[+] Added Web Activation module to be used with "WL Orders Manager" [+] Improved speed in virtual machines generation and opcodes virtualization [+] x64: Improved performance in API-Wrapper for VS2015 applications [+] Added support for enviroment variables in input/output filenames (i.e. %temp%dirfile.exe) [+] Improved support for relative paths in input/output filenames [!] Tiger64 VM: Fixed virtualization of "POP MEM16/REG16" [!] x64: Fixed compatibility issue with specific anti-debug code under "Windows 8 checked build" [!] Fixed exception on specific protected .NET applications under Windows 10 Redstone [!] Fixed exception processing very long strings in STR_ENCRYPT macros [!] Fixed wrong error code when protecting specific applications via command line [!] x64: Fixed exception in specific applications when all compression options are disabled [!] Fixed exception in the internal variables relocation engine for specific applications [!] Fixed blank messagebox when Trial was manipulated and messages handled by user [!] x64: Fixed runtime detection of specific Monitor Tools [!] Fixed wrong return value in WLRegDateDaysLeft [!] Fixed LOG of CustomVM macros in WlLog.txt file [!] Minor bugs fixed
[+] Improved speed in virtual machines generation and opcodes virtualization [+] Added support for enviroment variables in input/output filenames (i.e. %temp%dirfile.exe) [+] Improved support for relative paths in input/output filenames [!] Tiger64 VM: Fixed virtualization of "POP MEM16/REG16"