[转帖]Affinic Debugger GUI 0.4.2
发表于: 2012-5-28 23:38 2382

[转帖]Affinic Debugger GUI 0.4.2

2012-5-28 23:38
Affinic Debugger GUI 0.4.2

Affinic Debugger GUI description

Affinic Debugger Graphical User Interface (GDB) for Windows/Cygwin

This application was designed as a graphical user interface for various debuggers. The current release is specifically targeted on GDB, the GNU debugger.

With the graphical windows, ADG can unleash the full powerful GDB by viewing multiple types of information within one view and maneuvering debugger with easily clicking. ADG also provides an integrated command console for users to input debugger command directly.

Here are some key features of "Affinic Debugger GUI":

· Direct access most of basic debugger operations from tool bars and menus
· Debugger command line console to fully maneuver an debugger
· Cursor -traced value printing provides the fast way to understand the code.
· Best-in-class assembly level graphical debugging capability with multiple views of register values, especially useful for debugging vector instructions.
· Memory many historical data like program, argument, environment, breakpoint, commands etc.
· Powerful dual-Mode symbol assist for auto completion on your console input
· Cross platform design and bring unified experience for Windows/Linux/Mac OS X
· Support CYGWIN path on Windows
· Support GDB for not only x86/x86-64 but also for ARM and other compatible architectures

What's New in This Release: [ read full changelog ]

· Fixed the bug that segfault after closing any source code
· Add editing/saving features in the source code viewer
· Refactor the environment setting handling and support multiple lines
· Add automatically detecting Cygwin installation path
· Fix some minor bugs.
· Add tile and cascade windows menus.


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免费 1
最新回复 (2)
雪    币: 183
活跃值: (55)
能力值: ( LV3,RANK:20 )
2012-5-29 08:57
雪    币: 183
活跃值: (1289)
能力值: ( LV3,RANK:30 )
not support win7 (64)?

Problem signature:
  Problem Event Name:        APPCRASH
  Application Name:        adg.exe
  Application Version:
  Application Timestamp:        4fc150fb
  Fault Module Name:        MSVCR90.dll
  Fault Module Version:        9.0.30729.4940
  Fault Module Timestamp:        4ca2ef57
  Exception Code:        c0000005
  Exception Offset:        0003734d
  OS Version:        6.1.7601.
  Locale ID:        1033
  Additional Information 1:        0a9e
  Additional Information 2:        0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
  Additional Information 3:        0a9e
  Additional Information 4:        0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789

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