[分享]FW: 1st CfP: SECURWARE 2011 || August 21-27, 2011 - French Riviera
发表于: 2010-11-1 19:06 4906

[分享]FW: 1st CfP: SECURWARE 2011 || August 21-27, 2011 - French Riviera

2010-11-1 19:06
FW: 1st CfP: SECURWARE 2011 || August 21-27, 2011 - French Riviera, France
> -----Original Message-----
> From: SECURWARE 2011 [mailto:invitation@iariaevent.org]
> Sent: Saturday, October 30, 2010 6:18 PM
> To: C.Mitchell@rhul.ac.uk
> Subject: 1st CfP: SECURWARE 2011 || August 21-27, 2011 - French
> Riviera, France
> =================
> Please consider to contribute to and/or forward to the appropriate
> groups the following opportunity to submit and publish original
> scientific results.
> =================
> ============== SECURWARE 2011 | Call for Papers ===============
> SECURWARE 2011: The Fifth International Conference on Emerging Security
> Information, Systems and Technologies
> August 21-27, 2011 - French Riviera, France
> General page: http://www.iaria.org/conferences2011/SECURWARE11.html
> Call for Papers:
> http://www.iaria.org/conferences2011/CfPSECURWARE11.html
> Submission deadline: March 23, 2011
> Sponsored by IARIA, www.iaria.org
> Extended versions of selected papers will be published in IARIA
> Journals: http://www.iariajournals.org
> Please note the Poster Forum and Work in Progress options.
> The topics suggested by the conference can be discussed in term of
> concepts, state of the art, research, standards, implementations,
> running experiments, applications, and industrial case studies. Authors
> are invited to submit complete unpublished papers, which are not under
> review in any other conference or journal in the following, but not
> limited to, topic areas.
> All tracks are open to both research and industry contributions, in
> terms of Regular papers, Posters, Work in progress,
> Technical/marketing/business presentations, Demos, Tutorials, and
> Panels.
> Before submission, please check and conform with the Editorial rules:
> http://www.iaria.org/editorialrules.html
> SECURWARE 2011 Topics (topics and submission details: see CfP on the
> site)
> ARCH: Security frameworks, architectures and protocols
>     Formal aspects of security; Security analysis methodologies;
> Security verification; Security protocols; Security architectures and
> formalisms; Security and design vulnerability; Security and privacy
> protection; Performance and security; Secure group
> communication/multicast; Software design security; Middleware security;
> Security for nomadic code; Intrusion detection systems; Static analysis
> for software security; Security modeling
> METRICS: Security, trust and privacy measurement
>     Security, trust and privacy metrics; Security assurance metrics;
> Security measurement architectures; Metrics for adaptive security
> systems; Taxonomical and ontological support of security metrics;
> Experiments and benchmarks for security measurements; Embedding
> security measurability in software and service architectures; Risk-
> driven assessment of security; Assessment of Effectiveness, Efficiency
> and Correctness of Security
> SECMAN: Security management
>     Identity management; Security law enforcement; PKI; PKI Key
> management; Incident response planning; Intrusion detection and event
> correlation; Firewalls; Trust management; Software security assurance
> SECTECH: Security technologies
>     Secure protocols; Applied cryptography; Smart cards; Biometrics;
> Digital rights management; Electronic surveillance; Database security
> SYSSEC: System security
>     Internet security; Security in wireless; Sensor/cellular network
> security; Ad hoc network security; Security in peer-to-peer networks;
> Security in wireless multimedia systems; Security in different networks
> (mesh, personal, local, metropolitan, GSM, Bluetooth, WiMax, IEEE
> 802.x, etc.); Security of emergency services
> INFOSEC: Information security
>     Information hiding; Anonymity; Authentication; Data Integrity;
> Security data mining; Data confidentiality and integrity; Information
> flow protection; Trustworthy networks: authentication, privacy and
> security models; Secure service discovery; Secure location-based
> service; Information survivability
> RISK: Risk and security
>     Operational risk (opRisk); OpRisk and field studies; Reputation
> risk; Risk and security-awareness; Business continuity and disaster
> recovery; Privacy-awareness; Security and trust
> MALWA: Malware and Anti-malware
>     Threat taxonomies and modeling; Security threats; Threats
> propagation; Anti-malware technologies; Engineering anti-malware; Anti-
> virus, anti-spyware, anti-phishing; Malware propagation models;
> Profiling security information; Vulnerability analysis and
> countermeasures; Denial of service attacks; Measurements and metrics;
> Testing samples and techniques; Quarantine/reuse decisions; Anti-
> malware tool performance; Anti-malware tool suites; Open-source anti-
> malware; Host-based anti-malware; On-line anti-malware scanning
> MISUSE: Electronic abuse protection
>     Messaging, viruses, spyware; Advanced misuse detection techniques
> /machine learning, natural language processing, challenge-response,
> etc./; Message filtering, blocking, authentication; Digital signatures;
> Generalized spamming /over email, Internet telephony, instant
> messaging, mobile phone,  phishing, etc. /; Spam compression and
> recognition; Learning misuse patterns; Payment schemes; Economics of
> generalized spam; Tracking abuse tactics and patterns; Protecting
> legitimate use patterns; Methods for testing protection robustness;
> Costs and benefits of messaging use and misuse; Standards for messaging
> and misuse reporting; Legal aspects /identity theft, privacy, freedom
> of speech, etc./
> ANTIFO: Anti-forensics
>     Advanced anti-forensics mechanisms; Smart anti-forensics; e-
> discovery industry and anti-forensics; Overwriting data and metadata;
> Data hiding approaches; Detecting forensics analysis; Anti-forensics
> tools; Unix-, Windows-, and Linux anti-forensics techniques; Open
> source anti-forensics tools; Network anti-forensics tools
> PRODAM: Profiling data mining
>     User and traffic profiling; Data mining and visualization; Profile
> mining and knowledge discovery; Mining lifecycle for profile
> collections; Profile warehouse construction; Profile portfolio and
> profile discovery; Profiling game users and game traffic; Profiling
> transactions; Simpson'd paradox; Real-time profiling mechanisms;
> Patterns for information profiling; Profiling engines; Profiling
> metrics; Forensics; Profiling applications (banks, on-line shopping,
> etc.); Data mining-based user profile prediction
> SECHOME: Smart home security
>     Fundamentals for SHS; Privacy and protection for SHS; Identify and
> location management in SHS; Authentication and authorization in SHS;
> Access control and security policies in SHS; Trust and reputation
> management; Security context-based interfaces for SHS; SHS for
> accessibility and elderly/disabled people; Real-time challenges for SHS
> in eHealth environments; Architectures and systems for SHS; Network
> technologies and protocols for SHS; Ubiquitous/pervasive platform and
> middleware for SHS; Services and applications for SHS; SHS on campuses
> and hotels; SHS for mission critical laboratories; Content protection
> and digital rights management for SHS; Intelligent devices, sensor
> network/RFID for SHS; Intrusion detection and computer forensics for
> SHS; SHS and Homeland security; Personal data privacy and protection in
> SHS; Emerging standards and technologies for SHS; Commercial and
> industrial for SHS; Case studies, prototypes and experience
> SECDYN: Security and privacy in dynamic environments
>     Fundamentals on highly dynamic environments; Privacy and predefined
> access control dilemma; Privacy police, provisions and obligations;
> Dependability in dynamic environments; Protection of digital documents
> in dynamic environments; On-line activities in high dynamic systems;
> Law enforcement in high dynamic systems; Personalization; Privacy and
> transparency; Distributed usage control; Privacy compliance; Secure
> ambient intelligence; Secure embedded microprocessor architectures;
> Secure compilation techniques
> ECOSEC: Ecosystem security and trust
>     Secure and trusted service compositions in peer-to-peer networks;
> Secure data management in collaborative peer-to-peer networks; Security
> and reputation models for self-adaptive overlay networks; Identity and
> trust management in dynamic, self-organizing environments; Social
> institutional-based trust models for self-evolving communities
> CRYPTO: Cryptography
>     Foundations of cryptography; Applied cryptography; Cryptanalysis;
> Signatures schemes and trust models; Cryptographic algorithms;
> Electronic payment systems; High-performance encryption methods; Group-
> oriented cryptography; Identity-based cryptography; Anonymous
> authentication; Cryptography for multi-user environments; Cryptography
> and secure localization systems; Attacks on cryptosystems
> CYBER-Threat
>     e-Crime; Epidemiological models for warware and cyber-crime
> propagation; Record and retrieval of cyber-crimes; Cyber-crime
> prevention; Cyber-crime vulnerabilities; Cyber-counterattack at source;
> Distributed cyber-attacks; Orchestrated cyber-attacks; Recursion
> attacks; Cyber-storm attacks; Cyber-pranks, hoaxes; Phishing/Pharming
> and anti-phishing; Cyber-terrorism; Online cyber-crime reporting;
> Accuracy and security of cyber-reports; Fighting cyber-crimes; Cyber-
> crime laws
> Committee will be posted soon.

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