[转帖]PreEmptive Dotfuscator
发表于: 2013-2-1 02:31 3032

[转帖]PreEmptive Dotfuscator

2013-2-1 02:31
Dotfuscator Professional Edition, Version 4.9.7750
XAP projects tolerate the exclusion and inclusion of member assemblies better.
Improved Windows Release Preview support.
Functional Changes:
XAP output files will now use the original name of the input XAP instead of the Entry Point Assembly name.
Tamper detection is now supported on .NET 4.0 libraries.
Resolved Issues Concerning:
Corrected a possible hang when an already obfuscated assembly is used as input.

Dotfuscator Professional Edition, Version 4.9.8000 Beta
APPX package support. APPX is the packaging format for Window 8 Store Applications. Similar to the way Dotfuscator handles XAP packages, it can now also accept APPX packages as inputs, and output new APPX packages containing the processed binaries.
Windows Store Application obfuscation support.
Visual Studio 2012 Integration.
Performance improvements during XAML processing.
Beta Release Caveats:
Renaming of Windows Store Apps will still likely require manual exclusions. Users should start with library mode and “Transform XAML” turned off. The final release version will include Smart Obfuscation rules for Windows Store Apps that will minimize manual configuration.
In this release we are dropping support for running Dotfuscator in a .NET 1.0/1.1 environment. It now requires .NET 2.0 or higher. As a side effect we are also dropping VS integration for versions 2002 and 2003. Note that Dotfuscator will still support processing input assemblies that target .NET 1.0/1.1.
The beta does not include Windows Phone 8 support.
The beta does not include analytics code injection for Windows Store Apps.

Dotfuscator Professional Edition, Version 4.9.8500
Improved APPX package support, including rewriting of APPX manifest files.
Improved Windows Modern UI obfuscation support.
Visual Studio 2012 Integration.
Numerous performance improvements.
Improved loose XAML support.
Support for obfuscation and analytics for Windows Phone 8 .NET applications.
Functional Changes:
It is now possible to have multiple Application and Business attributes per Dotfuscator project (but only one each per any one assembly).
In this release we are dropping support for running Dotfuscator in a .NET 1.0/1.1 environment. It now requires .NET 3.5 or higher. As a side effect we are also dropping Visual Studio integration for versions below 2008. Note that Dotfuscator will still support processing input assemblies that target .NET 1.0/1.1.
Resolved Issues Concerning:
Resolved an issue where obfuscated code could attempt to call an abstract method on a base class rather than its concrete implementation in a derived class.
Resolved a possible null reference exception when attempting to obfuscate an assembly referencing a netmodule.
Resolved an issue where a derived interface could be incorrectly called as its base interface.
The Artifacts node of a package is now consistent between Stand Alone UI and Visual Studio Integration. Specifically, Visual Studio Integration now displays subdirectories for artifacts.
Resolved an issue where string encryption would inject String.Intern() calls into Windows Store Apps causing them to fail certification.
Resolved an issue where having localized or variant resources in an APPX package could cause the build to fail.
Known Issues:
Linking of assemblies containing associated Loose XAML and that are being obfuscated is not fully supported.
This release does not include analytics code injection for Windows Store Apps.

Dotfuscator Professional Edition, Version 4.9.9000
Change Log Release Date 29 January 2013

New Windows Phone 8 specific instrumentation library leading to improved data and exception tracking on the WP8 platform.
Improvements to control flow obfuscation to hinder decompilation.
Resolved Issues Concerning:
Corrected an issue where Enum members could be stripped when 'Remove Only Literals' was set even if they should be kept.
Various bug fixes to Windows Store App support, including preventing pruning of types referenced only in APPX manifests.
Corrected an issue with ClickOnce manifests on .NET 4.5.
Instrumentation Sinks can now be specified even if they aren't processed as inputs.
Corrected an issue where ARM targeted WinRT apps would be output as AnyCPU.
Using String Encryption on Portable Class Libraries will no longer cause Windows Store apps to fail certification.



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