[分享]CCNC'2011, CFP: Special Session on Smart Grids - EXTENDED DEADLINE
发表于: 2010-8-2 17:49 5947

[分享]CCNC'2011, CFP: Special Session on Smart Grids - EXTENDED DEADLINE

2010-8-2 17:49
[CCNC'2011 SS SmartGrids] CFP: Special Session on Smart Grids - EXTENDED DEADLINE


Special Session on Smart Grids:  Emerging Services and Networks

IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference 2011

Jan 9 - 12, 2011 * Las Vegas, NV, USA


The future smart grid will enable cost savings and lower energy use by means of smart appliances and smart meters which support dynamic load management and real-time monitoring of energy use and distribution.  The Smart Grid will interface with smart appliances and area networking in the home. The introduction of two-way communications and control into power grid enables coordination of home energy use with the real-time economics of the power grid, while introducing security and privacy concerns.

Deployment of Smart Grids opens important new services for consumers and means that home networks for appliances and personal electronics may be integrated and monitored for energy management.

Important progress has been in Smart Grid architecture, and there are many pilot projects underway around the world. The details of Smart Grid network and services is still evolving.

The goal of this special session is to provide a forum for engineers, architects, and researchers to share knowledge and innovation in Smart Grid evolution focusing on network and service issues touching consumers.
We solicit papers covering various topics of interest that include (but are not limited to) the following:

   * End-to-end networking
   * Area network integration with smart grid
   * Protocols for control and event delivery
   * Gateways and smart meter interconnectivity and routing
   * Event distribution and load management
   * Novel services
   * Cyber security and privacy
   * Wide-area situational awarness
   * Consumer-to-consumer power re-distribution mechanisms and networking
   * Standardization
   * Pilot projects and deployments

Authors are invited to submit regular technical papers or position papers.
The position papers should present novel technologies at an early stage of development or share future vision. All submissions should describe original, previously unpublished research, not currently under review by another conference or journal. Manuscripts should not exceed five (5) pages in double-column IEEE format. Please submit the paper via EDAS.


Deadline: Aug 31, 2010 ** EXTENDED **

Submissions for the Special Sessions are subject to the same rules, guidelines and peer review as all other papers.

Further information can be found on

Session Organizers:

Thomas Chen (Swansea University)
John Buford (Avaya Labs Research)


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