Disappointed in trial download requests Ever since I took PECompact trial offline and made users authenticate themselves as legitimate developers of whatever software at whatever company (something seemingly easy to prove), I've gotten many requests for downloads, but a good portion can not provide any proof of their legitimacy at all. They may say 'I author FluffSoft' and point me to some foreign download site that does not even list that program. I verify what people tell me... and if it doesn't check out, I don't send PECompact.
This isn't something I wanted to do, but it became clear that without additional authentication procedures to even download the trial the accidents and problems with PECompact would become greater. Knowing that good AV interoperability and few false positive accidents is one of PECompact's strong points, this was simply unacceptable. Therefore I had to do what I had to do.
Cursing or pretending you are so upset won't help either. I'd love to send it to you, but if you can't provide ANY reasonable proof (and it isn't like I'm asking for much), then I can't send it to you ;o. I mean, it is for developers, and developers only, so if you can't tell me what you are developing OR provide a simple company affiliation, then I can not authenticate you.
So, remember, if you want the trial you MUST submit your company or software name and a URL to it. If you have not published it, then different evidence may be used, but it too must be verified. If you can not provide any evidence, or are going to make up evidence, don't bother trying.
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