Synalyze It! allows editing of files of any size without delay. Even copying of data of any size via clipboard is possible.
When you insert a string from the clipboard, the selected encoding is applied, of course. This enables you to convert text from one encoding to another easily.
Compute various checksums for the selected bytes
Visualize your grammars by exporting to .dot (GrapzViz) files
Display the selection in different number and color representations
Print the hex view with or without text and mapped structures
Selected bytes can be written to disk directly
Directly jump to a specific file offset (decimal or hex)
Jump to positions entering expressions
Let Synalyze It! count the occurence of each byte in a file.
Check the text encoding (ASCII/EBCDIC) of some hex values
Search text incrementally using one of dozens of code pages
**查找数值8-64 Bit signed/unsigned, little/big endian**
Find a number in a file instantly and jump directly to the findings
Find all places in a file that match a certain bit mask
See all strings with a certain encoding
Find all strings in a file like with the Unix strings command
Write Python or Lua scripts where the "static" grammar is not enough
Structure and element sizes as well as repeat counts can contain complex formulas
opts.nLength = sizeof(GENUINE_OPTIONS);
// How often to verify with the LimeLM servers (90 days)
opts.nDaysBetweenChecks = 90;
// The grace period if TurboActivate couldn't connect to the servers.
// after the grace period is over IsGenuinEx() will return TA_FAIL instead of
opts.nGraceDaysOnInetErr = 14;
// In this example we won't show an error if the activation
// was done offline by passing the TA_SKIP_OFFLINE flag
opts.flags = TA_SKIP_OFFLINE;
hr = IsGenuineEx(TA_GUID, &opts);
if (hr == TA_OK || hr == TA_E_FEATURES_CHANGED || hr == TA_E_INET || hr == TA_E_INET_DELAYED)
TCHAR * featureValue;
printf("YourApp is activated and genuine! Enable any app features now.\n");
if (hr == TA_E_INET || hr == TA_E_INET_DELAYED)
// TODO: show a warning to your user that this time (or the last time)
// the IsGenuineEx() failed to connect to the LimeLM servers.
printf("YourApp is activated, but it failed to verify the activation with the LimeLM servers. You can still use the app for the duration of the grace period.\n");
// if this app is activated then you can get a feature value (completely optional)
// See:
hr = GetFeatureValue(_T("your feature value"), 0, 0);
featureValue = (TCHAR *)malloc(hr * sizeof(TCHAR));
hr = GetFeatureValue(_T("your feature value"), featureValue, hr);
if (hr == TA_OK)
#ifdef _WIN32
wprintf(L"Feature value: %s\n", featureValue);
printf("Feature value: %s\n", featureValue);
printf("Getting feature failed: %d\n", hr);
else // not activated or genuine
uint32_t trialDays = 0;
// Look in TurboActivate.h for what the error codes mean.
printf("Not activated: hr = %d\n", hr);
// Start or re-validate the trial if it has already started.
// This need to be called at least once before you can use
// any other trial functions.
hr = UseTrial(TA_SYSTEM);
if (hr == TA_OK)
// Get the number of trial days remaining.
hr = TrialDaysRemaining(TA_GUID, &trialDays);
if (hr == TA_OK)
printf("Trial days remaining: %d\n", trialDays);
printf("Failed to get the trial days remaining: hr = %d\n", hr);
printf("Failed to UseTrial: hr = %d\n", hr);
//TODO: prompt for a product key (if it's not present)
//Note: here we're just hard-coding the product key to show how you
// save the product key and try to activation
// Also note we're using the TA_SYSTEM flag. This means the activation will be system-wide.
// However calling using the TA_SYSTEM flag (the first time only) requires system-admin privileges.
// If your app will never have system admin privileges then you can use the TA_USER flag.
hr = CheckAndSavePKey(_T("U9MM-4NJ5-QFG8-TWM5-QM75-92YI-NETA"), TA_SYSTEM);
if (hr == TA_OK)
printf("Product key saved successfully.\n");
// try to activate
hr = Activate();
if (hr == TA_OK)
printf("Activated successfully\n");
printf("Activation failed: hr = %d\n", hr);
printf("Product key failed to save: hr = %d\n", hr);