[分享]Journal of Communications - Special Issue on IP Communication Services
发表于: 2010-7-15 16:11 5915

[分享]Journal of Communications - Special Issue on IP Communication Services

2010-7-15 16:11
[JCM-IPComm] CFP: Journal of Communications - Special Issue on IP Communication Services

Journal of Communications


Special Issue on IP Communication Services

The success of Internet telephony applications has demonstrated the feasibility of IP communications to support millions of concurrent users. What started initially as a technology for toll-bypass in the switched telephone network has now grown to subsume the switched telephone network. However, creating scalable innovative services for Internet telephony in a rapid manner is still a work in progress.

The web service creation model served as an initial model of creating services in Internet telephony and still continues in the same role. As web mashups proliferated, voice mashups gained currency; as RSS feeds lead to innovative web services, the voice market capitalized with voice-enabled RSS feeds. Added to this mix are more recent technological advances such as virtualization, virtual worlds, IMS and mobile technologies, and capable personal digital assistants -- all enabling a variety of new communication protocols, services and architectures.

The Special Issue on IP Communication Services welcomes original submissions from both researchers and practitioners that explore recent advances in architecture, system, protocol, modeling, and testbed design, as well as emerging applications and standards related to IP Communication Services.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Contribution of web service model to Internet telephony services

Service modeling and model checking

User expectations in web services versus Internet telephony services

New communication services and service models

Compositional services

Cloud-based IP communications infrastructure

Context-aware communication services

Social networking and IP communications

Converged communication services

P2P overlay for IP communications services

Service discovery

Service management

IP communication services for mobile users

Mobile P2P communication services

IP communications in the power grid

Research issues in vertical IP communications markets


Services and identity management


Authors are invited to submit original and unpublished papers. Submissions should follow the author guidelines of Journal of Communications and the complete instructions for prospective authors can be found at http://www.academypublisher.com/jcm/forauthors.html. For further questions or inquiries, please contact the corresponding guest editor (jcm-specialissue-editors at samrg dot org).


The Journal of Communications has an open access publication policy. Consequently there are paper and page charges to authors or their institutions as stipulated on the Journal of Communications website. Please see the "For Authors" section of the JCM website for further information.

Important Dates

Submission Deadline: Nov 1, 2010

Author Notification: March 1, 2011

Final Manuscript due: April 1, 2011

Publication Date: Q3 2011

Guest Editors

John Buford Avaya Labs Research (buford at avaya dot com)

Vijay K. Gurbani Bell Laboratories, Alcatel-Lucent (vkg at bell-labs dot com)

Anand R. Prasad NEC Corp., Japan (anand at bq dot jp dot nec dot com)


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