[招聘]LitePoint 公司(美资)上海分公司软件相关职位招聘
发表于: 2011-12-22 09:45 450
公司名称: | LitePoint 公司(美资)上海分公司 |
职位名称: | Software Engineer |
招聘人数: | 5 |
工作地点: | 上海 张江高科 |
薪水待遇:* | 10-30W |
职位描述: | Responsibilities 1.Architect, design and develop API and application software for various wireless testing equipment and measurement applications 2.Maintain and support API for current products – multiplatform support 3.Support the various application for current products Requirements: Skills and knowledge that are necessary for the performance of the job, i.e. Degree & area of study, computer skills, technical knowledge, required abilities, areas and number of years of related experience, etc. (Please put in order of importance.) 1. 3-5 years working knowledge of GUI, API architecture and development using Visual Studio C++, 2. Able to plan and execute own tasks in timely manner 3. BS/MS in Computer Science or Electrical Engineering. 4. Working experience with Matlab interface with C++. 5. Familiar with wireless technologies for both connectivity and cellular 6. Familiar with Windows7, Linux and Mac OS 7. Experience with multi threaded Windows programming 8. Experience with structured software development 9. Passionate about software development, willing to learn new technology, self-motivated with high technical competency 10. Must be capable of verbal and written English |
联系人: | Tony |
联系电话: | 18629077670 |
电子邮箱: | youngcy999@hotmail.com |
QQ/MSN: | youngcy999@hotmail.com |
公司网址: | http://www.litepoint.com/ |
公司介绍: | LitePoint 公司位于美国加州硅谷, 致力于为电子消费品生产商(ODM & OEM )和无线IC 设计 厂商提供先进的无线测试解决方案。LitePoint 利用自己在无线系统和集成电路的设计方面积 累的专业技术,开发出了各种创新的一体化测试解决方案, 以业界领先的测试功能和测试速 度,帮助用户确保其产品的总体质量水平,并使其符合特定规范与相关产品具有兼容性。 LitePoint 公司的测试产品适用于研发和大批量生产,使客户获得极高的投资回报、更快的产 品上市时间、更多的产出、更高的产品质量和更好的盈利能力。 LitePoint 是专注于无线测试解决方案的供应商,成立于2000 年,与安捷伦、太克、罗德 史瓦兹等前辈相比可说是产业新兵,不过其提供专属、测试时间短、测试效能佳及成本相对 低廉的解决方案,很快就在Wi-Fi 领域闯出名号,目前全球有75%以上的Wi-Fi 产品都是 使用其设备进行测试。 LitePoint 总部位于美国加州硅谷,于以色列、丹麦、大陆上海和台湾都设有分公司,近几 年每年营收成长都将近1 倍。主要客户涵盖英特尔、Broadcom、Atheros、Marvell、CSR、 瑞昱及雷凌等芯片商,鸿海、华硕、正文、环电、友劲、明泰及中磊等代工厂,以及戴尔、 思科、明基、RIM 及Netgear 等品牌厂商。 LitePoint 形象地把无线测试领域的竞争者安捷伦比喻成大象,把罗德与施瓦茨比喻成犀 牛,而把自己比喻为猎豹,以表示LitePoint 产品可更灵活快捷地满足用户需求。 LitePoint 已经推出802.11、蓝牙、MIMO 及WiMAX 的测试设备,近期又增加GPS、FM、UWB、 MultiCom 等产品线,积极抢攻单一设备多重通讯标准的新商机。 |
System test engineer
SW AE in LitePoint Shanghai
Software Release Engineer
Software QA Engineer