The purpose of this tool is to save us the unpacking on simple
Armadillo protected applications, but you need to know with what are
you dealing :P.
Known bugs / Problems:
- Doesn't support Nanomites.
- Doesn't support CopyMem-II.
- Doesn't rebuild IAT (I know that's lame but if you don't like it code
your own rebuilder). ImpREC rules anyway!
- Sometimes needs to load Debug-Blocker protected appz several times to
get an unpacked file.
- A lot more...
AvAtAr you most be one of those ArmKiller freaks outhere ..very nice work and i'll hope you will continue to improve it ... which ARm versions are supported ?? .. and other cuestions.. if possible would you write some lines how is possible to inline patch Armed appz?... will you write a tool to Inline patch armadilled targets like Aspr. Api from Spiteful/TSRh for ASPR.
最初由 linhanshi 发布 引用:CRK AvAtAr you most be one of those ArmKiller freaks outhere ..very nice work and i'll hope you will continue to improve it ... which ARm versions are supported ?? .. and other cuestions.. if possible would you write some lines how is possible to inline patch Armed appz?... will you write a tool to Inline patch armadilled targets like Aspr. Api from Spiteful/TSRh for ASPR.