那个DB-9原文的确写的是DE-9,这点到没有注意,后面的引脚翻译的有问题,的确是第7针脚和第2针脚,原文:Unfortunately, there’s no set standard for CAN connections. The most common connector for high-speed CAN is a DE-9, with CAN high on pin 7 and CAN low on pin 2. However cables will differ, and many are incompatible.
咨询了一下原作者,DE-9的叫法是没有错的,DE-9是标准命名法,DB-9是习惯性错误的叫法,大家习惯了这种叫法,所以就将错就错了,比如RS232 9针也被习惯称为DB-9。D型接口按照接口数量细分为A型(15针),B型(25针),C型(37针),D型(50针),E型(9针),DE-9的说法反而才是正确的说法。
The DE-9 D-sub 9-pin connector is often mistakenly referred to as the "DB-9" connector. The "E" refers to the shell size. A "DB-25" connector has a "B" size shell, but the common nine-pin connector is smaller and has an "E" size shell.