[分享]judge IRP_MJ_CREATE CreateDisposition on minifilter
发表于: 2013-7-24 01:22 4745
为了判断文件建立时, 是否有可能建立新文件. 找了些资料, 只看到
为什么? 见到的例子中都没说...
Data->Iopb->Parameters.Create.Options >> 24
为什么? 见到的例子中都没说...
/// @file IrpOptCallBack.c /// @brief ... #include "IrpOptCallBack.h" #include "DebugDefine.h" BOOLEAN CbdIsCreateFile(PFLT_CALLBACK_DATA Data) { /// Wdk's help : Options define /// The low 24 bits contains CreateOptions flag values. /// The high 8 bits contains the CreateDisposition values. /** CreateDisposition Define FILE_SUPERSEDE If the file already exists, replace it with the given file. If it does not, create the given file. FILE_CREATE If the file already exists, fail the request and do not create or open the given file. If it does not, create the given file. FILE_OPEN If the file already exists, open it instead of creating a new file. If it does not, fail the request and do not create a new file. FILE_OPEN_IF If the file already exists, open it. If it does not, create the given file. FILE_OVERWRITE If the file already exists, open it and overwrite it. If it does not, fail the request. FILE_OVERWRITE_IF If the file already exists, open it and overwrite it. If it does not, create the given file. */ DWORD dwCreateDisposition = 0; ASSERT(IRP_MJ_CREATE == Data->Iopb->MajorFunction); dwCreateDisposition = Data->Iopb->Parameters.Create.Options >> 24; /// 除了FILE_OPEN, 都有可能建立新文件 return ((FILE_SUPERSEDE == dwCreateDisposition) || (FILE_CREATE == dwCreateDisposition) || (FILE_OPEN_IF == dwCreateDisposition) || (FILE_OVERWRITE == dwCreateDisposition) || (FILE_OVERWRITE_IF == dwCreateDisposition)); } FLT_PREOP_CALLBACK_STATUS PreOpCallback_Create( __inout PFLT_CALLBACK_DATA Data, __in PCFLT_RELATED_OBJECTS FltObjects, __deref_out_opt PVOID *CompletionContext) { PFLT_FILE_NAME_INFORMATION nameInfo = NULL; NTSTATUS status; FLT_PREOP_CALLBACK_STATUS FltRc = FLT_PREOP_SUCCESS_NO_CALLBACK; WCHAR name[MAX_PATH]; if ( (Data->Iopb->IrpFlags & IRP_PAGING_IO) || (Data->Iopb->IrpFlags & IRP_SYNCHRONOUS_PAGING_IO) || IoGetTopLevelIrp()) { return FltRc; } if (IRP_MJ_SHUTDOWN == Data->Iopb->MajorFunction) return FltRc; if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Data->IoStatus.Status ) || (STATUS_REPARSE == Data->IoStatus.Status)) { return FltRc; } /// @todo 如果得到文件名失败, 需要参照MiniSpy的另外2种方法继续取文件名 /// 现在按照简单的方法搞 status = FltGetFileNameInformation( Data, FLT_FILE_NAME_NORMALIZED | FLT_FILE_NAME_QUERY_DEFAULT, &nameInfo); /// Use the name if we got it else use a default name if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) { /// Parse the name if requested FltParseFileNameInformation(nameInfo); // // Compare to see if this is the magic file whose I/O is to be pended. // if (0 != RtlCompareUnicodeString( &nameInfo->Extension, &g_ObjFilePostFix, TRUE)) { goto _PreOpCallback_Create_END; } if (CbdIsCreateFile(Data)) { /// use the name /// @todo nameInfo中的整理工作 /// 根据Volume, 将逻辑分区转换出来 /// 要根据Stream, 从FinalComponent中将文件名剥离出来 /// 就可以得到全路径的普通文件名 /// c:\\forTest\\test.txt /// 如果需要文件名前缀名称, 根据Extension /** nameInfo->Volume = \Device\HarddiskVolume1 nameInfo->ParentDir = \fortest\ nameInfo->FinalComponent = test.txt:Docf_QebiesnrMkudrfcoIaamtykdDa nameInfo->Stream = :Docf_QebiesnrMkudrfcoIaamtykdDa */ DebugTrace(DBGLOG_INFO, ("nameInfo->Volume = %wZ\r\n" "nameInfo->ParentDir = %wZ\r\n" "nameInfo->FinalComponent = %wZ\r\n" "nameInfo->Stream = %wZ\r\n", &nameInfo->Volume, &nameInfo->ParentDir, &nameInfo->FinalComponent, &nameInfo->Stream)); Data->IoStatus.Information = 0; /// 防止新建文件, 就在 PreOpCallback_Create 做 /// 不需要在 PostOpCallback_Create 中做 /// @todo /// 加入队列, 置Pending标记, 发到r3裁决 /// 新建一个文件, 直接提示, "文件无法建立" Data->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; FltRc = FLT_PREOP_COMPLETE; goto _PreOpCallback_Create_END; } /// 不加入队列, 只返回 FLT_PREOP_PENDING 的效果 /// 已经建立的txt文件打开, 经过这 /// 打开已有的txt文件, 记事本被定住了.无法响应. /// 窗口能拖动, 菜单条和编辑区, 都没反应 /// 关闭虚拟机也关闭不了~ // FltRc = FLT_PREOP_PENDING; /// 这个是可以的, 允许打开已经建立的文件 /// 但是编辑后保存, 就被拦住了 FltRc = FLT_PREOP_SUCCESS_NO_CALLBACK; } else FltRc = FLT_POSTOP_FINISHED_PROCESSING; _PreOpCallback_Create_END: /// Release the name information structure (if defined) if (NULL != nameInfo) FltReleaseFileNameInformation(nameInfo); return FltRc; }