[分享][EuroNF-TCCFI] 2011 CFP:
发表于: 2010-12-11 10:11 10598

[分享][EuroNF-TCCFI] 2011 CFP:

2010-12-11 10:11
[EuroNF-TCCFI] 2011 Euro-NF International Workshop on Traffic and Congestion Control for the Future Internet

                             Call for Papers
          2011 Euro-NF International Workshop on Traffic and Congestion
                        Control for the Future Internet
                   Volos, Greece, 31 March - 1 April, 2011


The exponential growth of the Internet and the unanticipated popularity of applications
and services have resulted in a growing expectation for possible paradigm changes ranging
from evolutionary approaches to clean-slate Internet architectures. New requirements for
traffic and congestion control have emerged from novel approaches including content-centric
and service-oriented architectures, energy-efficient wired and wireless network technologies.
The International Workshop on Traffic and Congestion Control for the Future Internet, organized
by the EuroNF Network of Excellence aims at bringing together researchers from all over the world
and provide an open forum of discussion about recent research trends in the area of traffic and
congestion control for the Future Internet.

Topics of Internet include, but are not limited to:

   * Novel Internet Architectures
   * Traffic Management and Congestion Control
   * Resource Management and Traffic Engineering
   * Pricing and SLAs
   * Cross-layer optimisation in wireless networks
   * End-to-end QoS
   * Autonomic Network Management
   * Adaptive load-sensitive routing
   * Routing and traffic management in a multi-provider context
   * Reliable and efficient communication in self-organized networks
   * Measurements and traffic awareness
   * Caching and Replication Mechanisms
   * Network Coding
   * Design of optimal highly dependable networks
   * P2P file sharing and streaming
   * Operation and management of overlay networks
   * Anomaly detection and problem diagnosis
   * Interoperability and management of sensor and adhoc networks


Authors are invited to submit extended abstracts of 1 to 2 pages describing the substance of the
presentation they wish to make at the workshop. The presentations can be on original results or
of a more tutorial nature. Authors of accepted proposals will be required to supply a copy of their
slides which, together with the abstracts, will constitute the workshop proceedings. The workshop is
intended to provide a forum for talks on early research including work which will appear in final form
in relevant international conferences and journals.

Abstracts should be submitted at http://edas.info//N9909 before January 31st. Reception will be acknowledged.

Authors will be notified of the accept/reject decision by February 15th.

Important dates

   * Submission: 31 January 2011
   * Notification: 15 February 2011
   * Camera ready and Registration: 11 March 2011

General Chair

Leandros Tassiulas, CERTH, Greece

TPC Co-Chairs

Paris Flegkas, CERTH, Greece
Hermann De Meer, Uni Passau, Germany

TPC Members

Patrick Brown, FT, France
Claudio Casetti, Polito, Italy
Matteo Cesana, Polimi, Italy
Leonidas Georgiadis, AUTH, Greece
Petteri Manersalo, VTT, Finland
George Polyzos, AUEB, Greece
Rui Valadas, Uni Aveiro, Portugal

Publication Chair and Local Arrangements

Vasilis Sourlas, CERTH, Greece

Contact details:

Vasilis Sourlas or Paris Flegkas
Email: euronf.tccfi@gmail.com
Tel: +30 24210 74553
Fax: +30 24210 74668


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