ebx, dword ptr [ebp+0x1C]

00411BDB  |>  33C9               xor     ecx, ecx

00411BDD  |.  894D E8            mov     dword ptr [ebp-0x18], ecx

00411BE0  |.  394D D0            cmp     dword ptr [ebp-0x30], ecx

00411BE3  |.  0F8E B1000000      jle     00411C9A

00411BE9  |.  8B7D D8            mov     edi, dword ptr [ebp-0x28]

00411BEC  |.  33C0               xor     eax, eax

00411BEE  |.  40                 inc     eax

00411BEF  |.  897D EC            mov     dword ptr [ebp-0x14], edi

00411BF2  |.  2BC7               sub     eax, edi

00411BF4  |.  C745 E4 05000000   mov     dword ptr [ebp-0x1C], 0x5

00411BFB  |.  8945 CC            mov     dword ptr [ebp-0x34], eax

00411BFE  |>  FF75 E4            /push    dword ptr [ebp-0x1C]               ; /Arg4

00411C01  |.  83FB 10            |cmp     ebx, 0x10                          ; |

00411C04  |.  8D45 08            |lea     eax, dword ptr [ebp+0x8]           ; |

00411C07  |.  0F4345 08          |cmovnb  eax, dword ptr [ebp+0x8]           ; |

00411C0B  |.  03C1               |add     eax, ecx                           ; |

00411C0D  |.  50                 |push    eax                                ; |Arg3

00411C0E  |.  FF76 04            |push    dword ptr [esi+0x4]                ; |Arg2

00411C11  |.  FF36               |push    dword ptr [esi]                    ; |Arg1

00411C13  |.  E8 34F3FFFF        |call    <_FindCharInStr>                   ; \get index in str

00411C18  |.  8BC8               |mov     ecx, eax

00411C1A  |.  83C4 10            |add     esp, 0x10

00411C1D  |.  3B4E 04            |cmp     ecx, dword ptr [esi+0x4]

00411C20  |.  74 60              |je      short 00411C82

00411C22  |.  8AC1               |mov     al, cl

00411C24  |.  2A06               |sub     al, byte ptr [esi]

00411C26  |.  8807               |mov     byte ptr [edi], al

00411C28  |.  75 05              |jnz     short 00411C2F

00411C2A  |.  33DB               |xor     ebx, ebx

00411C2C  |.  43                 |inc     ebx

00411C2D  |.  EB 03              |jmp     short 00411C32

00411C2F  |>  0FBED8             |movsx   ebx, al

00411C32  |>  837D E8 00         |cmp     dword ptr [ebp-0x18], 0x0

00411C36  |.  881F               |mov     byte ptr [edi], bl

00411C38  |.  7C 3E              |jl      short 00411C78

00411C3A  |.  8B45 CC            |mov     eax, dword ptr [ebp-0x34]

00411C3D  |.  03C7               |add     eax, edi

00411C3F  |.  8945 D4            |mov     dword ptr [ebp-0x2C], eax

00411C42  |>  33FF               |/xor     edi, edi

00411C44  |>  41                 ||/inc     ecx

00411C45  |.  3B4E 04            |||cmp     ecx, dword ptr [esi+0x4]

00411C48  |.  75 02              |||jnz     short 00411C4C

00411C4A  |.  8B0E               |||mov     ecx, dword ptr [esi]

00411C4C  |>  0FBEC3             |||movsx   eax, bl

00411C4F  |.  47                 |||inc     edi

00411C50  |.  99                 |||cdq

00411C51  |.  F77D E4            |||idiv    dword ptr [ebp-0x1C]

00411C54  |.  6A 05              |||push    0x5

00411C56  |.  5A                 |||pop     edx

00411C57  |.  03C2               |||add     eax, edx

00411C59  |.  3BF8               |||cmp     edi, eax

00411C5B  |.^ 75 E7              ||\jnz     short 00411C44

00411C5D  |.  8B7D EC            ||mov     edi, dword ptr [ebp-0x14]

00411C60  |.  8AC1               ||mov     al, cl

00411C62  |.  2A06               ||sub     al, byte ptr [esi]

00411C64  |.  8807               ||mov     byte ptr [edi], al

00411C66  |.  75 05              ||jnz     short 00411C6D

00411C68  |.  33DB               ||xor     ebx, ebx

00411C6A  |.  43                 ||inc     ebx

00411C6B  |.  EB 03              ||jmp     short 00411C70

00411C6D  |>  0FBED8             ||movsx   ebx, al

00411C70  |>  836D D4 01         ||sub     dword ptr [ebp-0x2C], 0x1

00411C74  |.  881F               ||mov     byte ptr [edi], bl

00411C76  |.^ 75 CA              |\jnz     short 00411C42

00411C78  |>  0FBE0F             |movsx   ecx, byte ptr [edi]

00411C7B  |.  8B06               |mov     eax, dword ptr [esi]

00411C7D  |.  8A0401             |mov     al, byte ptr [ecx+eax]

00411C80  |.  8807               |mov     byte ptr [edi], al

00411C82  |>  8B4D E8            |mov     ecx, dword ptr [ebp-0x18]

00411C85  |.  41                 |inc     ecx

00411C86  |.  47                 |inc     edi

00411C87  |.  894D E8            |mov     dword ptr [ebp-0x18], ecx

00411C8A  |.  897D EC            |mov     dword ptr [ebp-0x14], edi

00411C8D  |.  3B4D D0            |cmp     ecx, dword ptr [ebp-0x30]

00411C90  |.  7D 08              |jge     short 00411C9A

00411C92  |.  8B5D 1C            |mov     ebx, dword ptr [ebp+0x1C]

00411C95  |.^ E9 64FFFFFF        \jmp     00411BFE

00411C9A  |>  8D45 F0            lea     eax, dword ptr [ebp-0x10]

00411C9D  |.  50                 push    eax                                 ; /Arg3

00411C9E  |.  FF75 DC            push    dword ptr [ebp-0x24]                ; |Arg2

00411CA1  |.  FF75 D8            push    dword ptr [ebp-0x28]                ; |Arg1

00411CA4  |.  E8 CCF2FFFF        call    00410F75                            ; \xor 0xCC and ror(5)

00411CA9  |.  83C4 0C            add     esp, 0xC

00411CAC  |.  8D45 D8            lea     eax, dword ptr [ebp-0x28]

00411CAF  |.  8D4E 0C            lea     ecx, dword ptr [esi+0xC]

00411CB2  |.  50                 push    eax

00411CB3  |.  E8 34FAFFFF        call    004116EC                            ;  copy

00411CB8  |.  33DB               xor     ebx, ebx

00411CBA  |.  885D FC            mov     byte ptr [ebp-0x4], bl

00411CBD  |.  8D4D D8            lea     ecx, dword ptr [ebp-0x28]

00411CC0  |.  E8 C9020000        call    00411F8E                            ;  heap free

00411CC5  |>  834D FC FF         or      dword ptr [ebp-0x4], 0xFFFFFFFF

00411CC9  |.  8D4D 08            lea     ecx, dword ptr [ebp+0x8]

00411CCC  |.  53                 push    ebx                                 ; /Arg2

00411CCD  |.  6A 01              push    0x1                                 ; |Arg1 = 00000001

00411CCF  |.  E8 0FEEFFFF        call    <_memfree>                          ; \7-不问少.00410AE3

00411CD4  |.  E8 93220000        call    00413F6C

00411CD9  \.  C2 1800            retn    0x18


00414422 > $  E8 16050000               call    0041493D

00414427   .^ E9 5CFEFFFF               jmp     00414288

0041442C  /$  55                        push    ebp

0041442D  |.  8BEC                      mov     ebp, esp

0041442F  |.  81EC 24030000             sub     esp, 0x324

00414435  |.  53                        push    ebx

00414436  |.  56                        push    esi

00414437  |.  6A 17                     push    0x17

00414439  |.  E8 52AA0300               call    <jmp.&KERNEL32.IsProcessorFeaturePresent>

0041443E  |.  85C0                      test    eax, eax

00414440  |.  74 05                     je      short 00414447

00414442  |.  8B4D 08                   mov     ecx, dword ptr [ebp+0x8]

00414445  |.  CD 29                     int     0x29

00414447  |>  33F6                      xor     esi, esi

00414449  |.  8D85 DCFCFFFF             lea     eax, dword ptr [ebp-0x324]

0041444F  |.  68 CC020000               push    0x2CC

00414454  |.  56                        push    esi

00414455  |.  50                        push    eax

00414456  |.  8935 E02A4500             mov     dword ptr [0x452AE0], esi

0041445C  |.  E8 3F120000               call    004156A0

00414461  |.  83C4 0C                   add     esp, 0xC

00414464  |.  8985 8CFDFFFF             mov     dword ptr [ebp-0x274], eax

0041446A  |.  898D 88FDFFFF             mov     dword ptr [ebp-0x278], ecx

00414470  |.  8995 84FDFFFF             mov     dword ptr [ebp-0x27C], edx

00414476  |.  899D 80FDFFFF             mov     dword ptr [ebp-0x280], ebx

0041447C  |.  89B5 7CFDFFFF             mov     dword ptr [ebp-0x284], esi

00414482  |.  89BD 78FDFFFF             mov     dword ptr [ebp-0x288], edi

00414488  |.  66:8C95 A4FDFFFF          mov     word ptr [ebp-0x25C], ss

0041448F  |.  66:8C8D 98FDFFFF          mov     word ptr [ebp-0x268], cs

00414496  |.  66:8C9D 74FDFFFF          mov     word ptr [ebp-0x28C], ds

0041449D  |.  66:8C85 70FDFFFF          mov     word ptr [ebp-0x290], es

004144A4  |.  66:8CA5 6CFDFFFF          mov     word ptr [ebp-0x294], fs

004144AB  |.  66:8CAD 68FDFFFF          mov     word ptr [ebp-0x298], gs

004144B2  |.  9C                        pushfd

004144B3  |.  8F85 9CFDFFFF             pop     dword ptr [ebp-0x264]

004144B9  |.  8B45 04                   mov     eax, dword ptr [ebp+0x4]

004144BC  |.  8985 94FDFFFF             mov     dword ptr [ebp-0x26C], eax

004144C2  |.  8D45 04                   lea     eax, dword ptr [ebp+0x4]

004144C5  |.  8985 A0FDFFFF             mov     dword ptr [ebp-0x260], eax

004144CB  |.  C785 DCFCFFFF 01000100    mov     dword ptr [ebp-0x324], 0x10001

004144D5  |.  8B40 FC                   mov     eax, dword ptr [eax-0x4]

004144D8  |.  6A 50                     push    0x50

004144DA  |.  8985 90FDFFFF             mov     dword ptr [ebp-0x270], eax

004144E0  |.  8D45 A8                   lea     eax, dword ptr [ebp-0x58]

004144E3  |.  56                        push    esi

004144E4  |.  50                        push    eax

004144E5  |.  E8 B6110000               call    004156A0





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