The program compares two files of the SAME length and shows different bytes. It can produce a CRK file and Win32 GUI patch. You can write Your name, Program name, Subject in CRK file or Win32 GUI patch. You also can convert CRK file to patch file.
2. Usage
2.1 Comparing files
- Select two files. The buttons become active when you select files. Note: the file, that contains information for the patch, is the second file. - Select checkbox "Show different bytes" if you want to see them. Note: FileCompare cannot show more than 6000 bytes in ListView. If you want to see a number of different bytes, unselect checkbox "Show different bytes". Press button "Compare" and you'll see offsets and bytes in ListView (if checkbox is selected). In StatusBar you'll see the total number of different bytes.
2.2 Creating patch
- Press buttow "Win32 patch". You'll see a new form, where you can enter information for patch, such as Your name, Program name, etc. Then you press "OK" and the patch file will be created.
2.3 Creating CRK file
- Same as patch file.
2.4 CRK2EXE convertor
- First of all make sure that your CRK file is in the standart format. Like this:
Note: there may be a lot of information in CRK file (many subjects) or only one subject.
- Select CRK file. - The information from CRK file will appear in the appropriate fields. You can edit this information. It will be stored in patch file. - If you have a file with the contents of CRK file, you can browse for it to get file size and CRC32. This information will be written in patch file. If one of these fields is blank - patch will NOT check file size and CRC32 when you apply it. You can also fill these fields by yourself in the following format: File size - decimal number less or equal 4294967295; CRC32 - hexadecimal number in C++ notation - 0x[number]. - Select necessary subject. - Click "Convert" button. Note: patch file will contain ONLY ONE subject you've selected in combobox.
3. Hot-keys
3.1 Main Window
- F1 - About window - Ctrl+F1 - Help window - F2 - Compare files - F3 - Create Win32 patch - F4 - Create CRK file - F5 - CRK2EXE converter - Esc - Close window
3.2 CRK2EXE converter window
- Ctrl+O - Open browse window for CRK file dialog - Ctrl+Shift+O - Open browse window for target file dialog - Esc - Close window