Registry Trash Keys Finder v.3.6.0 sr1
(c) 2002-2005 Alexander Asyabrik aka Shura
All rights reserved
What's new (since v.3.5.4 sr1):
- no more "overt" and "hidden" keys division, now both
types are listed in main window after search;
- added new search algorithms for Armadillo 4.10 and
ASProtect 2.11 (both locked for nonrussian PC users,
but now you can see that keys as "bla-bla" entries);
- added: new search algorithm for Obsidium 1.25 keys;
- added: search algorithm for PCGuard 4x-5x keys;
- test for CLSID keys with names that include serial
number of drive C: (possible trial keys);
- test for empty CLSID keys (just trash);
- added tooltip with brief key's information;
- added optional ability to set UI language directly;
- one can choose sorting method for list entries;
- now menu entries for reg-files are sorted too;
- now search is a little bit faster on NT,2000,XP,2003
SR1 - fixed: some PCGuard-like keys could be missed