发表于: 2011-6-15 00:13 2031
Keyparc description
Protects the privacy of your secret files.
Keyparc is a software that allow you to protect the privacy of your secret files. Keyparc enables you to work with your secret files as-if they are in plain. You do not need to change your current workflow nor learn to use it.
Access your sensitive files in Keyparc drive as-if it is a normal drive. Keyparc secures all file types and supports all languages. Keyparc protected files are portable amongst platforms.
Keyparc encryption keys are never stored with your sensitive files. They are retrieved from Keyparc server on-demand. Your keys are safely parked at Keyparc server and delivered to you only when you sign on successfully
Note: Free for personal, non-commercial use.
Here are some key features of "Keyparc":
Protect your secret files:
· Protects your sensitive files on your laptops and desktops with Keyparc
Keyparc for your enterprise:
· Bring Keyparc to your corporation and organization
Lifetime Protection:
· Your secret data remain protected on disks at all times
Transparent access:
· Transparently access your protected secrets in Keyparc secure drive as if they are in plain
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