[转帖]OhCrypt 0.6.3
发表于: 2011-6-14 03:05 1891
OhCrypt 0.6.3
OhCrypt description
File encryption made easy
OhCrypt is a handy, easy-to-use application specially designed to enable you to easily encrypt and decrypt files. The most popular algorithms, like AES, Blowfish and Triple DES are used.
With OhCrypt, you can secure your data with a password-based encryption algorithm through a clean and simple interface.
Here are some key features of "OhCrypt":
· Easily encrypt and decrypt any file
· Clean user interface
· Lightweight and suitable for portable use
· Java
What's New in This Release: [ read full changelog ]
· ohcrypt now developed using eclipse IDE
· reorganized settings class
· ohcrypt window now organized in tabs, as suggested by sourceforge user thotheolh
· added option for compressing the encrypted files
· fixed bug: correct destination folder when using portable mode
http://www.softpedia.com/dyn-postdownload.php?p=167259&t=0&i=1 http://www.softpedia.com/dyn-postdownload.php?p=167259&t=4&i=1
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