[分享][ITC 2011]:Call for Papers
发表于: 2011-1-22 08:50 15438

[分享][ITC 2011]:Call for Papers

2011-1-22 08:50
ITC 2011
               23rd International Teletraffic Congress
                                 Call for Papers
                                San Francisco, USA
                                September 6-8, 2011
               Technically Co-Sponsored by IEEE Communication Society
                          In-Cooperation with ACM SIGCOMM
       Corporate Sponsors: AT&T, IBM, Ericsson, Orange Labs/France Telecom

Paper Registration Deadline: January 28, 2011 Submission Deadline:
February 4, 2011

Paper Submission Link: http://edas.info/newPaper.php?c=8968

Keynote Speakers:
               Jean Walrand, UC-Berkeley
               Nick McKeown, Stanford University
               Jeff Mogul, HP Labs

ITC provides a venue for researchers from academia and industry interested in design and control of communication networks, protocols, and applications. The rapid evolution in these areas, driven by technological advances and new business models, raises a critical need for continuous reappraisal of modeling, control and management mechanisms. For instance, as energy becomes an  increasingly important design criterion, new algorithms are needed to optimize the tradeoff between energy consumption and quality of service.

In addition to improving network efficiency and performance, there has recently been a significant interest in new network architectural principles. How should the lower layers be structured to best support content-centric networking? What network control and optimization issues are raised by virtualization and cloud computing?
What architectural elements and business models are needed to meet user expectations for service quality, reliability and security in a cost-effective way?

Now annually held, ITC 2011 solicits submission of papers with original contributions, especially contributions that address novel issues, pioneer disruptive paradigms, or propose innovative models and techniques.
Furthermore, papers that provide important insights on real world networking problems, e.g., based on measurements, application of analytical techniques or simulations, are strongly encouraged. Specific topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

   Network architectures, paradigms & technologies
   * Cognitive radio networking
   * Content delivery and storage area networks
   * Data Center Networks
   * Delay-tolerant and opportunistic networking
   * Future Internet design
   * IP/MPLS/Carrier Ethernet networks
   * Multi-carrier networks
   * Optical networks
   * Sensor networks
   * UMTS, WiFi, LTE, WiMax, 4G networks
   * Wireless adhoc and mesh networks

   Network planning, QoS, and associated performance issues:
   * Capacity planning methods and tools
   * Planning for multi-carrier networks, robustness and reliability * Performance and reliability tradeoffs, including targets for web-based applications
   * Network design methods
   * Performance over wireless and wireline transport technologies * Pricing and billing, business models for QoS
   * QoS provisioning
   * SLA monitoring
   * Regulatory and public policy QoS issues

   Traffic management and measurement
   * Admission control
   * Application and content traffic management
   * Dynamic bandwidth management
   * Intelligent adaptive routing
   * Location and mobility management
   * Multi-domain issues
   * Network tomography, analysis of traffic matrices
   * Overload and congestion control protocols and mechanisms
   * Protection, switching and restoration
   * Traffic and performance monitoring, measurements and forecasting * Regulatory and public policy traffic management issues

   * Application layer networks and overlays, including virtualization * Distributed, grid and cloud computing
   * Efficient content delivery technologies
   * Internet of Things
   * IPTV, WebTV
   * P2P and distributed lookup
   * Social networks
   * Tele-medicine, -education, -metry
   * Web-services and service oriented architectures

   Security issues
   * Anomaly detection, detection of DoS attacks
   * Attack mitigation methods
   * Epidemiological models, worm and virus propagation
   * Privacy and trust

   Models and techniques
   * Cross-layer design and optimization mechanisms
   * Game-theoretic models
   * Optimization algorithms, self optimization approaches
   * Performance models for voice, video, data, P2P applications
   * Random graph models
   * Resource allocation and management, scheduling algorithms
   * Simulation methods and tools


Submitted manuscripts must be unpublished and not be considered for publication elsewhere over the course of the review process. All paper registrations and submissions will be handled electronically via EDAS (http://edas.info/newPaper.php?c=8968). Authors should prepare a PDF version, which should not exceed 8 double-column pages in IEEE conference format with a font size no smaller than 10 points. All accepted contributions will appear as full papers in the conference proceedings with oral presentations. In order to guarantee the high visibility of the conference, the proceedings will be available through IEEEXplore.

ITC 2011 plans to offers two prestigious awards: a Best Paper Award and a Best Student Paper Award. For a paper to be eligible in the latter category, a full-time student must be the first author at the time of submission of the paper, & is the presenter of the accepted paper at the conference.

General Co-Chairs
   Charles Kalmanek, AT&T Labs-Research, USA
   Deep Medhi, University of Missouri-Kansas City, USA

TPC Co-Chairs
   Åke Arvidsson, Ericsson, Sweden
   Gustavo de Veciana, University of Texas at Austin, USA
   Steven Low, Caltech, USA

Panel Chair
   Iraj Sanee, Bell Labs/Alcatel-Lucent, USA

Workshop & Tutorials Co-Chairs
   Yi Qian, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA
   Kurt Tutschku, University of Vienna, Austria

Travel Grant Co-Chairs
   Prosper Chemouil, Orange Labs, France
   Dijiang Huang, Arizona State University, USA

Local Arrangement Co-Chairs
   Gaurav Agrawal, IP Infusion, San Jose, USA
   Alex Clemm, Cisco Systems, San Jose, USA

Publicity Co-Chairs
   Masaki Aida, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan
   Lisandro Granville, UFRGS, Brazil
   Tobias Hoßfeld, Univ. of Würzberg, Germany
   Peter Key, Microsoft Research, UK
   Caterina Scoglio, Kansas State Univ., USA

Web Chair
   Victor Yu Liu, Huawei, USA

Technical Program Committee
   Samuli Aalto, TKK Helsinki University of Technology, Finland
   Aditya Akella, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
   Ragnar Andreassen, Telenor, Norway
   Lachlan Andrew, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
   Andrea Baiocchi, University of Roma "La Sapienza", Italy
   Albert Banchs, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
   Jun Bi, Tsinghua University, China
   Thomas Bonald, Telecom ParisTech, France
   Sem Borst, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands Joachim Charzinski, Stuttgart Media University, Germany
   Prosper Chemouil, Orange Labs, France
   Alex Clemm, Cisco Systems, USA
   Hermann de Meer, University of Passau, Germany
   Jaudelice de Oliveira, Drexel University, USA
   Danny De Vleeschauwer, Alcatel-Lucent, Belgium
   Robert Doverspike, AT&T Labs - Research, USA
   Douglas Down, McMaster University, Canada
   Nick Duffield, AT&T Labs - Research, USA
   Ken Duffy, National University of Ireland Maynooth, Ireland
   Serge Fdida, University Pierre & Marie Curie, France
   Anja Feldmann, TU-Berlin, Germany
   Markus Fiedler, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden
   Viktoria Fodor, KTH,  Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
   Luigi Fratta, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
   Richard Gibbens, University of Cambridge, UK
   Timothy Griffin, University of Cambridge, UK
   Fabrice Guillemin, Orange Labs, France
   Richard Harris, Massey University, New Zealand
   Boudewijn Haverkort, University of Twente, The Netherlands
   Andrzej Jajszczyk, AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland Tara Javidi, UCSD, USA
   Chuanyi Ji, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
   Karl Henrik Johansson, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
   Scott Jordan, University of California, Irvine, USA
   Gunnar Karlsson, KTH,  Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
   George Kesidis, Pennsylvania State University, USA
   Peter Key, Microsoft Research, UK
   Edward Knightly, Rice University, USA
   Dejan Kostic, EPFL, Switzerland
   Anthony Krzesinski, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa
   Anurag Kumar, Indian Institute of Science, India
   Amund Kvalbein, Simula Research Laboratory, Norway
   Nelson L. S. da Fonseca, State University of Campinas, Brazil
   T. V. Lakshman, Bell Labs, Alcatel-Lucent, USA
   Jean-Yves Le Boudec, EPFL, Switzerland
   Douglas Leith, National University of Ireland Maynooth, Ireland Jorg Liebeherr, University of Toronto, Canada
   Remco Litjens, TNO Information and Communication Technology, The Netherlands
   Zhen Liu, Nokia Research Center, Finland
   Victor Yu Liu, Huawei, USA
   Yingdong Lu, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, USA
   Michel Mandjes, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
   Martin May, Technicolor, France
   Ravi Mazumdar, University of Waterloo, Canada
   Michela Meo, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
   Petar Momcilovic, University of Florida, USA
   Akihiro Nakao, University of Tokyo, Japan
   Ilkka Norros, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Finland Rudesindo Nunez-Queija, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands Henrik Nyberg, Ericsson Research, Sweden
   Andrew Odlyzko, University of Minnesota, USA
   Birgitta Olin, Ericsson Reserach, Sweden
   Philippe Olivier, Orange Labs, France
   Barbara Orlandi, Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs, France
   Sara Oueslati, Orange Labs, France
   Fernando Paganini, Universidad ORT, Uruguay
   Konstantina Papagiannaki, Intel Research, USA
   Krzysztof Pawlikowski, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
   Harry Perros, North Carolina State University, USA
   Michal Pioro, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
   Alexandre Proutiere, Microsoft Research, UK
   James Roberts, INRIA, France
   Matthew Roughan, University of Adelaide, Australia
   Hiroshi Saito, NTT, Japan
   Iraj Saniee, Bell Labs,  Alcatel-Lucent, USA
   Caterina Scoglio, Kansas State University, USA
   Sanjay Shakkottai, The University of Texas at Austin, USA
   Mayank Sharma, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, USA
   Kohei Shiomoto, NTT, Japan
   Evgenia Smirni, College of William and Mary, USA
   Mark Squillante, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, USA
   R. Srikant, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
   Rolf Stadler, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
   Chee Wei Tan, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
   Patrick Thiran, EPFL, Switzerland
   David Tipper, University of Pittsburgh, USA
   Phuoc Tran-Gia, University of Wuerzburg, Germany
   Dirk Trossen, University of Cambridge, UK
   Danny H. K. Tsang, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
   Kurt Tutschku, University of Vienna, Austria
   Hans van den Berg, TNO, The Netherlands
   Rob van der Mei, Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica, The Netherlands Piet Van Mieghem, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands Milan Vojnovic, Microsoft Research, UK
   Jean Walrand,  University of California, Berkeley, USA
   Xinbing Wang, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China
   Chih-Chun Wang, Purdue University, USA
   Indra Widjaja, Bell Labs,  Alcatel-Lucent, USA
   Adam Wierman, California Institute of Technology, USA
   Yuanyuan Yang, Stony Brook University, USA
   Yung Yi, KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology), Korea
   Lei Ying, Iowa State University, USA
   Zhi-Li Zhang, University of Minnesota, USA
   Yin Zhang, University of Texas at Austin, USA
   Ying Zhang, Ericsson Research, Sweden
   Moshe Zukerman, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

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