[转帖]VB Code Library
发表于: 2012-7-1 10:31 2098
VB Code Library
VB Code Library description
This application is a multi-language source code library for Windows
VB Code Library is a powerful multi-language source code Library that has a lot of benefits. VB Code Library is a clipboard extender that will help you :
· Visual Studio.NET-like syntax highlighting editor with 30+ languages supported
· Portable! Store text documents, images, PDF, Word, Excel, audio, and more in a single secure place!
· Built-in library with 50,000+ lines of code
· Powerful and easy to use clipboard extender & AutoText manager
· Quick and powerful search engine
· Powerful printing capability
· Password protection & strong 448 bits encryption (optional)
· User notes & attachments handling
· Favorites & rating support
· Capture Screenshots on the fly!
· Full integration with almost any Windows application (including *all* major programming IDEs!)
· Export your source code to Excel, XML, HTML, Text, CVS and PDF!
· Source Code Library is a native Windows application, so it runs fast and does NOT require the bulky .NET runtime.
Here are some key features of "VB Code Library":
· Built-in library with 50,000++ lines of code
· Quick and powerful search engine
· Powerful printing capability
· Password protection & strong 448 bits encryption (optional)
· User notes & attachments handling
· Favorites & rating support
· Full integration with all major programming IDEs And much more
· P90 Mhz
· 16 MB RAM
· 30 days trial
· Nag screen
What's New in This Release: [ read full changelog ]
· Fixed an issue that caused SCL to sometimes freeze when updating AutoText entries
· Fixed a drawing issue that caused SCL’s panels to disappear if PowerDesk desktop manager were used
· (Fixed) After resizing the main/center panel down to zero width, it was impossible to restore it back.
· (Fixed) Export commands didn’t work correctly if the “Export To Library” option was on.
· New Office 2007 skin engine
· (Fixed) Changing the screen resolution resulted in SCL form not being redrawn
· Completely re-coded the screen capture feature in SCL + it’s now possible to just capture active window, all monitors and desktop/main monitor (multi-monitor setup only)
· Now it’s possible to automatically add drop shadow to the captured screenshots
· Fixed a small issue which prevented our system from automatically setup customer accounts after purchase
· (Fixed) In the documentation, the screenshot showing autotext-related options was incorrect
· Miscellaneous internal changes & bug fixes
1 | http: //www .softpedia.com /dyn-postdownload .php?p=50417&t=0&i=1 |
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