发表于: 2005-3-30 12:56 7435


2005-3-30 12:56
【课文标题】 OFFICE AUTOMATION   办公自动化
    Office automation is the application of computer and communications technology to improve the productivity of clerical and managerial office workers. In the mid-1950s, the term was used as a synonym for almost any form of data processing, referring to the ways in which[1] bookkeeping tasks were automated. After some years of disuse, the term was revived in the mid-1970s to describe the interactive use of word and text processing systems, which would later be combined with powerful computer tools, thereby leading to a so-called "integrated electronic office of the future".
    The major functional components of an office automation system include text processing, electronic mail, information storage and retrieval, personal assistance features, and task management. These may be implemented on various types of hardware and usually include a video display terminal, input devices, and a hard-copy output device for "letter-quality" printing, etc.
    Initially, systems sold by major manufacturers were aimed at clerical and secretarial personnel. These were mainly developed to do word processing and record processing (maintenance of small sequential files, such as names and addresses, which are ultimately sorted and merged into letters).
    More recently, attention has also been focused on systems which directly support the principals (managers and professional workers). Such systems emphasize the managerial communications function.
    Electronic mail and filing permit a user to compose and transmit a message on an office automation system. In the early 1970s, the ARPANET community developed[2] a number of such systems which have been heavily used. Through standard message format protocols, several hundred different computers and electronic mail interfaces are able to exchange information with one another. These protocols are like the post office's specification of how recipient and return addresses should appear on envelopes and which sizes are allowable for envelopes. In the electronic message world, they describe what sequences of characters are required at the beginning of a message to identify the sending and receiving mailboxes.
    Today's organizations have a wide variety of office automation hardware and software components at their disposal. The list includes telephone and computer systems, electronic mail, word processing, desktop publishing, database management systems, two-way cable TV, office-to-office satellite broadcasting, on-line database services, and voice recognition and synthesis. Each of these components is intended to automate a task or function that is presently performed manually. But experts agree that the key to attaining office automation lies in integration - incorporating all the components into a whole system such that information can be processed and communicated with maximum technical assistance and minimum human intervention. This goal can be accomplished when (1) computer, communication, and office equipment are networked and (2) an office worker can easily access the entire system through a personal computer sitting on his or her desk. Then it will be possible to change substantially the way people work in an office.  

[1] referring…是分词短语,表示附加说明。term此处代表office automation。
[2] ARPANET美国国防部早期的网络,后成为计算机互联网-Internet。



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