发表于: 2005-7-5 00:11 6796


2005-7-5 00:11
;//                                                                            //
;//                         SAMPLE PLUGIN FOR OLLYDBG                          //
;//                                                                            //
;// This plugin allows to set up to 10 code bookmarks using keyboard shortcuts //
;// or popup menus in Disassembler and then quickly return to one of the       //
;// bookmarks using shortcuts, popup menu or Bookmark window. Bookmarks        //
;// are kept between sessions in .udd file.                                    //
;//                                                                            //

.model flat, stdcall  ; 32 bit memory model
option scoped         ; local labels are enabled, global labels inside
                      ; PROC should be defined with double colons (LABEL::)
option casemap :none  ; case sensitive

include windows.inc
include kernel32.inc
include user32.inc
include ..\plugin.inc

includelib kernel32.lib
includelib user32.lib
includelib ..\ollydbg.lib


hinst               HINSTANCE        ?  ; DLL instance
hwmain              HWND             ?  ; Handle of main OllyDbg window
bookmarkwinclass    db 32 dup (?)       ; Name of bookmark window class

; OllyDbg supports and makes extensive use of special kind of data collections
; called sorted tables. A table consists of descriptor (t_table) and data. All

; data elements has same size and begin with a 3-dword header: address, size
; and type. Table automatically sorts items by address, overlapping is not
; allowed. Our bookmark table consists of elements of type t_bookmark.
t_bookmark struc 1
    index   dword   ?       ; Bookmark index (0..9)
    size_   dword   ?       ; Size of index, always 1 in our case
    type_   dword   ?       ; Type of entry, always 0
    addr_   dword   ?       ; Address of bookmark
t_bookmark ends

bookmark    t_table     <>  ; Bookmark table

; Functions in this file are placed in more or less "chronological" order,
; i.e. order in which they will be called by OllyDbg. This requires forward
; referencing.

Bookmarksortfunc proto C b1:ptr t_bookmark, b2:ptr t_bookmark, sort:dword

Bookmarkwinproc proto hw:HWND, msg:UINT, wp:WPARAM, lp:LPARAM

Createbookmarkwindow proto

;int Bookmarkgettext(char *s,char *mask,int *select,t_sortheader *ph,int column);
;void Createbookmarkwindow(void);


; Entry point into a plugin DLL. Many system calls require DLL instance
; which is passed to DllEntryPoint() as one of parameters. Remember it.
; Preferrable way is to place initializations into ODBG_Plugininit() and
; cleanup in ODBG_Plugindestroy().

DllEntryPoint proc hi:HINSTANCE, reason:dword, res:dword
        .IF reason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH
            m2m     hinst, hi               ; Mark plugin instance
        return  1                           ; Report success
DllEntryPoint endp

; ODBG_Plugindata() is a "must" for valid OllyDbg plugin. It must fill in
; plugin name and return version of plugin interface. If function is absent,
; or version is not compatible, plugin will be not installed. Short name
; identifies it in the Plugins menu. This name is max. 31 alphanumerical

; characters or spaces + terminating '\0' long. To keep life easy for users,
; this name should be descriptive and correlate with the name of DLL.

ODBG_Plugindata proc C shortname:ptr byte
        invoke  lstrcpy, shortname, CTEXT("Bookmarks")      ; Name of plugin
        return  PLUGIN_VERSION;
ODBG_Plugindata endp

; OllyDbg calls this obligatory function once during startup. Place all
; one-time initializations here. If all resources are successfully allocated,

; function must return 0. On error, it must free partially allocated resources
; and return -1, in this case plugin will be removed. Parameter ollydbgversion
; is the version of OllyDbg, use it to assure that it is compatible with your
; plugin; hw is the handle of main OllyDbg window, keep it if necessary.
; Parameter features is reserved for future extentions, do not use it.
ODBG_Plugininit proc C ollydbgversion:dword, hw:HWND, features:ptr dword

        ; Check that version of OllyDbg is correct.
        .IF ollydbgversion < PLUGIN_VERSION
            jmp     @@bad_exit

        ; Keep handle of main OllyDbg window. This handle is necessary, for example,
        ; to display message box.
        m2m     hwmain, hw
        ; Initialize bookmark data. Data consists of elements of type t_bookmark,
        ; we reserve space for 10 elements. If necessary, table will allocate more
        ; space, but in our case maximal number of bookmarks is 10. Elements do not

        ; allocate memory or other resources, so destructor is not necessary.

        invoke  Createsorteddata, offset bookmark.data, CTEXT("Bookmarks"),
                                  sizeof t_bookmark, 10, offset Bookmarksortfunc, NULL

        .IF eax
            jmp     @@bad_exit

        ; Register window class for MDI window that will display plugins. Please
        ; note that formally this class belongs to instance of main OllyDbg program,
        ; not a plugin DLL. String bookmarkwinclass gets unique name of new class.

        ; Keep it to create window and unregister on shutdown.
        invoke  Registerpluginclass, offset bookmarkwinclass, NULL, hinst, offset Bookmarkwinproc
        .IF eax < 0
            ; Failure! Destroy sorted data and exit.
            invoke  Destroysorteddata, offset bookmark.data
            jmp     @@bad_exit

        ; Plugin successfully initialized. Now is the best time to report this fact
        ; to the log window. To conform OllyDbg look and feel, please use two lines.
        ; The first, in black, should describe plugin, the second, gray and indented

        ; by two characters, bears copyright notice.
        invoke  Addtolist, 0, 0, CTEXT("Bookmarks sample plugin v1.08 (plugin demo)")
        invoke  Addtolist, 0, -1, CTEXT("  Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 Oleh Yuschuk")
        ; OllyDbg saves positions of plugin windows with attribute TABLE_SAVEPOS to
        ; the .ini file but does not automatically restore them. Let us add this
        ; functionality here. I keep information whether window was open when
        ; OllyDbg terminated also in ollydbg.ini. This information is saved in

        ; ODBG_Pluginclose. To conform to OllyDbg norms, window is restored only
        ; if corresponding option is enabled.
        invoke  Plugingetvalue, VAL_RESTOREWINDOWPOS
        push    eax
        invoke  Pluginreadintfromini, hinst, CTEXT("Restore bookmarks window"), 0
        pop     ecx
        .IF eax && ecx
            invoke  Createbookmarkwindow

        return  0
        return  -1
ODBG_Plugininit endp

; OllyDbg calls this optional function once on exit. At this moment, all MDI
; windows created by plugin are already destroyed (and received WM_DESTROY
; messages). Function must free all internally allocated resources, like
; window classes, files, memory and so on.
ODBG_Plugindestroy proc C
        invoke  Unregisterpluginclass, offset bookmarkwinclass
        invoke  Destroysorteddata, offset bookmark.data
ODBG_Plugindestroy endp

; Function is called when user opens new or restarts current application.
; Plugin should reset internal variables and data structures to initial state.
ODBG_Pluginreset proc C
        invoke  Deletesorteddatarange, offset bookmark.data, 0, 0FFFFFFFFh
ODBG_Pluginreset endp

; OllyDbg calls this optional function when user wants to terminate OllyDbg.
; All MDI windows created by plugins still exist. Function must return 0 if
; it is safe to terminate. Any non-zero return will stop closing sequence. Do
; not misuse this possibility! Always inform user about the reasons why
; termination is not good and ask for his decision!
ODBG_Pluginclose proc C
        ; For automatical restoring of open windows, mark in .ini file whether
        ; Bookmarks window is still open.
        mov     eax, bookmark.hw
        .IF eax
            mov     eax, 1
        invoke  Pluginwriteinttoini, hinst, CTEXT("Restore bookmarks window"), eax
        return  0
ODBG_Pluginclose endp

; To sort sorted data by some criterium, one must supply sort function that
; returns -1 if first element is less than second, 1 if first element is
; greater and 0 if elements are equal according to criterium sort. Usually

; this criterium is the zero-based index of the column in window.
Bookmarksortfunc proc C b1:ptr t_bookmark, b2:ptr t_bookmark, sort:dword
LOCAL i:dword

        mov     ecx, 1
        mov     esi, b1
        mov     edi, b2

        .IF sort == 1
            mov     eax, [esi].t_bookmark.addr_
            .IF eax < [edi].t_bookmark.addr_
                    mov     ecx, -1
            .ELSEIF eax > [edi].t_bookmark.addr_
                    mov     ecx, 1

        .IF ecx == 1
            mov     eax, [esi].t_bookmark.index
            .IF eax < [edi].t_bookmark.index
                    mov     ecx, -1
            .ELSEIF eax > [edi].t_bookmark.index
                    mov     ecx, 1
        return  ecx
Bookmarksortfunc endp

; Standard function Painttable() makes most of OllyDbg windows redrawing. You
; only need to supply another function that prepares text strings and
; optionally colours them. Case of custom windows is a bit more complicated,
; please read documentation.
Bookmarkgettext proc s:ptr byte, mask_:ptr byte, select:ptr dword, ph:ptr t_sortheader, column:dword

        mov     eax, column
        .IF !eax        ; Name of bookmark
            ; Column 0 contains name of bookmark in form "Alt+n", where n is the
            ; digit from 0 to 9. Mainly for demonstration purposes, I display prefix
            ; "Alt+" in grayed and digit in normal text. Standard table windows do
            ; not need to bother about selection.
            mov     eax, ph
            invoke  wsprintf, s, CTEXT("Alt+%i"), [eax].t_bookmark.index
            mov     eax, select
            mov     dword ptr [eax], DRAW_MASK
            invoke  RtlFillMemory, mask_, 4, DRAW_GRAY
            mov     eax, mask_
            mov     byte ptr [eax + 4], DRAW_NORMAL
            invoke  lstrlen, s

        .ELSEIF eax == 1    ; Address of bookmark
            mov     eax, ph
            invoke  wsprintf, s, CTEXT("%08X"), [eax].t_bookmark.addr_
            invoke  lstrlen, s

        .ELSEIF eax == 2    ; Disassembled command
            ; Function Disasm() requires that calling routine supplies code to be
            ; disassembled. Read this code from memory. First determine possible
            ; code size.
            invoke  wsprintf, s, CTEXT("column %d"), eax
            invoke  lstrlen, s

        .ELSEIF eax == 3
            mov     eax, ph
            invoke  Findname, [eax].t_bookmark.addr_, NM_COMMENT, s

            xor     eax, eax
Bookmarkgettext endp

; Each window class needs its own window procedure. Both standard and custom
; OllyDbg windows must pass some system and OllyDbg-defined messages to
; Tablefunction(). See description of Tablefunction() for more details.
Bookmarkwinproc proc hw:HWND, msg:UINT, wp:WPARAM, lp:LPARAM
;LOCAL controlkey, shiftkey:dword
;LOCAL pb:ptr t_bookmark

        mov     eax, msg

        ; Standard messages. You can process them, but - unless absolutely sure -

        ; always pass them to Tablefunction().
        .IF eax == WM_DESTROY || eax == WM_MOUSEMOVE || eax == WM_LBUTTONDOWN || \
            eax == WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK || eax == WM_LBUTTONUP || eax == WM_RBUTTONDOWN || \
            eax == WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK || eax == WM_HSCROLL || eax == WM_VSCROLL || eax == WM_TIMER || eax == WM_SYSKEYDOWN

            invoke  Tablefunction, offset bookmark, hw, msg, wp, lp
            ; Pass message to DefMDIChildProc

        ; Custom messages responsible for scrolling and selection. User-drawn
        ; windows must process them, standard OllyDbg windows without extra
        ; functionality pass them to Tablefunction().
        .ELSEIF eax == WM_USER_SCR || eax == WM_USER_VABS || eax == WM_USER_VREL || \
                eax == WM_USER_VBYTE || eax == WM_USER_STS || eax == WM_USER_CNTS || eax == WM_USER_CHGS
            invoke  Tablefunction, offset bookmark, hw, msg, wp, lp

        .ELSEIF eax == WM_USER_MENU
            invoke  CreatePopupMenu
            mov     menu, eax

            ; Find selected bookmark. Any operations with bookmarks make sense only
            ; if at least one bookmark exists and is selected. Note that sorted data
            ; has special sort index table which is updated only when necessary.
            ; Getsortedbyselection() does this; some other sorted data functions
            ; don't and you must call Sortsorteddata(). Read documentation!
            invoke  Getsortedbyselection, offset bookmark.data, bookmark.data.selected
            mov     esi, eax
            .IF menu && eax
                invoke  AppendMenu, menu, MF_STRING, 1, CTEXT("&Follow",9,"Enter")
                invoke  AppendMenu, menu, MF_STRING, 2, CTEXT("&Delete",9,"Del")
            ; Even when menu is NULL, call to Tablefunction is still meaningful.
            invoke  Tablefunction, offset bookmark, hw, WM_USER_MENU, 0, menu
            push    eax
            mov     eax, menu
            .IF eax
                invoke  DestroyMenu, eax
            pop     eax

            .IF eax == 1        ; Follow bookmark in Disassembler
                invoke  Setcpu, 0, [esi].t_bookmark.addr_, 0, 0, CPU_ASMHIST or CPU_ASMCENTER or CPU_ASMFOCUS

            .ELSEIF eax == 2    ; Delete bookmark
                invoke  Deletesorteddata, offset bookmark.data, [esi].t_bookmark.index
                ; There is no automatical window update, do it yourself.
                invoke  InvalidateRect, hw, NULL, FALSE
            return  0

        .ELSEIF eax == WM_USER_DBLCLK
            ; Doubleclicking row follows bookmark in Disassembler.
            invoke  Getsortedbyselection, offset bookmark.data, bookmark.data.selected
            .IF eax
                invoke  Setcpu, 0,[eax].t_bookmark.addr_, 0, 0, CPU_ASMHIST or CPU_ASMCENTER or CPU_ASMFOCUS
            return  1   ; Doubleclick processed

        .ELSEIF eax == WM_USER_CHALL || eax == WM_USER_CHMEM
            ; Something is changed, redraw window.
            invoke  InvalidateRect, hw, NULL, FALSE
            return  0

        .ELSEIF eax == WM_PAINT
            ; Painting of all OllyDbg windows is done by Painttable(). Make custom
            ; drawing only if you have important reasons to do this.
            invoke  Painttable, hw, offset bookmark, offset Bookmarkgettext
            return  0

        invoke  DefMDIChildProc, hw, msg, wp, lp
Bookmarkwinproc endp

; Record types must be unique among OllyDbg and all plugins. The best way to
; assure this is to register record type by OllDbg (Oleh Yuschuk). Registration
; is absolutely free of charge, except for email costs :)
TAG_BOOKMARK        equ     0236D420Ah      ; Bookmark record type in .udd file

; Time to save data to .udd file! This is done by calling Pluginsaverecord()
; for each data item that must be saved. Global, process-oriented data must
; be saved in main .udd file (named by .exe); module-relevant data must be
; saved in module files. Don't forget to save all addresses relative to
; module's base, so that data will be restored correctly even when module is
; relocated.
ODBG_Pluginsaveudd proc C pmod:ptr t_module, ismainmodule:dword
LOCAL data[2]:dword

        .IF !ismainmodule       ; Save bookmarks to main file only

         mov     esi, bookmark.data.data
         mov     ebx, bookmark.data.n

         .WHILE ebx > 0
             mov     eax, [esi].t_bookmark.index
             mov     data[0], eax
             mov     eax, [esi].t_bookmark.addr_
             mov     data[1 * sizeof dword], eax
             invoke  Pluginsaverecord, TAG_BOOKMARK, sizeof data, addr data
             dec     ebx
             add     esi, sizeof t_bookmark
ODBG_Pluginsaveudd endp  

; OllyDbg restores data from .udd file. If record belongs to plugin, it must
; process record and return 1, otherwise it must return 0 to pass record to
; other plugins. Note that module descriptor pointed to by pmod can be
; incomplete, i.e. does not necessarily contain all informations, especially
; that from .udd file.
ODBG_Pluginuddrecord proc C pmod:ptr t_module, ismainmodule:dword, tag:dword, size_:dword, data:dword
LOCAL mark:t_bookmark

        mov     eax, ismainmodule
        .IF !eax
            return eax              ; Bookmarks saved in main file only

        .IF tag != TAG_BOOKMARK
            return  0               ; Tag is not recognized

        mov     ecx, data
        mov     eax, [ecx]
        mov     mark.index, eax
        mov     mark.size_, 1
        mov     mark.type_, 0
        mov     eax, [ecx + 4]
        mov     mark.addr_, eax
        invoke  Addsorteddata, offset bookmark.data, addr mark
        return  1                   ;  Record processed
ODBG_Pluginuddrecord endp

; OllyDbg makes most of work when creating standard MDI window. Plugin must
; only describe number of columns, their properties and properties of window
; as a whole.
Createbookmarkwindow proc
        ; Describe table columns. Note that column names are pointers, so strings
        ; must exist as long as table itself.
        .IF !bookmark.bar.nbar
            ; Bar still uninitialized.
            mov     bookmark.bar.name_, CTEXT("Bookmark")   ; Name of bookmark
            mov     bookmark.bar.defdx, 9
            mov     bookmark.bar.mode, 0
            mov     bookmark.bar.name_[1 * sizeof dword], CTEXT("Address") ; Bookmark address
            mov     bookmark.bar.defdx[1 * sizeof dword], 9
            mov     bookmark.bar.mode[1 * sizeof byte], 0
            mov     bookmark.bar.name_[2 * sizeof dword], CTEXT("Disassembly") ; Disassembled command
            mov     bookmark.bar.defdx[2 * sizeof dword], 32
            mov     bookmark.bar.mode[2 * sizeof byte], BAR_NOSORT
            mov     bookmark.bar.name_[3 * sizeof dword], CTEXT("Comment")   ; Comment
            mov     bookmark.bar.defdx[3 * sizeof dword], 256
            mov     bookmark.bar.mode[3 * sizeof byte], BAR_NOSORT
            mov     bookmark.bar.nbar, 4
            mov     bookmark.mode, TABLE_COPYMENU or TABLE_SORTMENU or TABLE_APPMENU or TABLE_SAVEPOS;
            mov     bookmark.drawfunc, offset Bookmarkgettext
        ; If window already exists, Quicktablewindow() does not create new window,
        ; but restores and brings to top existing. This is the simplest way,
        ; Newtablewindow() is more flexible but more complicated. I do not recommend
        ; custom (plugin-drawn) windows without very important reasons to do this.
        invoke  Quicktablewindow, offset bookmark, 15, 4, offset bookmarkwinclass, CTEXT("Bookmarks")
Createbookmarkwindow endp

; If you define ODBG_Pluginmainloop, this function will be called each time
; from the main Windows loop in OllyDbg. If there is some debug event from
; the debugged application, debugevent points to it, otherwise it is NULL. Do
; not declare this function unnecessarily, as this may negatively influence
; the overall speed!
;ODBG_Pluginmainloop proc C debugevent:ptr DEBUG_EVENT
;ODBG_Pluginmainloop endp

; Function adds items either to main OllyDbg menu (origin=PM_MAIN) or to popup
; menu in one of standard OllyDbg windows. When plugin wants to add own menu
; items, it gathers menu pattern in data and returns 1, otherwise it must
; return 0. Except for static main menu, plugin must not add inactive items.

; Item indices must range in 0..63. Duplicated indices are explicitly allowed.
ODBG_Pluginmenu proc C uses ebx origin:dword, data:ptr byte, item:dword
LOCAL pb:ptr t_bookmark
LOCAL pd:ptr t_dump

        mov     eax, origin
        ; Menu creation is very simple. You just fill in data with menu pattern.
        ; Some examples:
        ; 0 Aaa,2 Bbb|3 Ccc|,,  - linear menu with 3 items, relative IDs 0, 2 and
        ;                         3, separator between second and third item, last
        ;                         separator and commas are ignored;
        ; #A{0Aaa,B{1Bbb|2Ccc}} - unconditional separator, followed by popup menu
        ;                         A with two elements, second is popup with two
        ;                         elements and separator inbetween.
        .IF eax == PM_MAIN ; Plugin menu in main window
            invoke  lstrcpy, data, CTEXT("0 &Bookmarks|1 &About")
            ; If your plugin is more than trivial, I also recommend to include Help.
            return  1

        .ELSEIF eax == PM_DISASM ; Popup menu in Disassembler
            ; First check that menu applies.
            mov     eax, item
            .IF !eax || ![eax].t_dump.size_
                return  0                       ; Window empty, don't add
            ; Start second-level popup menu.
            invoke  wsprintf, data, CTEXT("Bookmark{")
            invoke  lstrlen, data
            add     eax, data
            mov     ebx, eax

            ; Add item "Insert bookmark n" if there are free bookmarks and some part
            ; of Disassembler is selected. Note that OllyDbg correctly interpretes
            ; superfluos commas, separators and, to some extent, missed braces.
            mov     esi, bookmark.data.data
            xor     ecx, ecx
            .WHILE ecx < bookmark.data.n
                .BREAK .IF [esi].t_bookmark.index != ecx
                add     esi, sizeof dword
                inc     ecx

            mov     esi, item
            mov     eax, [esi].t_dump.sel1
            .IF ecx < 10 && (eax > [esi].t_dump.sel0)
                invoke  wsprintf, ebx, CTEXT("%i &Insert bookmark %i",9,"Alt+Shift+%i,"), ecx, ecx, ecx
                invoke  lstrlen, ebx
                add     ebx, eax
            ; Add item "Delete bookmark n" for each available bookmark. Menu
            ; identifiers are not necessarily consecutive.
            mov     esi, bookmark.data.data
            xor     ecx, ecx
            .WHILE ecx < bookmark.data.n
                mov     eax, [esi].t_bookmark.index
                add     eax, 10
                push    ecx
                invoke  wsprintf, ebx, CTEXT("%i Delete bookmark %i,"), eax, [esi].t_bookmark.index
                add     esi, sizeof dword
                invoke  lstrlen, ebx
                pop     ecx
                add     ebx, eax
                inc     ecx
            ; Add separator to menu.
            mov     byte ptr [ebx], '|'
            inc     ebx
            ; Add item "Go to bookmark n" for each available bookmark. Bookmarks
            ; set at selected command are not shown.
            mov     esi, bookmark.data.data
            xor     ecx, ecx
            .WHILE ecx < bookmark.data.n
                mov     eax, item
                mov     eax, [eax].t_dump.sel0
                .IF eax != [esi].t_bookmark.addr_
                    mov     eax, [esi].t_bookmark.index
                    add     eax, 20
                    push    ecx
                    invoke  wsprintf, ebx, CTEXT("%i Go to bookmark %i",9,"Alt+%i,"), eax, [esi].t_bookmark.index, [esi].t_bookmark.index
                    add     esi, sizeof dword
                    invoke  lstrlen, ebx
                    pop     ecx
                    add     ebx, eax
                inc     ecx
            ; Close popup. If you forget to do this, OllyDbg will try to correct
            ; your error.
            mov     word ptr [ebx], '}'
            return  1
        return  0
ODBG_Pluginmenu endp

; This optional function receives commands from plugin menu in window of type
; origin. Argument action is menu identifier from ODBG_Pluginmenu(). If user

; activates automatically created entry in main menu, action is 0.
ODBG_Pluginaction proc C origin:dword, action:dword, item:dword
LOCAL mark:t_bookmark
;LOCAL pb:ptr t_bookmark
;LOCAL pd:ptr t_dump

        mov     eax, origin
        .IF eax == PM_MAIN
            mov     eax, action
            .IF !eax
                ; Menu item "Bookmarks", creates bookmark window.
                invoke  Createbookmarkwindow

            .ELSEIF eax == 1
                ; Menu item "About", displays plugin info.
                invoke  MessageBox, hwmain, CTEXT("Bookmark plugin v1.08",13,10,"(demonstration of plugin capabilities)",13,10,"Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 Oleh Yuschuk",13,10,"MASM32 version by Eviloid, 2oo3"),\
                                            CTEXT("Bookmark plugin"),MB_OK or MB_ICONINFORMATION
        .ELSEIF eax == PM_DISASM
            mov     eax, action
            .IF eax >= 0 && eax < 10 ; Insert bookmark
                mov     mark.index, eax
                mov     mark.size_, 1
                mov     mark.type_, 0
                mov     eax, item
                m2m     mark.addr_, [eax].t_dump.sel0
                invoke  Addsorteddata, offset bookmark.data, addr mark

                .IF bookmark.hw
                    invoke  InvalidateRect, bookmark.hw, NULL, FALSE

            .ELSEIF eax >= 10 && eax < 20 ; Delete bookmark
                sub     eax, 10
                mov     ebx, eax
                invoke  Findsorteddata, offset bookmark.data, eax
                .IF eax
                    invoke  Deletesorteddata, offset bookmark.data, ebx
                    .IF bookmark.hw
                        invoke  InvalidateRect, bookmark.hw, NULL, FALSE

            .ELSEIF eax >= 20 && eax < 30 ; Go to bookmark
                sub     eax, 20
;                mov     ebx, eax
                invoke  Findsorteddata, offset bookmark.data, eax
                .IF eax
                    invoke  Setcpu, 0, [eax].t_bookmark.addr_, 0, 0, CPU_ASMHIST or CPU_ASMCENTER or CPU_ASMFOCUS
ODBG_Pluginaction endp

end DllEntryPoint

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