[分享][Innovations 2011] Innovations'11| April 25-27, 2011 Abu Dhabi, UAE
发表于: 2011-1-16 19:22 13220

[分享][Innovations 2011] Innovations'11| April 25-27, 2011 Abu Dhabi, UAE

2011-1-16 19:22
[Innovations 2011] Innovations'11| April 25-27, 2011 Abu Dhabi, UAE | Submission Deadline Extended to January 31, 2011 (Accepted papers will be indexed in IEEEXplore)

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                                     Call for Papers

               The 7th International Conference on Innovations in Information Technology
                               April 25-27, 2011 Al Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
                        Technically co-sponsored by IEEE ComSoc
                                  Accepted papers will be indexed in IEEEXplore


Innovations in Information Technology (Innovations'11), is a premier forum for the presentation and discussion of technology
advances and research results in a wide range of disciplines in Information Technology (IT). This is an annual international
conference organized by the Faculty of Information Technology, United Arab Emirates University (UAEU). This year, the
conference will for the first time be hosted in Al Ain and Abu Dhabi.  Innovations’11 is the seventh edition of the conference, which
has been held since 2004 in the UAE (past conferences were held in Dubai and Al Ain). Innovations'11 is technically co-sponsored by
IEEE ComSoc.  Accepted papers will be indexed in IEEEXplore.

The conference will feature world-renowned keynote speakers and excellent technical sessions addressing the technology
landscape and current challenges and opportunities in topics including communication networks, information security, web
services, high performance computing, data acquisition and processing, data mining, transportation management, and health IT
and bioinformatics.

               Computing and  Embedded Systems

               Advanced Computer Architectures
               Simulation and Modeling
               Performance and Reliability
               Computer Aided Design
               Scientific Computing
               Embedded Systems
               Agent-Based Systems
               High Performance and Grid Computing
               Fault-Tolerant Algorithms and Systems
               VLSI Circuit Design

               Data Mining

               Data mining algorithms (supervised, semi-supervised and unsupervised)
               Mining Complex Datasets
               Mining on Emerging Architectures
               Temporal and Spatial data Mining
               Text and Web Mining
               Biological and medical data mining
               Distributed data mining
               Data Mining in Social Sciences and on Social Networks
               Spatial and Temporal Mining
               Scalable and High-Performance Mining
               Stream Data Mining
               Mining multi-agent data and agent-based data mining
               Security and privacy issues in data mining

               Information Communication Technologies

               Wireless, Mobile and Cellular Communication Networks
               MIMO and Time Space Communications
               Cooperative Relay Communications
               Software Radio
               Network Coding
               Network Architecture and Protocols
               Multimedia Communications & Networks
               Ad-hoc & Sensor Networks
               WiFi, WiMax
               Network Planning and Management
               Modeling, Simulation and Performance Analysis
               Teletraffic Engineering
               Information Assurance, Network Security and Forensic Computing

               Security and Cryptography

               Authentication and access control technologies
               Novel and emerging secure architecture
               Key management
               Trust management
               Intrusion detection techniques
               Intrusion response, alarm management, and correlation analysis
               Secure protocols
               Security in wireless networks (e.g. mesh networks, sensor networks, etc.)

               Web technologies and Web services

               Data intensive web services
               Deploying web services on the cloud
               Data quality
               Data integration
               Context-aware web services
               Web services for social networks
               Web services for scientific applications
               Privacy issues in web services


Innovations’11 seeks original manuscripts (6 pages maximum in IEEE two-column format) describing research in all aspects of
Information Technology that contribute to the conference theme.  All papers will be peer reviewed, and acceptance will be
based on quality, relevance and originality. Submission of tutorial and special session proposals is also welcome. The
submission guidelines are available on the conference website: http://www.it-innovations.ae.

Important Dates

Paper submission                  January 31, 2011 (firm)
Tutorial proposals                December 17, 2010
Special session proposals         December 17, 2010
Student posters submission        February 28 , 2011
Notification of acceptance        February 28, 2011
Final camera-ready paper          March 28, 2011

Program Co-chairs,
Saad Harous, Faculty of Information Technology, UAE
Farag Sallabi, Faculty of Information Technology, UAE

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