[转帖]Hexalt 1.3 RC 5
发表于: 2012-6-8 16:26 2044
Hexalt 1.3 RC 5
Hexalt description
A hexadecimal editor software for your PC.
Hexalt is a small, good looking and very easy to use hexadecimal editor for Windows systems.
It's characterized by two lateral panels which give a fast access to most of the software functions.
Here are some key features of "Hexalt":
· two different file loaders: in memory ( size up to 0x7FFFFFFF bytes) or from disk (size up to 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF bytes)
· volume editor (size up to 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF bytes)
· edition: clipboard operations, insertion, deletion, overwriting.
· edition history, changes history list
· find, replace, hexadecimal chains, strings, unicode strings
· scripting: edition of documents smaller than 2,1 GB can be scripted (read, write, overwrite, select, etc)
· bit editor (as a widget).
· document comparator
· file-specific editor line format
· bookmarks ( each bookmark includes a range and a comment)
· persistent editor settings, each file editors settings are cached for further edition
· modern interface with various styles, docking, screen layout presets
· modern editor with various highlighting: changes, current byte, bookmarks
· data interpreter for common 8,16,32 bit data, selection CRC
· simple converter for 32 bit data
· MRU lists for files, searches and replacements.
· document switcher.
· a single software instance at once
· a single document at once, document comparator disabled
· two visual styles instead of six
· 'open with' from Windows not handled
· shell launcher disabled (directly launch editor's file)
What's New in This Release: [ read full changelog ]
· New: the Plug-in object "UniGui" is included, with examples.
· Changed: Hexalt is now deployed by a proprietary setup system.
· Changed: build with latest LEOFUNS version.
· Changed: docking, now only over the central area of a dock zone.
· Changed: Hexalt 1 is not anymore a com. appl. a free regkey is incl.
· Bugfix: widgets, options, "always on top" was not correctly handled.
· Bugfix: docking, widget order was not always restored as expected.
· Bugfix: less blury widgets.
· Bugfix: AV message on close if style set to "Bee".
· Bugfix: problems with the autocompletion in the search/replace widget.
· Bugfix: widget alignment in its floating window.
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