Stud_PE The Portable Executables Viewer/Editor (32/64 bit PE files)
view/edit PE basic Header information (DOS also):
-header structures to hexeditor;
view/edit Section Table:
- add new section;
view/edit Directory Table:
-Import/Export Table viewer;
-Import adder;
-Resource viewer/editor (save/replace ico/cur/bmp);
Pe Scanner (PEiD sig database):
-400 packers/protectors/compilers;
Task viewer/dumper/killer;
PEHeader/Binary file compare;
RVA to RAW to RVA;
Drag'nDrop shell menu integration;
Basic HexEditor;
Process regions' dumper/viewer/editor;
What's new in latest release: - 11 mar 2012 -added support for drag&drop under w7,vista on 64bit OS's; there is a bug with "x86" in IShellLink::GetPath for 32bit app running on 64bit OS; -found some import's names with the lenght greater than 500 chars! see adobe CS5, the imports from the boost libs; fixed the buffers to support such situations aaaand... -fixed a security issue, related to the size of import/export functions' names; "The vulnerability is caused due to a boundary error when parsing the names of functions exported by an analysed portable executable. This can be exploited to cause a stack-based buffer overflow by tricking a user into processing a specially crafted ".dll" or ".exe" file." ( -fixed 3 bugs reported by snailz; unhandled situations when no pe file was loaded; -it seems that TLS dir size is ignored by windows, so let Stud_Pe buttons enabled on 0 size image data dirs; ( -bugfix in hexeditor; when exploring large pe sections/data (MB), at the end of the VScoll, the program was stuck in an endless paint;
Описание DAMN Hash Calculator 1.5.1: Группа DAMN выпустила очень полезный калькулятор, исполизуется для получения ХЕШа, таких алгоритмов как: MD5, SHA, HAVAL, CRC32, RIPEMD-160
Описание MD5Inside Программа MD5Inside предназначена для восстановления паролей к хэшам, зашифрованным алгоритмом MD5, к тому же MD5Inside - одна из самых быстрых программ в мире по скорости перебора MD5-хэшей !
Описание HpmbCalc v4.21: Программируемый калькулятор для работы с целыми числами. Умеет работать с разными системами счисления (Hex/Dec/Oct/Bin). Позволяет вычислять контрольные суммы (hash, СRC, MD2, MD4, MD5, SHA, RIPEMD, 16 и 32-bit CRC) и многое другое.
New and Improved: * peview now resolves .lnk targets * Fixed Ctrl+A for processes, services and network connections and added Ctrl+A for other windows * Changed confirmation prompts to select the destructive action by default * Updated DotNetTools plugin: - Fixed inaccurate stack traces for certain .NET programs * Updated ExtendedTools plugin: - Fixed network graph scaling * Updated ToolStatus plugin: - Added search box * Updated Updater plugin Fixed: * Fixed Verification Status column sorting bug in module list * Fixed rare System Information crash * Fixed bug in opening process handles * Fixed freezing when viewing stack traces of certain system threads