[转帖]Rummage Net Obfuscator
发表于: 2013-2-1 02:39 1698
Rummage 3.0
Rummage now supports DLL obfuscation. Reflection safety analysis has been further expanded, increasing the number of members safely obfuscated by as much as 5x in some cases. Support for WPF projects has been improved.
We've also added a feature to the obfuscation results window which will help you see which classes in your project are treated by Rummage as unsafe, and are responsible for preventing obfuscation.
Rummage now supports DLL obfuscation. Reflection safety analysis has been further expanded, increasing the number of members safely obfuscated by as much as 5x in some cases. Support for WPF projects has been improved.
We've also added a feature to the obfuscation results window which will help you see which classes in your project are treated by Rummage as unsafe, and are responsible for preventing obfuscation.