The assembly Easy Renamer is a self-written tool for the # string in a stream. NET metafile to change and expand. # The string stream includes all the (parameter) names, namespaces, types. This inn is passed to the respective type an offset to the # string stream. The tool is primarily for the analysis of covert. NET assemblies written as it was when Zemra including bot of the case. So it is possible without recompilation, change the names of the methods, fields, namespaces and types. After a meaningful naming it is easier to see relationships. The tool is open source and works with the Mono.Cecil Library. The latest features amount to a minimum, all that was needed in it. Of course, the tool can be extended anytime. Automatic renaming of namespaces, types, fields and methods Manually rename namespaces, types, fields and methods through meaningful dialogues (see screenshots) MSIL code display Rewriting of the assembly, most likely still is that they continue to run Dynamically Generated Forms Very good OOP