FS:[0x1C] 4 NT Environment Pointer
FS:[0x20] 4 NT Process ID (in some windows distributions this field is used as 'DebugContext')
FS:[0x24] 4 NT Current thread ID
FS:[0x28] 4 NT Active RPC Handle
FS:[0x2C] 4 Win9x and NT Linear address of the thread-local storage array
FS:[0x30] 4 NT Linear address of Process Environment Block (PEB)
FS:[0x34] 4 NT Last error number
FS:[0x38] 4 NT Count of owned critical sections
FS:[0x3C] 4 NT Address of CSR Client Thread
FS:[0x40] 4 NT Win32 Thread Information
FS:[0x44] 124 NT, Wine Win32 client information (NT), user32 private data (Wine), 0x60 = LastError (Win95), 0x74 = LastError (WinME)
FS:[0xC0] 4 NT Reserved for Wow64. Contains a pointer to FastSysCall in Wow64.
FS:[0xC4] 4 NT Current Locale
FS:[0xC8] 4 NT FP Software Status Register