Build 1829
requires software maintenance through 2010.07.31 (Release candidate.)
* New! "Selections committed with" behavior for member lists is now configurable under VA Options | Advanced | Listboxes. (case=9369) 9588, 9457, 9385, 8972, 8807, 8793, 8791, 8742, 8136, 7931, 7273, 7055, 7023, 7002, 6900, 6802, 6761
* New! Typing ~ within a C++ class declaration suggests the destructor for the class. (case=47139)
* Fixed potential crash while reloading projects with some third party addins present (e.g. WIX or Designbox). (case=46239)
* Fixed IDE hang when manipulating VAssistX menu after expired trial. (case=46289)
* Fix for caret moving unexpectedly when issuing Goto (Alt+G) while the Code Definition Window is open. (case=22548) 9582, 9369, 8424
* Fixed potential lag while typing in C# files. (case=46287)
* Fix for suggestions appearing unexpectedly when typing fast. (case=45586)
* Fixed unexpected editor scroll that sometimes occurred after renaming a symbol. (case=46551) 9637
* Find References highlights member initialization lists and constructor invocations using the modified color. (case=4154) 9651, 9372, 9311, 7214
* Managed C++ finalizers are parsed correctly. (case=19150) 9547, 8909, 8443, 8134
* Fixed global scope resolution operator (::) being changed to a single colon by Create/Move Implementation. (case=45850)
* Removed VA Snippet suggestions that cluttered C# override completion lists. (case=42309) 9477
* Fix for parsing error following a block comment ending with \*/ . (case=46838) 9645
* Improved spell checking inside comments. (case=3689, case=29867, case=41543) 9445, 9406, 9126, 8858, 5634
* VA Options | Startup | Check Now button checks for both release and beta versions (fixed problem in which betas could be missed). (case=45757)
* VS2010: Fix for member listboxes appearing behind tooltips and other windows. (case=40685, case=47502) 9388
* VS2010: Fixed problem with C++/CLI parameter info and quick info tooltips. (case=42348, case=42351) 9482
* VS2010: Fixed slowdown with many open files. (case=46408)
* VS2010: Find text highlight works in files that are not syntax colored. (case=46637) 9642
* VS2010: Fixed brace insertion conflict with Productivity Power Tools. (case=46640)
* VS2010: Spell check is offered for plain text files. (case=46131) 9621