================================================================== User visible changes for UPX ==================================================================
Changes in 3.92 (11 Dec 2016): * UPX has moved to GitHub - the new home page is https://upx.github.io * IMPORTANT: all PE formats: internal changes: reunited the diverged source files - please report all regressions into the bug tracker and try UPX 3.91 in case of problems. * Support Apple MacOS 10.12 "Sierra", including more-robust de-compression. * Explicitly diagnose Go-language bad PT_LOAD; recommend hemfix.c. https://sourceforge.net/p/upx/bugs/195/ https://github.com/pwaller/goupx * Fix CERT-FI Case 829767 UPX command line tools segfaults. Received by UPX Team on 2015-May-08; originally reported by Codenomicon to NCSC-FI on 2015-01-08. The vulnerabilities were discovered by Joonas Kuorilehto and Antti Häyrynen from Codenomicon. * bug fixes