[转帖]SND 2.3 KeyBugFixed Version
发表于: 2014-1-2 18:30 3659

[转帖]SND 2.3 KeyBugFixed Version

2014-1-2 18:30
SND 2.3 KeyBugFixed Version
SND 2.3
- Added PEB Hide patch
- Added ZWQIP patch
- Changed OllyDBG names
- Changed CPU
- Added SND patch section where you can see my patches
- Added some new resources
- Added manifest for XP style [just rename manifest if you get problem to use it on other OS etc]
- Added quick origin pop if you press the "C" button
- Added Win7 | Win8 support only with static original base of SND 2.3
- Added quick self check of loaded SND 2.3 base
If not original or a problems comes at startup then you get info message
- Setup of SND ini file + color-sheme

Extra Bonus Patches exclusiv for SND 2.3
Bonus 1: Added new button called "C" which opens the expression to follow box for CPU window
Bonus 2: Added new button called "D" which opens the expression to follow box for DUMP window

I also added a patched Bookmark.dll plugin which does work with this new Olly version.

Info: If you want to use some other older plugins then you can try to patch the version check
inside of Olly / SND 2.3 or in the plugin itself.Of course just for testing only!

004D878E CMP EDI,2010001 <-- Check version of plugin
004D8794 JGE SHORT 004D87DF <-- Jumps if version is compatible

So all was again patched like in my older SND 2.0 - 2.2 versions plus some
more checks and diffrent patching ways of the intern ZWQIP API.

Testet by me on XP SP3.

Info: If you wanna use int3 breakpoints instead of HWBPs [Debugging Options] then do not
set a HWBP on ZWQIP API before you did stop at TLS or EP.Don't set the HWBP at systemBP.
Int3 + HWBP on ZWQIP before TLS or EP = No API patch!
Int3 + No HWBP on ZWQIP before TLS or EP = Ok
HWBP + HWBP = All ok no problems.
Just keep this info in your mind if you wanna change the option.

If you use a VM like VirtualBox and stop not at TLS or EP after loading then Hi again,

one of the SND 2.3 user found a bug today which I did not seen before.

Bug Report by quygia128

Forced Origin jump = Bug
Key combi don't work anymore = Bug

Simple key press of numbers 1,2,3,4 - ; : etc
Using short key combi of "shiftt+;" Add comment and "shift+:" Add Label

So I did fix this bug now.

Sorry again and thanks quygia128 for the report about it.

LCF-ATdisable the
function "Use HW Breakpoints for stepping".

Info: So I also insert the original Olly version which you will also need to read all plugins
so that you don't need to change the OllyDBG.exe to SND 2.3.exe name in the plugins itself.




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雪    币: 1556
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nice. thanks
2014-1-2 19:58
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